Minutes from the Annual Meeting of the Pacific Association USATF Official's Committee  8/28/05


Putah Creek Lodge, University of California Davis, Davis California


The meeting was called to order by chairman Connors at 12:55 PM.


Vice-Chairman Watkins assured the chair a quorum was present.


A motion was made by Gail Wetzork and seconded by Joe Harper that the minutes of 2004 Annual meeting be approved.

Chairman Connors recognized Lorri Coppola and Byron Talley and thanked them for making the arrangements for the meeting and the luncheon.

Committee Reports:

Education committee In the absence of Education Committee chairman Kleeman, Mr. Connors read his report.  The report is attached to these minutes.

Certification Committee: Committee Chair Hume was present and read his report.  Following the presentation he answered questions regard certification. A copy of Mr. Hume’s report is attached.  Mr. Hume polled the group regarding those desiring rule books for 2006, and decided that he will sell rule books during the 2006 season.

Awards Committee: Committee Chair Glover made the presentation of the annual awards during lunch.  The below listed officials are to be congratulated for their being selected as recipients of the 2005 awards.  Receiving the

Dick Barbour Award for Service: Phil Watkins, 

The Newlon Award as the Outstanding Track Official, Joe Harper. 

The Crow Awards for outstanding Field Event Officials went to

Margaret Sheehan and

Shirley Connors. 

The USATF National Officials Awards were given to

John Bowen,

Charles Murphy,

John Shirey, and

Jeannie White. 

Pacific Association Awards were presented to

George Ball,

Rick Berman,

Thelma Brafford,

Tom Hamlin,

Barbara Hart,

Art Klein,

Sue Murray and

Lloyd Stephenson.

Mr. Glover than discussed the possible need to recognize other elements of our group that do not fit the current awards criteria; ie Long Distance Running,, Race Walking and professional meet management equipment operators. Also the idea of a chairman’s award was brought up.

Equipment Committee: Pacific Association Equipment Committee Chairman Phil Watkins presented a list of equipment that he has stored in his garage that is available for use by members of the association.  He spoke very strongly about the proper use and care of this equipment.

For more information about this equipment and to reserve it for use contact Mr. Watkins at 916-482-1473.

Turns and Distances Newsletter  Mr. Connors the editor stated that he will continue to write and produce the newsletter for at least the next calendar year with the assistance of  Mr. Hume and Mrs. Maynard.  The current circulation of the newsletter is approximately 450 copies each issue.  The reproduction cost is approximately $0.50 a copy, postage is $0.37 a copy and miscellaneous cost $0.03 which bring the total cost to about $0.90 an issue.  Editor Connors is always looking for contribution to the paper in particular writers.

New Business

A copy of the 2006 budget for the committee was distributed with agendas for the meeting.

NCAA D I Meet 2006 will be held at Sacramento State, June 7-10, 2006.  Mr. Connors thanked those that worked the 2005 meet but encouraged members to recruit their friend from across the nation as we were definitely short officials.  Bob Podkaminer, secretary for the NCAA D I track and field committee, commented about the direction the NCAA is taking in regards to qualifying officials and about the possible compensation of officials as early as 2007. He also spoke about the revision of the NCAA Rule Book for 2006.

Philosophy regarding senior members and Meet Safety Mr. Connors had several comments regarding this subject and then opened it up to floor discussion by the officials.  Al Minturn a guest official from Southern California spoke emotionally about the tragic death of his friend Paul Suzuki at the recent National Championships. He highlighted several steps the Southern California Association is taking to deal with question of safety for senior members and the training program they are expected to implement during the next season.  Also discussed was the safety of having the long throws competed under the lights.  It was brought out in the discussion that most to the accidents in the throws occur during the warm-up period.  The discussion ended with a talk of how to become an emeritus official.

Appointment of an Annual Meeting Committee:  The committee for 2006 annual meeting will be Lorri Coppola, Gail Wetzork and John Luppes   The committee was instructed to select a late in August or early September.  The location for the meeting is to be determined by the committee.

The Appointment of a committee to review the operating procedures:.  The below listed individuals volunteer to work on the committee: John Murray, Mike Sands, John Luppes and Gail Wetzork.

Report of the nominations Committee: Committee chairman Teddy Hayes announced the results of the recent election: New Chairman: Bruce Colman,, Vice Chairman: Phil Watkins, Secretary: Jon Siegel, Representatives at Large to the committee: John Murray and Dick Iwamiya,  Representatives to the Board of Athletics: Margaret Sheehan, Bob Podkaminer, and Dick Connors.

Comments of the new chairman: New Chairman Colman told the officials that committee chairs Kleeman, Hume and Glove would remain in their position. Mr. Connors has consented to continue to write the newsletter.

Mr. Colman then spoke about the goals he had for the committee: 1) To seek greater numbers of new officials by doing a better job of marketing. 2) To conduct a more formalize program of training new officials using mentors. 3) To improve a better working relationship with the youth Athletics committee.  Mr. Colman conclude his remarks by put his telephone numbers and e-mail address on the easel.  415-775-5450,  415-710-5264, e-mail [email protected]

The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 PM





Attachment One: Report of Chair of the Training Sub-Committee, George Kleeman

Clinic Summary for 2005 (5/10/05)

Instruction Clinics                                19

Attended           114 people

New      38

Instructors         16

Current Officials             60

People Attending Clinics             165

Instructors in Clinics       37

Total Attending 201

Locations for Clinics         5

Clinic Income     $1440.00

Expenses            $656.14

Net          $783.86

Rule Books Income                                    $519.00 25HS,25NCM, 5 HS Off, 5 HS case; 25HS Hume

Cost          $450.65

Net              $68.35

14 Different Courses

Level 1 T&F, MMS, ARC, Serra, Anderson (4)

.. Level 1 LOR, MMS (2)

Head of Events MMS, ARC (2)

Rules Update MMS, ARC (2)

Horizontal Jumps ARC

Field Lynx ARC

Five Alive ARC

High Jump Set Up ARC

Pole Vault Set Up Davis

Starters Davis

W&M Davis

Combined Events Davis

Umpires Davis

Throws Davis

Total 20

Clinic Instructors

Bruce Colman Heads

Dick Connors, Level 1 Track,

Dan Davidson, Rules, Heads

Pat Diskin, L-1 Disabled

Bill Edgar Rules

Joe Harper, Starting

Jim Hume, Level 1 Field, FieldLynx, 5 Alive

George Kleeman, Heads, Level 1 Field, Pole Vault Set Up, Combined Events

John Murray Throws

Pat Randall Five Alive, High Jump Set Up

Bob Rauch Umpires

Margaret Sheehan Heads

John Shirey Set Up High Jump

Jim Waldron Horizontal Jumps

Phil Watkins Rules, Weights & Measures

John Wise L-1 Field

Recertification Clinics 12

T&F Recertification Locations: Sacramento City, San Francisco City.. Stanford, Reno, Santa Rosa,Hartnell, Davis, Anderson (8)

RW Recertification Locations: Sacramento City, San Francisco City, Stanford (3)

LOR Recertification Location: Marina Middle School

Total 12

T&F Recertification HeIpers~$

Deri Bowen Reno

John Bowen Reno

Bruce Colman San Francisco

Dick Connors Stanford, San Francisco

Leon Glover Stanford

Bill Hawkes Stanford

Jim Hume Sacramento, San Francisco, Salinas

George Kleeman Sacramento, San Francisco, Stanford

John Lilygren Stanford

John Lipsey Anderson

Rick Milam Stanford

John Murray Sacramento

Joe Nemeth Salinas

Joanne Ottens Sacramento

Bob Podkaminer Santa Rosa

Margaret Sheehan San Francisco

John Shirey Sacramento

Bob Shor Santa Rosa

RW Recertification Helpers

Art Klein Sacramento, San Francisco, Stanford

George Kleeman Sacramento

Dick Petruzzi Sacramento

LOR Recertification Helpers

Kathi Berman San Francisco

Rick Berman San Francisco

George Kleeman San Francisco

Mark Winitz San Francisco

Attachment two: report of the Chair of the Certification Sub Committee, Jim Hume

Pacific Association USATF

Certification Committee

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Good morning folks,

Everything is up to date in REcert Central…as far as I am concerned. Some cards are outstanding…but will get here.

377  Names in Database

187 Certified as of 08/28/05

...... 37 Master

...... 48 National

...... 97 Association

..... 2   Emeritus

..... 3   from other districts

  61   "Working"…either "Newbies" or those

responding to post card.

123  No response to the post card mailed…

    6  Dead file (moved or dropped out)…

I am going to urge that the Association Rules Review be combined with the clinic. We are giving lots of clinics…but certifying a low percentage. Numbers…

 I’m working on that



Chair Jim Hume

1561-B Marina Court,

San Mateo, CA 94403

[email protected]

(650) 571-5913

Members of the Certification Committee:

Reno/Northern Nevada

John Bowen

(775) 359-1142

[email protected]

Anderson and the rest of Northern California

Dennis Boyle

(530) 547-5131

[email protected]

San Francisco/East Bay

Bruce Colman

(415) 775-5450

[email protected]

[Coordinates officials for

San Francisco State.]

Sacramento Area

Bill Edgar

(916) 966-5814

[email protected]

Sacramento Area

Joe Harper

(707) 428-1814

[email protected]

[Coordinates officials for Sacramento State.]

San Jose Area

Lori Maynard

(650) 369-2801

[email protected]

[Coordinates officials for

San Jose City.]

San Francisco Peninsula

Sonny Maynard

(650) 369-2801

[email protected]

[Coordinates officials for Stanford.]

