Meeting called to order by Tyler Abbott, LDR Chair at 11:04AM.
Members present:
Tyler Abbott, Excelsior; Frank Ruona, Tamalpa; Hollis Lenderking, BAUR;
Mark Winitz, WVJS; Irene Herman, Impalas; Don Porteous, Tamalpa; Flora
Lee, Impalas; Tony Coffey, Aggies; Tim Wason, Excelsior; Robert Gormley,
Approved the minutes of the Across The Bay 12K Meeting-unanimously.
Subcommittee Reports
Ultra Running- Nothing to report per Hollis Lenderking
XC- Tyler reported that the schedule given him by the cross country
co-chairs (not present) was provisional. Races are moved forward one week
per calendar compared to last year. Tony Coffey made a clarification that
the Folsom Challenge is a replacement of the Sierra race. There is a new
race, the Fleet Feet Open in Sacramento, on the schedule. Frank Ruona
asked for a clarification of the championship--if it was higher in points
or whether it was mandatory to race but points are the same. The chair
responded that it is neither, but must count as one of the six (of ten)
races (so if a runner or team doesn�t race, they get zero points for one
of their six races) The XC Champs is scheduled for Nov. 21, 2004, Sunday.
Tim Wason said that there is a separate race for the master men at the
first Golden Gate Park race for the first time. Frank Ruona moved to
approve the XC schedule. Seconded by Mark Winitz. All approved.
Sponsorship/Fundraising: no report
LDR Banquet- nothing new to report from the host Impalas
Volunteers-we are still seeking 2 women of the BOA, Road GP scorer to
replace Ed Parrot and LDR Secretary. Dan Preston will temporary help in
road and maintain his role in XC as a scorer.
Rule Changes
At Across the Bay LDR Meeting, it was approved that $25.00 be shifted from
Seniors to first place Super Senior(individual division). The issue is
whether we would make it effective this year and comped next year. Bob
Gormley moved that comps apply this year for next year�s grand prix. Frank
Ruona seconded the motion. All approved.
Thom Trimble�s proposal to change prize money distribution for multiple
point races to mirror single point races was moved and seconded:
Multiple-point Team Prize Money
Current Single Point Team Distribution is as follows:
Open: 225/125/50; Masters 125/75; Senior 75
Current Multiple-Point Distribution:
1.5 Pt - Open: 325/175/75; Masters 200/75; Seniors 75;
2.0 pt. - Open 500/200/100/50; Masters: 300/100/50; Seniors: 100/50
3.0 pt. - Open: 650/300/175/75; Masters: 350/175/100; Seniors: 125/50
Proposed Multiple-Point Distribution:
1.5 pt. - Open: 300/175/100; Masters 175/100; Seniors 75
2.0 pt. - Open: 400/250/125/75; Masters: 250/125/75; Seniors: 100/50
3.0 PT Open; 575/325/175/100; Masters: 325/200/100; Seniors: 125/75
This proposal did not include the approval per 12K LDR meeting of the
super senior prize money.
Don Porteous moved to table the proposal because it did not include the
super senior changes. Frank Ruona seconded. The motion to table carried
unanimously. Frank Ruona and Bob Gormley will work on the amendment.
Discussion: Bob Gormley asked why wasn�t there prize money for the super
seniors? Frank Ruona responded by saying that in the past there wasn�t
enough super senior participation. Mr. Gormley was invited to propose a
change in the prize money structure to allow more for super seniors.
New Business
AADP representative to Freihofer 5K--Chris Lundy selected at the day�s
Zippy�s 5K.
Motion to adjourn the meeting by Frank Ruona and seconded by Don Porteous.

Meeting adjoured at 11:23am.
Respectfully submitted,
Irene Herman,
Acting Secretary for this meeting
The very simple LDR Secretary duties:
It's easy! Attend the 4 or 5 LDR Committee meetings (which traditionally
follow a Road Grand Prix event) and take minutes. The meetings have become
very well-organized and usually take less than an hour. The minutes should
a) date and location of the meeting
b) attendees list (hand out a paper and pen for attendees to record names,
clubs, e-mails)
c) the time it starts
d) motions that are presented and whether they are passed or not passed
e) the time the meeting adjourns
Please note that you need not include extensive reports of the discussions -
the purpose of the minutes is to have the basics on record. Type up the
minutes and e-mail to Tyler for a cross check. Before the next meeting Tyler
will e-mail the minutes and an agenda to Cynci Calvin who will send them out
to the LDR list and to web master Dan Preston for posting on the web site.