May 8, 2005, 10:45 am
San Francisco, near Zippy 5K start/finish area


APPROVAL of Minutes from Across the Bay 12K Meeting 3/20/2005 (see below)
   Cross Country (including schedule finalization)

      Drop one race in the long grand prix

      Limit number of races in Road Grand Prix to 12; even up number of
races in each (short/long) grand prix to 6/6, possibly having one 10K in
each {Trimble}. Proposed amendment: Limit total number of races to 14
plus relay; score only five races in each (short and long individual)
grand prix;
have teams drop two races {Porteous}.

      Relay Scoring: Team members in a relay event are limited to scoring
one leg for that team, and to scoring on only one team.

      Limit cross country season {Stephenson}
         XC Rule (1): no more than 8 races, plus championship (maximum
total of nine races)
         XC Rule (1,15, or 17) no more than one race per sponsor/promoter,
unless there are fewer than seven acceptable bids; excepting championship

      Increase cross country prize money {Stephenson; Stephenson to amend}
         XC Rule (7): Increase minimum prize funds to championship $2000,
other races $1500.

      Limit races in road grand prix (LDR Guide 9.2; all separate motions)
         1. The total number of accepted race bids for a calendar year
shall not exceed twelve plus relay
         2. No more than two bids will be accepted for "short" races of a
given distance (shorter than 12k).
         3. No more than one bid will be accepted for any "long" race of a
given distance (longer than 10k). Proposed amendment: Make this a guideline
not a rule {Porteous}.
         4. No bid will be accepted for a race occurring  before February
16 or after December 15. Proposed amendment: Make this a guideline not a
rule {Herman}.
         5. No bid will be accepted for a race occurring
after July 14 and before September 1. Proposed amendment: Make this a
guideline not a rule {Porteous}.

     Short grand prix is restricted to races between 4/1 and 7/31
(guideline only) {Shwe}

     Grand prix divided into first half (1/1-7/31) and second half
(8/1-12/31) instead of
short and long {Boaz}

2005 Road Grand Prix schedule
     (Christmas Relays definitely 12/11)



   Other new business

      LDR chair nominations (close)
      2006 Budget