October 25, 2004 (Revision 1-Stanford Clinic Update)


Dear Fellow Official,


This is to let you know the plans for the recertification clinics for 2004-2005.  As you know we all have to be recertified for the new Olympiad.  In order to try to make this as painless as possible we are offering Recertification Clinics at which you can take the Association Level test as part of the clinic in groups or 3 or 4, get your picture taken if needed, and fill out the remaining paperwork.

For your convenience I have attached this whole letter including the two attached forms in an acrobat file.  I have also attached the forms in separate Word files. You should be able to download these files and then print the required two forms. If you have problems, let me know and I will send the two forms separately.  The letter and the forms will also be available on the PAUSATF website under Officials.

Since the first recertification clinic is in Sacramento in two weeks, please let us know soonest if you plan to attend so we can have the right number of books and review test available.

Here is a list of all the recertification clinics.







Nov. 7

9:00 am-12:00 pm

RW Recertification Clinic


Conference Room, Hughes Stadium, Sacramento City College

Art Klein, George Kleeman, Dick Petruzzi

Nov. 7

12:30 pm -4:30 pm

T&F Recertification Clinic


First Aid Room, North end of Hughes Stadium, Sacramento City College

John Shirey, John Murray, Joann Ottens, Jim Hume

Nov. 14

9:00 am-1:00 pm

T&F Recertification Clinic


Gym Building just below track at San Francisco City College

Bruce Colman, Dick Connors, Jim Hume, Margaret Sheehan

Nov. 14

1:30 pm-4 :30 pm

RW Recertification Clinic


Gym Building just below track at San Francisco City College

Art Klein, George Kleeman

Nov. 21

9:00 am-1:00 pm

T&F Recertification Clinic


Stanford at Arrillaga Sports Center (SW of Track):  ABC conference room & Kissick Auditorium

Rick Milam, John Lilygren, Dick Connors, Leon Glover

Nov. 21

1:30 pm-4 :30 pm

RW Recertification Clinic


Stanford at Arrillaga Sports Center (SW of Track):  ABC conference room & Kissick Auditorium

Art Klein

Dec .4

9:00 am-1:00 pm

T&F Recertification Clinic



Reed High School, Sparks- Signs from front entrance

John and Deri Bowen







Dec. 18

1:00 pm-5:00 pm

T&F Recertification Clinic


Santa Rosa, Bob Shor's house 1730 St. Francis Road, Santa Rosa, CA 95409

Bob Shor (707) 539-6787 [email protected], Bob Podkaminer

Dec. 18

9:00 am-1:00 pm

T&F Recertification Clinic


Hartnell College by Gym near front entrance, Salinas

Joe Nemeth, Jim Hume

Jan. 8

1:00 pm-4:00 pm

LDR Recertification Clinic


Marina Middle School, Bay and Fillmore. Park in School lot on east side off Bay before Fillmore.

Rick and Kathi Berman, Mark Wintz

Feb. 5

9:00 am-1:00 pm

T&F Recertification Clinic



John Lipsey and Dennis Boyle

Feb. 12?

9:00 am-1:00 pm

Last Chance T&F Recertification Clinic



If enough demand it will be held on Feb 12, contact Tony Williams at . (209) 892-6818.

For the recertification clinic you need to

So what reviews do you need to take? Look in the appropriate column if you are certified or want to be certified at that level and then go to the sport or disciplines of interest.  If you want to be certified in both T&F and LDR then you need to satisfy both rows.  For RW and T&F above Association level you need to satisfy both those rows.  If you a National certified level official in one discipline or skill and Master level in another area then you need to take the Master level reviews which will automatically qualify you for association or national level.  Note the numbers indicate how many reviews are need for that level of certification in that sport or discipline.

Level to be certified at /

Sports or Disciplines

Association Level

National Level

Master Level

Track & Field

Association Level T&F Review (1)

Association and National Level T&F Reviews (2)

Association, National & Masters Level T&F Reviews (3)

LDR & Cross Country

NO T&F Reviews are necessary.

Association Level LDR Review (1)

Association and National Level LDR Reviews (2)

Association, National & Masters Level LDR Reviews (3)

Race Walking

Association T&F Review IS necessary

Association Level T&F and RW Reviews (2)

Association and National Level RW Reviews and Association Level T&F Review (3)

Association, National & Masters Level RW Reviews and Association Level T&F Review (4)


W&M Review (1)

W&M Review (1)

W&M Review (1)

Technical Manager


Resume to Kleeman

Resume to Kleeman



Each one you want

Each one you want

National Referee


Same as for this level


Master Track Referee



Master Level T&F Reviews and Master Track Referee Test (4)

Master Field Referee



Master Level T&F Reviews and Master Field Referee Test (4)

Master LDR/XC Referee



Master LDR/XC Level Reviews and Master LDR/XC Referee Test (4)

Master Race Walk Referee



Master RW Level Reviews and Master RW Referee Test (5)

Master Combined Events Referee



Master Level T&F Reviews and Master Combined Events Referee Test (4)


Steps for getting your 2005 USATF membership number and temporary card online after November 1,2004 for 2005: (Don't try to register before November 1.)

v     Go to www.pausatf.org website.

v     Put the cursor on the "Join Now" button and hit enter.

v     If you don't live in the Pacific Association per se or don't have online access, then you will need to use one of the two print application options on this page to print a paper copy and send it in to the Pacific Association Office at 120 Ponderosa Ct, Folsom, CA 95630 with your check for $20.  You don't get a discount since we will have to send you your card. If your not sure look at the map that is available by doing the next step. 

v     If you live in the association then put the cursor on "Signup Online" and hit enter.

v     If you have been a member in any year since 2001 then signing up is easy but you will need your previous membership number and your password.  This is not your Officials badge number but you membership card number.  It has 10 numbers.  If you don't have your password then put the cursor on "Don't Know Your Password" and hit enter and follow the directions.  It will help you get your password.  If you haven't been registered since 2000 complete the application form.  Under the membership categories, check your current level of certification.  Note to pay for the online registration you will need a credit card. 

The regular clinics for next year are currently being scheduled and will be the subject of a subsequent letter.  Both this letter and the clinic letter will be available online at the PAUSATF website.

Yours in track,

George Kleeman, Jim Hume

George Kleeman and Jim Hume


Instructions for Completing the Certification Application and Database Form

Please Print! If you do not type the information on the form, please make a special effort to print as legibly as possible- no abbreviations. Remember, the person entering the information is not familiar with your handwriting. To help data entry, Certification Chairs are to note any changes, updates or upgrades with a highlighter. All those being USATF certified for the first time are to be certified at the Association level.

Item #

1.               Certification Number: Enter your six-digit certification number (e.g., 003792) including the leading zero (A0") provided for you. Leave this blank if you are being USA Track & Field certified for the first time or are unsure. This number will then be entered by the USATF Vice Chair - Certifications.

2.               Name: Print/Type your last name (including Jr., Sr., Ph.D., MD, etc.), your first name and your middle initial (up to 4 characters). A Dr. will not be entered in front of your name.

3.               Nickname: Indicate any nickname (Smith, Fred G. Lefty).

4.               Address: Indicate your complete mailing address (e.g., Rural Route #1 - Box 438 or 1032 3rd West). The National Committee may contact you about certain major meets or with general information.

5.               City: Indicate the name of the city needed for your mailing address (e.g., Issaquah).

6.               State: Indicate the 2-letter postal abbreviation for the state for your mailing address (e.g., WA).

7.               ZIP Code: Enter the ZIP code (5 or 9 numbers) for your nailing address (e.g., 98027 or 98027-0255).

8.               Phone:( Provide the area code and phone number where you can be reached during the evening hours.

9.               Gender: Indicate your gender (sex) by placing a check mark () in the appropriate box.

10.           Association: Indicate the name of your local USA track & Field Association (if not already indicated).

11.           First Year: Indicate the first year you officiated any track and field events (whether certified or not).

12.           Date of 1st USATF/TAC Certification: The Vice Chair - Certifications will indicate the date you were first registered as a Certified Official by TAC/USA or USA Track & Field. Please leave this item blank.


13.           Data Current As: Completed by the Vice Chair - Certifications, this date is when the data is received and is approved for database entry. It will be 10/1/2000 or later and indicates the most current effective date of all entered data.

14.           Certification Level: Your Association Certification Chair will enter an overall certification level status (either Association, National, Master, or Emeritus). This level is established, awarded and entered by your Association Certification Chair and is subject to review each four-year Olympiad (i.e., This level is awarded for the 2000-2004 Olympiad period only).

15.           New Upgrade: Your Association certification Chair will indicate the new overall certification level (Association, National, Master, or Emeritus) to which you have been promoted.

16.           Latest Upgrade Date: Your Association certification Chair will indicate the date on which you were awarded your latest (i.e., current overall certification level (Association, National, Master or Emeritus).

Digital Picture File Name: If a digital picture is being submitted with this application, this would be the name of the file. It is preferred that the name be in LastName,FirstName.JPG format i.e., Brown,George.JPG. Camera generated file numbers will be accepted.

17-19 Skill Specializations: The Association Certification Chair will CIRCLE an appropriate letter to the left of each officiating skill area which applicant actively serves as a competition official. This indicates the skill rating the applicant has achieved for that officiating skill (i.e., an A will be circled if certified at the Association level for that skill, or N@ for National level, or M for Master level). A certification level for any individual skill/event area cannot be higher than your overall certification level, #14 above. It is NOT possible to hold a Master rating in many skill areas. Thus there should be a variety of levels indicated for Master level officials. Note: It is possible to hold the Association level Certification with no skills circled.

Example: though I may have an overall rating of Master, but am an Association level Shot Put official, National level Timer and a Master level Umpire. Thus, the A next to the Shot Put would be circled, N next to Timer and M to the left of Umpire. Officials holding an overall rating of Association level official are not eligible for those skills that are shaded and marked with an asterisk (*).

20-21 Race/Ethnicity/Age: This optional information will only be used for grouped data to assess our progress toward our goal of promoting diversity, it will never be linked to any individual for any reason.

Sign and date your form; then return it to your Association’s Certification Chair for processing.