
Officials Rule Changes

Approved Amendments - USATF Rules Of Competition 2004 Annual Meeting

2005 Amendments to the USATF Rules of Competition ©USATF

((Double parenthesis)) indicates removal. Underline indicates addition.

Unless otherwise indicated as Tabled, Withdrawn or Rejected, all listed items were approved as shown. Note Submissions amended by the
Rules Committee are so indicated.

Item 1 – Amend Rule 1(a) as follows:
In the … Walking Championships, the Men's and Women's Open, ((and)) Junior, and Masters Cross Country Championships, only citizens of the United States who are eligible to represent the United States in all levels of international competition are eligible to compete. (In the Men’s and Women’s Race Walking Championships, ((and)) the Men’s Long Distance Running Championships, and Masters Cross Country Championships, others may compete in a separate non-scoring division or race.)

Item 2 – Amended by Rules Committee. Amend Rule 1(c) as follows:
The Masters Long Distance Running and Cross Country Championships are open to all member athletes of USATF including permanent resident aliens.

Item 3 – Amend Rule 2.5 as follows:
Resident aliens shall be permitted to compete in Regional Championships ((except Cross Country Championships)).

Item 4 – Amended by Rules Committee. Amend Rule 4 as follows:
In all USATF Team Championships, whether National, Regional, or Association, only teams consisting of duly accredited representatives of a member ((of one of its Associations)) club shall be eligible to win such team Championships. In Regional Championships, the team Championship may be contested on the basis of Association teams instead of club teams at the option of the Games Committee.

Item 5 – Amend Rule 5.1(c) as follows:
… In Men's and Women's Open, Masters, and Junior Cross Country Championships, such medals shall be awarded to the declared members of the ((Association)) teams finishing first, second, and third.

Item 6 – Add New Rule 5.1(e)iii as follows:
In Masters LDR, including cross country, masters shall be allowed to win awards in all categories (e.g. overall, age group, and age-graded).

Item 7 – Amended by Rules Committee Add a new Rule 6.3 and renumber remaining
A competitor may be asked to provide his/her legal date of birth when he/she registers for a USATF sanctioned competition. In the case that a competitor claims a record or receives prize money for any age-dependent event, he/she may be required to present proof of age. The form of proof unless otherwise specified, shall be a copy of a certified birth certificate, passport, or U.S. driver’s license. Once an athlete has declared a birth date for U.S. competition the athlete may not subsequently change that birth date to gain an advantage in a different age group. In the event that an actual birth date is unascertainable for a foreign competitor, he/she shall contact the embassy of the competitor’s country of citizenship in the US and determine the best method for age verification. This method may include issuance of a new passport, certified birth certificate or court order verifying the age of the individual. The obligation to obtain age verification documentation is on the athlete.

Item 8 – Amend Rule 7.2 as follows:
The team Championships in Long Distance Running((,)) and Race Walking ((and Masters Cross Country)) shall be scored by time. The team Championships for Open, Masters, Junior and Youth Cross Country shall be scored by place.

Approved Amendments – USATF Rules Of Competition 2004 Annual Meeting pg. 2

For your personal use only

Item 9 – Withdrawn

Item 10 – Amend Rule 11.2(a) as follows:
Men’s Events: Distance Medley (1200-400-800-1600) Women’s Events: Distance Medley (1200-400-800-1600) Amend Rule 267 to add this order (1200-400-800-1600) as acceptable for record purposes.

Item 11 – Add a new Rule 11.2(d) and renumber
The 200m event may be conducted at the discretion of the appropriate Track and Field Committee, either as a Championship or non-Championship event.

Item 12 – Withdrawn

Item 13 – Amend Rule 13.1(b) as follows:
4000 Meters Distance Medley Relay 1200-400-800-1600 ((800-400-1200-1600)) ((First and second legs may be interchanged.))

Item 14 – Amend Rule 13.1 by reordering paragraphs (f) and (g).

Item 15 – Withdrawn

Item 16 – Amend Rule 15.1 as follows:
There shall be two National Cross Country Championships, the Fall National Championship and the Winter National Championship, both conducted by the Cross Country Council. Runners may compete in both the Fall and the Winter events as individuals. The Cross Country Council may add additional Masters Cross Country Championships to the national schedule.

Item 17 – Delete Rule 15.3

Item 18 – Amend Rule 15.4 as follows:
There shall be ((only)) Open and Masters competition at the Fall National Championships. There shall be Open, Masters, and Junior competition at the Winter National Championships.

Item 19 – Withdrawn

Item 20 – Amended by Rules Committee Amend Rule 341.1 to add the following at the end of the paragraph
M 40+,50+10,000m 8000m 8 5
M 60+,70+10,000m 8000m 5 3
W40+, 50+6000m 8000m 5 3
W60+, 70+6000m 8000m 5 3

Item 21 – Amended by Rules Committee Amend Rule 15.7 as follows:
See Rule 7 for scoring for the Fall National Championship. See Rule 341.1 for Masters distances, declaration, and scoring. See rule 5 for awards.

Item 22 – Add New Rule 15.7 as follows and renumber:
If a club enters more than one team, each team should be clearly identified.

Approved Amendments – USATF Rules Of Competition 2004 Annual Meeting pg. 3

For your personal use only

Item 23 – Amend Rule 17 as follows:
The Men’s Long Distance Running Committee may annually conduct Open Trail and/or Mountain Running Championships at such distances as it deems appropriate. These Championships shall be conducted using LDR rules.

Item 24 – Amend Rule 20 by changing the paragraphs from the current 3-4-5-6-7-8-9 to 4-5-7-6-3-8-

Item 25 – Amend Rule 21 as follows:
The Women’s Long Distance Running Committee may annually conduct Open Trail and/or Mountain Running Championships at such distances as it deems appropriate. These Championships shall be conducted using LDR rules.

Item 26 – Amend Rule 25.1(a) as follows: Open Men – ((2 Hour)) 1 Hour

Item 27 – Amended by Rules Committee Amend Rule 25.1(b) as follows:
Men – 1 Mile
3000 meters
5000 meters (held with Track & Field Championship)
Women – 1 Mile
3000 meters (held with Track & Field Championship)
5000 meters

Item 28 – Amend Rule 25.3 as follows:
((In a race held on a road course, the course)) The courses for all National, Regional, and Association Road Championships must meet ((the)) certification requirements stated in Operating Regulation 6.

Item 29 – Withdrawn

Item 30 – Amend Rule 110.4 under Competition Officials as follows:
Electronic Measurement Judge 1 indoor 1 outdoor

Item 31 – Amend Rule 129.5 as follows:
Notification of w((W))arnings and disqualifications concerning the start may be made only by or under the direction of ((by)) the Starter.

Item 32 – Add New Rule 137 as follows:
Electronic Measurement Judge 1. An Electronic Measurement Judge shall be appointed when electronic distance measurement is to be used. 2. Before the meet, this Judge shall meet with the technical staff involved with operating the equipment and become familiar with it. 3. Before each event where the device is used, the Judge shall supervise the positioning of the measuring instruments, taking account of the technical requirements given by the technical staff and the needs of the event chief. 4. To ensure that the equipment is operating correctly, the Judge shall, before and after each event, supervise or conduct a set of measurements to confirm agreement with results achieved using a certified steel (or fiberglass) tape and shall report and certify the accuracy of the instrument to the Field Event Referee, particularly in the event of a record. 5. During the competition the Judge shall remain in overall charge of the operation so that the Judge can report to the Field Events Referee that the equipment is accurate and operating properly during the competition.

Amend Rule 148.3 as follows:
A scientific measuring apparatus, such as a datum line measurer, the accuracy of which is certified by a governmental Bureau of Weights and Measures, may be used for the measurement of jumps and throws. ((If such a device is used, an Electronics Measurement Judge shall … . In the event of a record, this judge … with a steel tape and confirmed the accuracy of the device.)) NOTE: For measurement of tracks, see Rule 160. For measurement and certification of road courses, see USATF Operating Regulation 6

Item 33 – Amended by Rules Committee Amend Rule 144 by adding a new 144.1 and renumber:
Competition under these Rules consists of self-propelled motion without assistance, except as defined by the Rules of competition of a specific event discipline.
NOTE: For rules covering disabled-only competition, see the SPECIALS SECTION beginning on page 197.

Item 34 – Amend Rule 144.1 Note 1 as follows:
NOTE 1: Pacesetting by a person entered in an event for that purpose is permitted. provided such pacesetters start in the event.

Item 35 – Amend Rule 149 as follows:
No performance accomplished by an athlete shall be valid unless it has been made during a ((n official)) bona fide competition on a facility and (where relevant) using an implement which conforms to specifications set within these Rules.

Item 36 – Amended by Rules Committee Add a new Rule 159 as follows:
ELECTRONIC DEVICES Electronic devices not approved by the Games Committee shall not be used by any individual in the area of competition or designated warm-up area.

Item 37 – Amend Rule 160.1 as follows: In all outdoor races at distances up to and including 400 meters, wherever possible, each competitor shall have a separate lane with a ((minimum)) width of 1.22m ± 0.01m (4 ft.) ((and in no event more than a maximum width of 1.25m (4 ft. 1.5 in.) )) measured as provided in paragraphs 2 and 4 hereof and properly marked by lines ((of chalk or similar substance)) 5cm in width. On tracks whose width does not permit 8 lanes of ((minimum)) that width ((as above)), the minimum width of the lanes may be ((as little as)) 91.4cm (3 ft.). Only the line on the right hand of each lane … .

Item 38 – Amend Rule 161.4 as follows: Starting block linked to an IAAF approved false start detection apparatus may be used at any competition, but shall be used in Open Men’s and Women’s National Championships and USA Olympic Selection competition to assist the Starters. The apparatus shall emit an acoustic signal, audible to the Starter, or assigned Recall, whenever the reaction time of the athlete detected by the apparatus is less than 100/1000th of a second. In addition to the acoustic signal, a recall signal shall be an automated function of the false start detection apparatus when such function is available.

Item 39 – Amend Rule 162.1 as follows: The start of a race shall be indicated by a white line 5cm wide marked on the track or ground ((not more than 5cm wide)). Item 40 -- Amended by Rules Committee Amend Rule 162.1 as follows: The start of a race shall be indicated by a line marked on the track or ground not more than 5cm wide. When starting, all competitors must be behind the starting line and they must not touch the starting line or the surface in front of it with ((hand or foot)) any part of the body .

Item 41 – Amend Rule 162.3 as follows: Except as otherwise indicated herein, the commands of the Starter shall be “on your marks” and “set”, and when all the competitors are “set”, the pistol/starting device shall be fired. ((The starter shall not fire the pistol/starting device while any competitor is in motion after the command “set”.)) In races longer than 400 meters, the command shall be “on your marks” and when all competitors are steady, the pistol/starting device shall be fired. The starter shall not fire the pistol/starting device while any competitor is in motion after the command “set” nor before the Starter has ascertained that each competitor is steady and in the correct starting position. When appropriate, the Starter may assemble .

Item 42 – Amend Rule 162.4 as follows: Prior to each running event, the Starter or designee shall give instructions to competitors concerning the commands to be used. Before any starting commands, ((the start signal is given)), the Starter shall ascertain that the Timers, Judges and, when applicable, the Chief Photo Finish Judge and the Wind Gauge Operator are ready.

Item 43 – Amend Rule 162.12 as follows: Replace all four instances of the word ‘card’ with the word ‘card/flag’.

Item 44 – Amend Rule 162.17 as follows: ((When they are available, starting blocks linked to false start detection apparatus shall be used to assist the Starters. The apparatus shall emit an acoustic signal, audible to the Starter, whenever the reaction time of the athlete detected by the apparatus is less than 100/1000th of a second. When such an)) When a false start detection apparatus is used, the Starter, and/or((,)) an assigned Recall Starter with no other duties, shall wear headphones in order to hear clearly any acoustic signal that is emitted in the case of a false start. As soon as the Starter or Recall Starter hears the acoustic signal, and if the pistol/device has been fired, there shall be a recall. ((This recall shall be an automated function of the false start detection apparatus when such function is available.)) The Starter shall immediately examine all available numerical and graphical information generated by the … .

Item 45 – Amend Rule 165.7(c) by adding the following as a last sentence: A displayed time of 31:00:00 is rounded to and recorded as 31:00 and a displayed time of 31:00.01 is rounded to and recorded as 31:01.

Item 46 – Amended by Rules Committee Amend Rule 166.1(a) as follows: In individual races up to and including the 800 Meters, and relays up to and including the 4x400 Meters, the number of competitors on the track in a race, at the start, shall not exceed the number of lanes on the track for that event, excluding all lanes which would not qualify for record purposes. As an exception, in the first round of the outdoor 800 Meters, up to 12 runners may start using the procedure in Rule 162.18. NOTE: For Youth exception see Rule 303.1{c).

Item 47 – Delete Rule 168.3 and renumber

Item 48 – Amend Rule 180.5(b) as follows: Twelve competitors and ties that remain after applying Rules 180.16, 181.9(a), and 181.9(b) shall advance to the competition proper. In the High Jump and Pole Vault, … by the Games Committee. If, after jumping concludes at any height at or below the qualifying standard, there remain fewer than 12 athletes in competition, then additional qualifiers shall ((may)) be added by applying Rules 181.9(a) and (b). When competition is held .

Item 49 – Amend Rule 180.7(b) Rejected

Item 50 – Amend Rule 180.8(c) Rejected

Item 51 – Amend Rule 180.8(d)iii as follows: A clock that shows the remaining time allowed should be visible to the competitor. In addition, an official shall raise overhead and keep raised a yellow flag, or another suitable indicator, for the final 15 seconds remaining of the time allowed. If the time expires before the attempt is initiated then the yellow flag shall ((should)) be lowered and a verbal indication given. In addition to the use of flags and/or a clock, a verbal indication of time remaining ((or that time has expired)) is acceptable.

Item 52 – Amend Rule 180.18 as follows: … The runways should have a ((minimum)) width of 1.22m ± 0.01m (4 ft.) ((and a maximum width of 1.25m)).

Item 53 – Amend Rule 180.20 as follows: The maximum allowance for inclination of runways for jumping events and the Javelin Throw shall not exceed 1:100 laterally and 1:1000 downward in the running direction. In the High Jump, the maximum … .

Item 54 – Amend Rule 181.1 Rejected

Item 55– Amend Rule 181.5 Withdrawn

Item 56 – Delete Rule 181.8 and renumber.

Item 57 – Amend Rule 181.12 as follows: … The crossbar shall have no bias and, when in place, shall sag a maximum of 2cm for the high jump and 3cm for the pole vault. NOTE: SUGGESTED CONTROL: Hang a 3kg weight …

Item 58 – Amend Rule 185.8 as follows: …The upper part of the indicator board shall also be covered with a plasticine layer of contrasting color for approximately the first 10 ((3))mm and along its entire length. … Add a NOTE: NOTE: When weather conditions dictate, particularly very hot or wet weather, the plasticine boards should be protected from the elements before they are installed.

Item 59 – Amended by Rules Committee Amend, Reorganize, and/or Consolidate Rules 187.8 through 187.33 as follows: Rule 187.8 as follows: This is original Rule 187.13, amended to include original Rule 187.8. For a throw to be valid in ((In)) the Shot Put, Hammer Throw, Weight Throw, and the Discus Throw, ((for a valid throw,)) the implement, excluding the handle, ((and)) wire, and connection, as appropriate, must fall completely within the inner edges of the lines of the sector (see Rule 187.24 and Rule 187.26). For the javelin see Rule 193.1. NOTE: A throw may be valid even if the implement has touched the cage.

Rule 187.9 as follows: This is original Rule 187.9 with original Rule 187.10 as the first sentence. The measurement of each throw shall be made immediately after the throw. (a) In the Discus … (b) In the Javelin … NOTE: For Youth Athletics exception, see Rule 302.5(j). Renumber as follows:

Rule 187.11 renumbered to Rule 187.10. Rule 187.12 renumbered to Rule 187.11. Rule 187.14 renumbered to Rule

187.12. Rule 187.15 renumbered to Rule 187.13. Rule 187.16 renumbered to Rule 187.14. Rule 187.17 renumbered to Rule

187.15. Rule 187.18 renumbered to Rule 187.16.

New Rule 187.17 as follows: This is original Rules 187.32 and 187.33. It applies to all throws. Landing Area – The landing area for outdoor throwing events shall consist of cinder, grass, or a similar suitable material on which the implement makes an imprint. These areas shall be on natural surfaces, which shall not be laid down on concrete, asphalt, wood or other hard surfaces that would have the tendency to decrease the landing surface’s adsorption of the kinetic energy of the implement.
New Rule 187.18 as follows: This is original Rule 187.25 and Rule 187.31 combined and amended. It applies to all throws. Inclination of Sector – The area within the sector on which the implement lands shall be on approximately the same plane as that of the circle or runway with a maximum allowance of 1:1000 in the throwing direction.

New Rule 187.19 as follows: This is original Rule 187.27. It applies to all throws. Sector Flags (a) Construction – Sector flags should be entirely made of metal. (b) Measurements – The flags should be rectangular in shape, measuring about 20x40cm with the standard 8mm in diameter and not less than 60cm in ((length)) height above the ground.

New sub-heading before Rule 187.20: For Throws From A Circle.

New Rule 187.20 as follows: This is original Rule 187.19. Construction – The circle shall be made of a band of … . The surface within the circle shall be packed hard, firm, ((and)) level, and 2cm (± 6mm) lower than the …

Renumber as follows: Rule 187.20 renumbered to Rule 187.21. Rule 187.21 renumbered to Rule 187.22.

Delete Rule 187.22. This was totally incorrect. IAAF 187.5 indicates that the circle should be approximately level, as now stated in amended Rule 187.20

Retain Rule 187.23 without change.

Delete the sub-heading before Rule 187.24: For Throws From Circle.

Amend Rule 187.24 as follows: Sector – The sector within which all throws from a circle must fall shall be clearly marked on the ground with lines 5cm wide, the inner edge of which shall form the sector boundary ((lines)). These sector ((radii)) lines are radii from ((will cross at)) the center of the circle. The outer ends of these radii ((lines)) should be marked with ((sector)) flags. Sectors shall be 34.92 degrees, ± 0.1 degree. NOTE 1: Flags or continuous barriers should be erected parallel to and at least 3m outside of((,)) the sector lines for their full length. NOTE 2: For Youth Athletics sector, see Rule 302.5(e). Reason: You want it at least 3m out and not just 3m out. For the hammer you would like to cover the full 53 degrees of impact area.

Amend Rule 187.24 further as follows: Put sector construction items into the same Rule. Add the entire contents of Rule 187.26, including the chart, as the second paragraph of Rule 187.24. New sub-heading before new Rule 187.25: For The Javelin Throw.

Renumber as follows: Rule 187.28 renumbered to Rule 187.25. Amend Rule 187.26 as follows: This is original Rule 187.29. Sector – The landing sector shall … NOTE: Flags or continuous barriers should be erected parallel to and at least 3m outside of the sector lines for their full length. Reason: You want it at least 3m out and not just 3m out.

Amend new Rule 187.26 further as follows: Put sector construction items into the same Rule. Add the entire contents of Rule 187.30, including the chart, as the second paragraph of Rule 187.26.

Item 60 – Amend Rule 190 as follows: NOTE: ((Although not required, an)) An effective Hammer cage should have ((the)) movable panels at the front . …

Item 61 – Amend the first sentence of rule 190 as follows It is ((recommended)) required that all Hammer, weight, superweight and Discus Throws be from an enclosure or cage to ensure the safety of spectators, officials and competitors.

Item 62 – Amend Rule 191.7 as follows: Wire – The wire shall be a single unbroken and straight length of spring wire not less than 3mm ((or No. 11 Standard Wire Gauge 2.95mm in diameter,)) and shall be such that it cannot stretch appreciably while being thrown. The wire may be looped at one end as a means of attachment.

Item 63 – submitted by George Kleeman, Rules Committee Amended by Rules Committee Replace the note in Rule 191.8 as follows: NOTE: Specifications for the hammer adopted by the IAAF prior to January 1, 2006 shall be adopted for the purposes of this rule.

Item 64 – Amend Rule 193.1(c), Rejected

Item 65 – Delete Rule 193.5 and renumber:

Item 66 – Delete Rule 200.4(b) and renumber. Amend Rule 200.4(c) as follows: When more than one flight is required in events, the composition of flights and, where feasible, the approximate scheduled time of each flight shall be posted prior to the competition, except that the composition of flights for the last event shall be determined just prior to the start of that event. Where field event flights are conducted sequentially, a minimum of 30 minutes between field event flights shall be allowed between the last attempt or finisher of one and the beginning of competition in the next unless approval for an earlier start is obtained by all competitors in the flight.

Item 67 – Amended by Rules Committee Amend Rule 200.5-200.7 as follows and renumber:
5. (a) If the number of competitors ((shall)) warrants it, they may be divided into permanent groups of not less than six as determined by the Combined Events Referee. These groupings shall continue throughout the first seven events of the decathlon and all but the last event of the other combined events.
(b) When permanent groups are not used and individual events best performance data are available for most of the combined event competitors, the games committee, or Combined Events Referee, may make heat and section assignments using these data. If there are 16 or more competitors, it is recommended that more than one facility be used.
(c) When no performance data are available, the competitors for each heat and section shall be drawn by lot with never less than four competitors in each.
(d) In the last event of a Combined Events Competition, the heats should be arranged so that one group contains the leading athletes after the penultimate event. The heat containing the leading athletes should be run last. In the 800 Meters the top placers shall be assigned, one per lane in the last heat, the next best placers in another heat, etc., according to Rule 166.4.
(e) The order of competition within a field event, and the assignment of lanes in a track event, shall be drawn by lot for each event independently. NOTE: For Youth Athletics exception, see Rule 302.6

((6. Delete.)) 6. ((7. Groups in the High Jump and Pole Vault, if needed, shall be determined by the Combined Events Referee using marks for those events submitted on entry blanks, if bona fide, as a guide; the best in one group, next best in another, etc. The order of competition of groups and within each group shall be drawn by lot. If there are 16 or more competitors, it is recommended that more than one High Jump or Pole Vault facility be used.)) The incremental increase in the High Jump and Pole Vault in Open Men's and Women's Track and Field Championships shall be uniform throughout the competition at 3cm and 10cm, respectively.

Item 68 – Amended by Rules Committee Add a new Rule 202, Ultra Weight Pentathlon:
A variant event entitled the American Weight Pentathlon shall use the weights described in the following table.
1. The competition consists of throwing the five weights listed for each age group in the following table, in the order form lightest to heaviest. The events shall be contested at such intervals as shall be determine by the Games Committee.
2. Three trials shall be allowed with each weight.
3. The winner shall be the one who has scored the highest total points (counting the best performance in each weight) for all five weights, scored on the basis of the Ultra Weight Pentathlon Table.
Age Group Weight Super-Weight 35# 56# 98# 200# 300#
Open-49 20 35 X X X
50-59 16 25 X X X
60-79 12 25 X X X
80+ 12 20 X X X
Open-49 35 56 X X X
50-59 25 56 X X X
60-69 20 56 X X X
70-79 16 35 X X X
80+ 12 25 X X X
4. For specifications for the implements see Rules 195.8 and 195.9.

Add new Rule 195.9 Ultra Weight: The implement consists of a weight with a handle. The overall length of the handle, from the inside surface of the grip to the body of the weight, shall not exceed 15.24cm. The minimum weights for the implements are: 98# - 44.50kg; 200# - 90.80kg; 300# - 136.10kg.

Item 69 – Amend Rule 250.3 as follows: ((Individuals)) Participation: ((Although)) Cross country is basically a team sport, but participation is not limited to teams, and individual entries may be accepted.

Item 70 – Amend Rule 251.1 as follows: Approved Amendments – USATF Rules Of Competition 2004 Annual Meeting pg. 10 For your personal use only The race shall be run over a course confined, to the extent possible, to open country, fields, parks, golf courses, and grasslands. The traversing of paved roads should be kept to a minimum.

Item 71 – Amended by Rules Committee Amend Rule 251.5 as follows: The ((course must be measured and the)) distance must be declared and the course briefly described at the time invitations are extended ((,together with a brief description of the course)).

Item 72 – Amended by Rules Committee Amend Rule 252.1 as follows: … However, where a race will be started using a different procedure, such procedure should be clearly ((spelled out for)) conveyed to all competitors either in writing or by public address announcements. A race may be recalled upon a false start or a fall which impacts the field within the first 100m.

Item 73 – Amend Rule 252.3 as follows: Starting positions shall be ((provided)) randomly assigned by the Games Committee or the Meet Director for each team and the members of each team shall be lined up in an order of their own choosing within their assigned position.

74 – Amend Rule 253.1 as follows: … i.e., worn as the outer garment if ((tee shirts)) other apparel items are worn underneath by one or more team members. … Item 75 – Amended by Rules Committee Amend Rule 264.1 as follows: No record claimed for the Hammer, Discus, Shot, Javelin, or Weight shall be allowed unless it has been made with an implement that complies with the specifications for the official implements adopted by the IAAF and USATF. The implement must be certified as to weight, measurement, and material on the date of competition. The implement shall be impounded and re-certified as legal as soon as possible following the record throw except in Combined Events. And Delete Rule 264.5.

Item 76 – Amend Rule 267 by adding the 3000 Meters as an Outdoor Record

Item 77 – Amend Rule 300.1(a) as follows: Articles I-V of the Rules of Competition of USATF shall apply to Youth Athletics competition, except to the extent that such rules are in conflict with this Article VI, Section I. If there is a conflict, Article VI Section I shall supersede any other provisions of the USATF Rules. All athletes must be members of USATF to participate in the Association Championship. If the Association starts with preliminary meets, athletes must be USATF members at the preliminary round of competition.

Item 78 – Amend Rule 300.1(b) Rejected

Item 79 – Amend Rule 300.1[c] Rejected

Item 80 – Amend Rule 300.1(c).Rejected

Item 81 – Amend Rule 300.1(g)Withdrawn

Item 82 – Amended by Rules Committee Amend Rule 300.4 as follows

16. National Junior Olympic Championship Meet Host Association, the Department of Defense Dependent Schools (DODDS) Europe and Pacific Add a new Rule 305.2(e) and renumber: Athletes from the Department of Defense Dependent Schools (DODDS), may be entered in the National Junior Olympic Championship Approved Amendments – USATF Rules Of Competition 2004 Annual Meeting pg. 11 For your personal use only without having to compete in a Regional meet, provided that they meet the Youth Athletics age requirements. They must enter through the Association hosting the National Junior Olympic Championship.

Item 83 – Amend Rule 301 Rejected

Item 84 – Amended by Rules Committee Amend Rule 302.3(a) as follows: 3. Relays – Junior Olympics (a) A relay team shall consist of four (4) members. Qualification of a relay team entitles the club represented by that team to enter a team in the same event at the next higher level of competition. (( (This shall apply to both the Youth Athletics and Junior Olympic Championship.) )) The composition of the team need not be the same throughout the rounds or various levels of competition. To become a relay team member, an athlete must have been declared as a potential member on the official relay roster ((submitted at the Association level)). No alterations … Add new Rule 302.3(d) and renumber as follows: The relay rosters shall be submitted directly to the Youth Athletics Championship and the Junior Olympic Association Championship by the entry method and deadline specified in the entry material. Item 85 – Amended by Rules Committee Delete Rule 302.3(a)vi.

Item 86 – Add new Rule 302.4 Withdrawn

Item 87 – Amend Rule 302.5(c) Rejected

Item 88 – Amend Rule 302.5(e) as follows: In the Shot Put, Hammer, and Discus a ((40)) 34.92 -degree sector shall be used. See Rule 187. 24-29. Delete Rule 302.5(f) and renumber. Delete 187.24 Note 2.

Item 89 – Amended by Rules Committee Amend Rule 302.5(m) as follows: In the Pole Vault, movement of the uprights (Rule 181.3(a)) shall be limited to the area between ((30cm)) 40cm and 80cm from the stopboard in the direction of the landing surface.

Item 90 – Amend Rule 302.5(n) as follows by adding a last sentence: The practice of “tapping” (physically assisting) vaulters during their warm-ups is prohibited.

Item 91 – Amend Rule 302.5(o) as follows: In the National Youth Athletics Championships, the starting height in the High Jump and Pole Vault shall be 10cm and 30cm, respectively, below the prescribed standard. In the National Junior Olympic Championships, the starting heights shall be ((15cm and 45cm, respectively, below the lowest seeding mark submitted, unless a higher starting height is agreed upon by all competitors present)) three (3) increments below the national standard as determined by the Youth Athletics committee. Increments shall be 5cm in the High Jump and 15cm in the Pole Value. Rule 181.7 shall apply.

Item 92 – Replace Rule 302.5(q) Withdrawn

Item 93 –Amended by Rules Committee Add New Rule 302.5(r) as follows: At the National Junior Olympic Championship, when the field of pole vault competitors is reduced to 50% of the original number of vaulters, a 20 minute warm up period may be allowed for all remaining competitors who have not yet entered the competition. No cross bar will be allowed during the warm up period. After the 20 minute period, any athlete who has passed three consecutive increments will be allowed one run through, without the bar, at the height at which they enter the competition. Approved Amendments – USATF Rules Of Competition 2004 Annual Meeting pg. 12 For your personal use only

Item 94 - Amend Rule 304.1 Rejected

Item 95 – Amend Rule 305.2(c) Rejected

Item 96 – Amend Rule 305.2(e) as follows: Track and Field shall advance ((the top)) three ((placed)) individuals and ((the top)) three relay ((placed)) teams from each Regional to National. These shall be the top three finishers in each event, or successive event finishers who have achieved a performance standard at the Regional Championship when fewer than three declare in the event from that Region for National. The combined events shall advance the top two placed individuals ((automatically and a)). A third shall advance only after meeting a performance standard at the Regional Championship. The ((That)) performance standard for all events is the average of the 8th place in the last three National Junior Olympic Championships. The host association shall qualify a like number.

Item 97 – Amend Rule 305.2(f) as follows:
Athletes who compete in their state high school or collegiate championship series may be advanced into their Regional if their Association meet date is in conflict with their school competition. The final decisions on the granting of this waiver will be made by the Regional coordinator. ((This is not to imply a waiver, nor will any waiver be allowed, to advance an athlete into the National Championships.))

And Add new Rule 305.2(g) and renumber
The Youth Athletics Executive Committee may advance any athlete into the National Junior Olympics meet because of extraordinary circumstances. The request must be made through the Regional Coordinator in writing, Who must submit it to the Youth Athletics National Chairperson.

Item 98 – Amended by Rules Committee Amend Rule 330.3 by adding a new sentence at the end, as follows:
In Regional Championships, equivalent awards shall be provided for non-residents who place 1-6.

Item 99 – Amend Rule 331.2(a) Rejected

Item 100 – Amended by Rules Committee Add new Rule 332.3(b) and renumber
When a vertical jumps group of competitors is sufficiently large and/or diverse in ability, the head judge and the jumps referee may have the option of dividing the group into two simultaneous competitions. The same progression of increments shall be used.

Item 101 – Amend Rule 332.1(a) as follows:
There shall be no Regional Championship restrictions to any Masters competitor involving ((awards or)) eligibility to compete.

Item 102 – Amended by Rules Committee Amend Rule 332.2 (e) as follows:
In events of ((2000)) 1500 meters or longer, timed finals shall be run. In events of 2000 meters or longer, the number of participants per section is limited by Rule 166.1(c). The total number in the 1500 meters and any race walk should not exceed 24. For seeding of timed finals, see Rule 166.4

Item 103 – Amended by Rules Committee Amend the Superweight chart in Rule 332.3 (f) as follows
Age: 30-49 - 35# Age 30-69 56#
50((+)-79 25#
70((+))-79 35#
80-up 20# 80-up 25#

Item 104 – Reorder paragraphs in Rule 332.3 (a), (b), (d), (e), (c), (f)

Item 105 – Amend Rule 332.2(e) Rejected

Item 106 – Amend Rule 332.2(e) Withdrawn

Item 107 – Amend Rule 332(f) Withdrawn

Item 108 – Amend Rule 333.1 as follows
Masters race walking Championships may be held at any distance of ((one mile)) 1500 meters or longer and may be conducted . . . Item 109 – Amended by Rules Committee Amend Rule 341.1 as follows: Team Championships in cross country shall be conducted in 10-year age divisions for men and women: 40+, 50+, 60+, and 70+. Team Championships in these same divisions may be conducted in other Masters long distance events. ((There will be a maximum of 8 declared entries for each team.)) Team scoring for distances up to and including 25 kilometers shall be as follows: M40+, M50+ five(5) individuals shall score; M60+, ((and)) M70 and all women’s teams three (3) individuals shall score; for distances over 25 kilometers all teams shall have three scoring members.

Item 110 – Amend Rule 332.2(f) Rejected

Item 111 – Amend Rule 341.10 as follows:

Regulation USATF medals shall be awarded to first, second, and third place individuals in each age division and to the ((scoring)) declared members of the first, second, and third place teams in each team division. Championship patches shall be awarded to the winners of each age division and the ((scoring)) declared members of the winning team in each team division.

Item 112 – Amend all applicable rule sections as follows:
Delete all references to imperial measurement conversions for specifications that do not originate with an imperial measurement such as: 3mm (1/8 in.), 5cm (2 in.), 91.4cm (approximately 3 ft.), 1.37m (about 4 ft. 6 in.), etc. Item 113 – Tabled Reorganize the USATF Competitions Rules to follow the IAAF Handbook.

Item 114 – Withdrawn

Item 115 – Amended by Rules Committee Amend Rule 331.2 as follows:
There shall be ((no team )) club Championships at National Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field Championships. There may be ((team)) club Championships at Regional and Association Championships. Scoring shall be in the following manner:
(a) National Championship: Scoring shall be in each five-year age group and shall be ((five (5) )) eight (8) points for each first place scored, ((three (3) )) six (6) points for second, ((two (2) )) four (4) points for third, ((one (1) )) three (3) points for fourth, two (2) points for fifth, and one (1) point for sixth. Scoring in the different age groups shall be added together to determine ((team)) club champions. ((in accordance with sub-paragraphs (b) and (c). Scoring for men and women may be separate or combined or both, at the option of the Region or Association.))
(b) ((In)) Regional and Association Championships: ((,there may be team champions)) Scoring for men and women may be separate or together and may be in the following age categories: 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60 & over. The scoring method shall be described in the entry material.
(c) Delete
Item 116 – Amended by Rules Committee Amend Rule 332.2 (f) as follows: Club: In accordance with regulation 7, all members must be resident in the Association in which the club is registered (or meet the residency exception of Regulation 7)
((National: the team represents the United States in international competition.)) ((Association: all members must reside in the Association (or meet the residency exception of Regulation 7))
((Region: all members must reside in the Region.))
((Unattached))Ad Hoc: any team not meeting ((one of the preceding definitions)) the club definition.
At Association, Regional, and National Track and Field Championships, each relay team must be a Club or ((Association, or Region)) Ad Hoc team, or a foreign national team as guest competitors. ((At Regional Track and Field Championships, each relay team must be Club, Association or foreign national team as guest competitors. At Association Track and Field Championships, each relay team must be a Club team or foreign national team as guest competitors.)) For all other meets, a team may meet any of the definitions above. Teams meeting any of the above definitions may set Masters records. Separate records shall be maintained in the relays for (1) Club teams and (2) teams of any other composition.

Item 117 – Amended by Rules Committee Amend Rule 332.2 (g) by deleting the current rule and replacing it with:
((When warranted by the total number of competitors and the number of USA citizens reporting, there must be at least four USA citizens seeded in a single final or fastest section competition for the top three national awards. Under those conditions in events run in lanes, a USA citizen shall be advanced to the finals if displaced by a non-USA citi zen. The numbers stated in

Rule 166.1(c)(ii) (outdoor 1500m - 5k Run), and Rule 303.1 (c) or a four box start (outdoor 800m), may be applied in the same manner that Rule 180.4 (d) is used in field events to increase the number of final contestants.)) At National Track and Field Championships, there must be at least six USA citizens advanced to all finals if displaced by non- USA citizens. The number of finalists shall not be increased to include additional non-USA citizen finalists.