Across The Bay 12K Meeting Sunday, March 21, 2004 Aquatic Park (finish of race), San Francisco Meeting called to order at 10:16 a.m. Minutes from January 10, 2004 Cal 10 meeting unanimously apprved. Present: Tyler Abbott, Men's LDR Chair (Excelsior); Lloyd Stephenson, Masters LDR Chair (Excelsior); Dan Preston, co-web master (Empire); Tony Coffee (Aggies); Kevin Searls (Aggies); Cary Craig, Womens' XC Subcommittee Co-chair (Buffalo Chips); Bob Venditti (Buffalo Chips); Cheryl Shwe (Impalas); Irene Herman, PA Membership Chair (Impalas); Joe Hurtado (Tamapa); Don Porteous (Tamalpa); Frank Ruona (Tamalpa); Robert (Ken?) Grebenstein (Tamalpa); Mark Winitz (WVJS). RULE CHANGES 1) Unanimously approved with 2 abstentions (with the amendment described below) that Individual Super Senior road race winners will be awarded $25. Amendment: the senior division road race winner will receive $50 (down from $75) to provide the funding of the $25 for the men's super senior winner. 2) Unanimously approved to award the season end Road Grand Prix 2nd place masters prize money $250 (down from $300) and to award 1st place senior winners $200 (down from $250) to generate $100 to award to season end 1st place Super Senior. 3) Unanimously approved to award comp entries to the top three season end road grand prix super seniors instead of just the top one. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS XC - 1st GG Park XC race may move from Sat. to Sun.; there will be a separate men's masters race. - Pac 10 XC Championships will be at GG Park on Oct. 30. XC race prize money One pt. races must put up $1,000 1.5 pt. races must put up $1,500 - $100 from each race to be sent to the PA (formerly used to fund brochure) to help fund travel of 4 PA athletes to the winter nationals. - XC race directors would like to be informed of final bidding so they can make adjustments to increase prize money to have more points - "No race will be able to start without appropriate medical personnel in place." Applies to all sanctioned races and will be enforced. The PA a medical committee to help race director locate appropriate medical personnel. - Appropriate water stations are also required for sanctioned events. - These requirements need to be put on web site. - Tim Wason agreed to work on a list of potential medical personnel for the web site. SPONSORSHIP/FUNDRAISING The motion from the Cal 10 meeting to add an additional 500 to 600 bears to be purchased with $1500 from LDR funds and sold at the Trials or at Youth Meets or other competitions at a profit for an LDR fundraiser was not allowed by the PA board of Athletics, but money was allocated from the Marketing Committee budget for this purpose. Possibility was raised to hire someone to do marketing on a commission basis. 2005 BANQUET Impalas have volunteered! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED - 2 women for LDR Board of Athletics reps - Road Grand Prix Scorer (Ed parrot is stepping down after Pacific Sun); Will get this posted on the web site. ROAD GRAND PRIX - Humboldt Half Marathon date is set for October 17. - Date survey for Cal 10: 75% in favor of move to a February date. Tyler will inform RD of survey results. - Over 70% of comped athlete bios are in; noncompliers will be taken off the comp list until bios are submitted. - A note will be put on web site as follows: "To modify or update bio, resubmit a form with changed or updated information." NEW BUSINESS - To be voted on at the Zippy 5K meeting: rule change proposal submitted by Thom Trimble to change prize money distribution for multiple point races to mirror single point races as described below: Multiple-point Team Prize Money Current Single Point Team Distribution is as follows: Open: 225/125/50; Masters 125/75; Senior 75 Current Multiple-Point Distribution: 1.5 Pt - Open: 325/175/75; Masters 200/75; Seniors 75; 2.0 pt. - Open 500/200/100/50; Masters: 300/100/50; Seniors: 100/50 3.0 pt. - Open: 650/300/175/75; Masters: 350/175/100; Seniors: 125/50 Proposed Multiple-Point Distribution: 1.5 pt. - Open: 300/175/100; Masters 175/100; Seniors 75 2.0 pt. - Open: 400/250/125/75; Masters: 250/125/75; Seniors: 100/50 3.0 PT Open; 575/325/175/100; Masters: 325/200/100; Seniors: 125/75 - No outstanding protests or appeals - first women member joins Team Monterey. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 11:10 a.m.