Pacific Association/USA Track & Field



At our annual meeting on June 26th we discussed and agreed upon three items:

1) The Region 14/Junior Olympics Qualifying Meet will, once again, take place the day after the California High School (CIF) State Championships.  The meet will be on Sunday, November 27th, at Woodward Park in Fresno.

2) We did the bidding for our cross country schedule.  Some minor changes have since been resolved.  The complete schedule is listed below.

3) Our point scoring system for meets leading up to the Pacific Association/Junior Olympics Qualifying Meet will go back to our original system.


We will be hosting nine (9) meets, between September24th and November 20th, before the Region 14 Junior Olympic.  We will have a scoring system at eight (8) of those meets for boys and girls in the Bantam, Midget and Youth age groups.  At each meet, if you come in 1st in your age group you will receive 10 point, 2nd =9, 3rd =8, etc.  At our November 20th PA/JO Championships the athletes who have scored the most number of points in each of these six age groups will be presented with a trophy and a whole lot of recognition.   The athletes who have scored the 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th most points will receive a letter of accomplishment and recognition. 


We would like to have as many of our athletes and clubs take part in all of our meets.  It supports the clubs that host the meets and it makes our athletes better in competition.  The more athletes there are, the better the competition.  And the better the competition, the better the athletes will be.


Not all athletes in your club are good sprinters or good throwers or good jumpers.  Some of them could be good distance runners.  If your club is not involved in cross country give it a try!  The coaching is a lot easier than track and field as there is only one event!  Or, if your club is not involved in cross country, your athletes may legally take part in cross country with another club.




1) All PA Youth athletes may compete in our PA/JOs on Sunday, November 20th.  You must have a USATF card.  You may purchase a USATF card on  You must compete in your age groups (the age group is listed at the bottom of the schedule).  You must fill out and turn in a National Junior Olympic form (this will be on in a few months) and you will turn in a copy of your birth certificate.  All teams must turn in a team declaration form.  The entry fee will be $6.

2) To qualify to compete in the Region 14 Junior Olympics (November 27th) you must have placed in the top 25, as an individual, in your age group at the PA/JOs or you are one of the eight (8) runners on your registered club’s team that place, as a team, in the top three (3) at the PA/JOs.  The entry fee is $7 (cash only) and it must be turned in prior to leaving the PA/JOs on November 20th.  Other athletes may compete in the Region 14 Meet without qualifying in the PA/JOs if they met a) and/or b):

     a) The athlete must have competed in the California State Cross Country

         Championships on November 26th.

     b) The athlete may be added to a qualifying team, or replace a qualifying team

         member, so long as there will be no fewer than five (5) or more than eight (8) team


3) To qualify to compete in the National Junior Olympics (December 10th) you must have place in the top 20, as an individual, in your age group at the Region 14/JOs or you are one of eight (8) runners on your team that placed, as a team, in the top three (3) in the Region 14/JOs.  The entry fee is $8 and must be paid (cash only) before you leave Fresno on November 27th.













Mailing Address__________________________________________________________




Home #___________________Work #_________________E-Mail_________________


TO BRING OUR CROSS COUNTRY LIST UP TO DATE please Email the above information or fill in and mail this sheet.  You will receive information and entry forms for all Youth Cross Country meets by Email.  If you filled out this form at our June 25th meeting you do not have to fill this in. If you or you’re club are not sure or want information mail or Email the filled-in blanks to:



Mail to:  Bob Shor – Youth Cross Country

1730 St. Francis Road

Santa Rosa, CA 95409

     (707) 539-6787

     [email protected]   


This year’s schedule is below.  Next year (2006) the National JO Cross Country Championships will be in Spokane, Washington.


Pacific Association/USATF


Day  Date         Hosted by                                       Meet Location

Sat. Sept. 24    Luis Distance Club                  Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo                

                         Jim Barodte (805) 528-6096          [email protected]


Sun. Oct 2       Tony Williams’ TC                         Pt. Pinole Park, Richmond

                        Tony Williams (510) 206-5403       [email protected]


Sun. Oct 9       Santa Rosa Express TC                   Spring Lake Park, Santa Rosa

                        Bob Shor (707) 539-6787               [email protected]     


Sun. Oct. 16    City Track                                        Golden Gate Park, San Francisco

                        Otis Campbell (510) 547- 1477       [email protected]


Sun. Oct. 23     Salinas Valley TC                           Toro Park, Salinas

                         Fay Wenger (831) 596-1332           [email protected]


Sun. Oct. 30     Buffalo Chips                                   Willow Hill/Folsom HS, Folsom

                         George Paddeck (916) 645-0470     [email protected]


Sun. Nov 6       Silver State Striders                         Rancho San Rafael Park, Reno

                         Bruce Susong ((775) 849-0599        [email protected]


Sun Nov 13      Pleasanton Heats                               Shadow Cliffs Park, Pleasanton

                         Dave Stratman (925) 462-1337        [email protected]


Sun. Nov. 20    PA/JOs – PA/USATF                     Spring Lake Park, Santa Rosa

                         Bob Shor (707) 539-6787               [email protected]


Sun. Nov. 27    Region 14/JOsCentral California   Woodward Park, Fresno

                         Susan Johnson                                     [email protected]                                                        


Sat. Dec.   10    National Junior Olympics                 Providence, Rhode Island


Sub-Bantams  2000m  Born 1997 or later

Starting on November 20th sub-bantams must compete as bantams

Bantams        3000m   Born 1995 or 1996          Intermediates  5000m  Born 1989 or 1990

Midgets         3000m   Born 1993 or 1994          Young             5000m  Born 1987 or 1988

Youth            4000m   Born 1991 or 1992


If you have any questions please contact Bob Shor, PA Youth Cross Country Chairman:

     1730 St. Francis Road                                         (707) 539-6787

     Santa Rosa, CA 95409                                         [email protected]