Benbow/Humboldt meeting October 16, 2004 Call to order at 3:25 PM by Lloyd Stephenson ( New Balance Excelsior), Masters LDR Chair and Acting Chair also present: Ken Grebenstein (Tamalpa), Jim Bordoni (WVJS), Hollis Lenderking (Ultra chair, BAUR), Bernie Hollander (Tamalpa), Dan Preston (cross country scorer, Empire), Russ Kiernan (Tamalpa), Sam Hirabayashi (Tamalpa), Ann Hardham (Tamalpa), Sarah McGowan (Impala), Tony Coffey (Aggies), Phil Phythian (Tamalpa), Tom Bernhard (New Balance Excelsior) Picture of Attendees Minutes of prior meeting, May 9th at Zippy 5K, approved. Committee reports: Ultra (Lenderking): Headlands 50K race scheduled as 1 pt. event, added prize money late with no notice in any official PA organ. This amount of prize money should make it a 2 pt. event. One known complaint. Chair or his committee to take action. LDR prefers they do something rather than nothing; organizers to be put on notice of sloppy administration. Mary Fagan received $500 travel award for recent 100K World Champs. in Holland. XC: No report, however vote taken to resolve point value of Crystal Springs race of Nov. 13. Decision to reverse LDR email vote, and keep race as 1 pt. per published schedule. LDR Awards Banquet 2005: Impalas have withdrawn offer to host. Discussion of bigger subsidy, joint effort of two clubs, assessing most or all clubs $100, permanent host. Agreed new thinking needed to resolve annual problem of lack of willing volunteers for big chore that loses money. No action. Budget: Stephenson briefly reports that the 2005 PA budget will be similar to recent ones: lean in general, with the LDR GP at $15,000, possibly rising to $20,000 as in last two years. Volunteers: No takers yet for two spots on Board of Athletics for women. Tom Bernhard has offered to assume the road scoring duties starting 2005, replacing Ed Parrot. Offer gratefully accepted. No volunteer for Secretary. Rules Changes: Proposal for team prize money at GP races again tabled because of lack of an amendment affecting super seniors, due from Frank Ruona and Bob Gormley, per minutes of May 9th. New Business: 2005 Road GP schedule: Rejected as submitted. All thirteen races from March through November accepted in one subsequent vote, with following provisos: Big Sur and Zippy 5Ks have complete bids by Nov. 12, Shriners 8K course is known by Nov. 12 (2004 course not well received), and Paso Robles 10K be 2 points (prize$ doesn't seem to add up at 1 indv./3 team). Cal 10 rejection tied to widespread dislike of date and reluctance of sponsor to change same. CIM and Xmas Relays bids appear incomplete or absent, and are easily dealt with later due to their dates. Note that this 2005 GP schedule has a new race, a 10K April 3rd in Milpitas. Travel funds: No action since no one present is informed. Rules Change Proposals: First one, to 16.4 in LDR Guide, tabled, many preferring to see a notice date when declined comp status must be stated. Second one, concerning a new LDR executive committee, also tabled due to lack of time. Question arose, shouldn't this also include dissolution of the steering committee from 3.6 and 3.7? Appeals: Wolfpack master women failed to submit scoresheet on time for Presidio XC, request forbearance. Appeal rejected, consistent with many precedents. All actions taken in the above were by unanimous vote, usually 7-0. Acting Chair notes that meeting is rather slow and unproductive due to his imperfect knowledge of LDR Guide, and the absence of LDR Chair, Secretary, and Bid Coordinator. Next meeting at Clarksburg, November 14th, after the 30K race. Meeting adjourned at 5:25 PM, due to attrition of attendees. Submitted by Lloyd Stephenson based on notes by Phythian. ___________________________ The very simple LDR Secretary duties: It's easy! Attend the 4 or 5 LDR Committee meetings (which traditionally follow a Road Grand Prix event) and take minutes. The meetings have become very well-organized and usually take less than an hour. The minutes should include: a) date and location of the meeting b) attendees list (hand out a paper and pen for attendees to record names, clubs, e-mails) c) the time it starts d) motions that are presented and whether they are passed or not passed e) the time the meeting adjourns Please note that you need not include extensive reports of the discussions - the purpose of the minutes is to have the basics on record. Type up the minutes and e-mail to Tyler for a cross check. Before the next meeting Tyler will e-mail the minutes and an agenda to Cynci Calvin who will send them out to the LDR list and to web master Dan Preston for posting on the web site.