Clarksburg HS
Sunday, Nov. 9, 2003

Present: Tyler Abbott, Men's LDR Chair (Hoy's Excelsior); Lloyd
Stephenson, Masters LDR Chair (Hoy's Excelsior); Julie Fingar, Women's
LDR chair (unattached); Michelle Hannaford, XC Co-chair (Imppala); Cynci Calvin,
PA & LDR Secretary (Buffalo Chips); Tim O'Rourke (Hoy's Excelsior); Karen
Ribble (Impala); Sara Gigliotti (Impala); Charles DesJardins (Tamalpa).

Meeting called to order at 1:20 p.m.

**Minutes from the October 18 Humboldt meeting were unanimously approved
with the correction of the first sentence in the Ultra 2004 schedule to read:
"still has some events with permitting issues."

Cross Country
1) For 2004, a new race possible in Sacramento area organized by Sacramento clubs.
2) As a result of the "runners off course" incident at the Tamalpa XC event,
it was recommended by the Jury of Appeals that XC rules will be sent to race
3) To vote on at the next meeting: "If runners go off course due to event
management negligence as determined by the LDR Committee, a penalty of up
to $500 may be imposed on that race."

Tamalpa is hosting the banquet. Date is set for January 31. Information is
posted on Tamalpa's web site and on the PA/USATF web site.

1) Linda Hall was unanimously approved as an LDR Communications Committee
2) For Board of Athletics representatives, two more women are still needed.

1) CIM date is December 5, so bid was accepted. This makes the Christmas
Relays a single point race.
2) Fleet Feet Mile date set for July 11.
3) Humboldt date discussed since RD is concerned about conflicts with US
Half and XC. She would like to see if US Half would change its date.
Tyler agreed to contact US Half. If they won't change their date, Humboldt's
date will remain October 17.

1) Unanimously passed: Any rule change made for the Road Grand Prix
wherein the rule being change is the same for the Cross Country Grand
Prix and that does not conflict with Cross Country guidelines will
automatically apply to Cross Country.
2) Unanimously NOT passed: For events longer than 25K, open men's &
women's and men's masters will require 5 members instead of 3.
3) Unanimously passed: to increase the XC purse to $1,000 for a 1 point
value and if $1500 is offered it will have a 1.5 point value.
4) Not passed with 6 nays, 3 ayes: to score 5 out of 6 events in the long
distance section of the Road Grand Prix.

Elite athlete bio form to come from Dave Rhody and Susan Beck and posted
on web.

None made.

Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.