Pacific Association USATF Youth Club Meeting

Emeryville Recreation Center

21 January 2006


  • 10:16 am meeting called to order by Joanne Slaton-Camargo (couldn’t start on time because we couldn’t enter the building)
  • Minutes documented by Maura Kent


Roll Call


  • Charlie Sheppard Records Chairperson
  • Willie Young – Palo Alto Lightening Track Club
  • Maura Kent – Roseville Express Track Club
  • Mike Hammerquist – 3MTC
  • Joanne Slaton-Camargo – Hampton-Phillips Classic Track Club
  • Bob Shor – Santa Rosa Express Track Club
  • Deborah Sample – Hampton-Phillips Classic Track Club
  • Darrell Hampton – Acorn / Oscar Bailey Track Club
  • Reggie Huey – Delta Bay Athletic Association (Pittsburg)
  • Robin Huey – Delta Bay Athletic Association
  • Sarah Barnhart – Sierra Foothill Track Club
  • Arno Brewer – Mission Valley Track Club
  • Carl Bryant – Central Valley Roadrunners Track Club
  • Burton Williams
  • Greg Newman – Hampton-Phillips Classic Track Club
  • Darrell Hampton – Acorn / Oscar Bailey Track Club
  • John Pickett – Deer Valley Track Club
  • Anthony Camargo – man about town


Welcome to our newest youth track club – Delta Bay Athletic Association!


Coaches and Volunteer Requirement for Track Meets


Topic 1:


Willie Young requests that all clubs who are committed to competing at the AAU JO Nationals not include their athletes in the USATF Region 14 JO T&F meet.  If they do compete declare their intentions and have them compete in an exhibition heat.  Anthony Camargo’s response was that this would make Meet Management more complicated because it would add a whole new series of heats.  Sarah Barnhart also expressed concern that this could extend the length of an already long championship meet day.


The problem:  if a youth athlete competes in the USATF JO Region 14 T&F meet, places in the top 3 then decides not to advance … their spot cannot be back filled by the 4th, 5th or 6th place finishers, consequently our region is not fully represented at the meet.


The standard time / mark for an athlete who placed in 4-8th place to advance to the USATF JO Nationals is the average of the 8th place finisher from the last three years in the same event.


Charlie Sheppard announced that this year the AAU and the USATF JO Nationals will occur on two separate weekends (back-to-back weekends).  Joanne Slaton-Camargo reminded everyone that the timing of the two JO meets also occurred on a different weekend last year; they were one week apart.


Arno Brewer shared that it is impossible to declare in advance because the weekends to qualify are 7-days apart and a club would have to have already entered and paid their youth athletes into both meets before knowing the results of either.


Anthony suggested that we don’t finalize our results until we confirm who wants to go.  Bob Shor and Charlie Sheppard confirmed that this could not be done for legal reasons.


Willie Young suggests we table for further investigation.  Deborah Sample seconds motion.  All agree.


  • ACTION:  Willie Young to check rulebook and investigate further and represent issue at next youth BOA meeting


Topic 2:


Coach’s background check will be revamped in 2007 by the USATF National office.  This is a 10 point check.  Possibly considering using Life Scan.  Every coach must be a registered USATF card-carrying member.  All volunteers who have contact with a youth on the team must be registered and complete the Coach / Volunteer form.  Below are several examples of the 10 point check (each checks your history for the last 5 years):


  • DUI
  • Drug checks
  • Spousal assault
  • Felony


Deadline for all coaches is January 1 of each year to renew their annual membership.


  • ACTION:  All 2006 USATF coaches and volunteers must fill out the membership form on the website and submit to Heike Mansoor at the PA USATF office


Coaches will not be allowed into the warm up area at a track meet unless a coach can show proof of membership at all meets.   Bring a copy of your online confirmation until your card is available.


All clubs must be registered by May 1; cost is $75.  If you register after May 1 the fine is $100 for a total registration fee of $175.


  • Note:  Until a club is registered (annual fees paid) their athletes cannot compete in any relay events per our Operating Procedures
  • Suggestion:  When a new athlete joins a club, the coach submits the USATF membership on behalf of the athlete.  When it is time to renew memberships, club renews the memberships on behalf of the athletes


Program for Junior Olympics


  • Each club should submit a bio for the program.  Cost per bio will vary according to the size of the bio
  • Club bios and program entries are due by May 31 to Anthony Camargo
  • If you are soliciting for sponsors make sure they understand that they are not sponsoring the Junior Olympics, they are sponsoring the youth athletes of the PA/USATF
    • ACTION:  Need a club to take the lead and partner with Anthony to secure sponsors for the program


Meet Manager / Finish Lynx Operation for out youth meets


Anthony Camargo led a training session two weeks ago about how to write your track meet program using Meet Manager and how to run a track meet finish line using Finish Lynx.  Anthony operates the system for youth meets.  If you want him to run the Meet Manager or Finish Lynx system for your meet, today is the deadline for a club to ask for his help.  After today he opens up his free weekends to other track meets who’d like to hire him.


Meet Manager is necessary to learn if you are hosting a youth meet in the 2006 season and using our Meet Manager and Finish Lynx system.  It is not necessary if you are hiring someone or getting volunteers to do Meet Manager for you.  Also it is not necessary if you are using our old fashioned way of hosting meets; no automation involved.


Club Manager Program


Charlie Sheppard demonstrated his new software program.


Beginning in April 2006, all clubs and unattached athletes must use this software to submit entries for youth meets.  It is not mandatory for the early seasonal meets but required for all championship meets so enforcing early usage of the software ensures you become familiar with the usage of the tool prior to entering your athletes into the championship meets.


When a hosting club posts their pre-meet details they need to clearly identify how they want their Club Manager meet entries submitted.  Suggestion:  4-digit club name plus meet name.  For example:  3MTCRegion14 would be an example of how to save and submit a meet entry.


  • ACTION:  If you have not participated in a Club Manager training session (there have been two training sessions thus far), you will need to contact Joanne Slaton-Camargo to receive a copy of the software and directions how to use it
  • ACTION:  If enough clubs / unattached athlete parents want to take an additional training session, contact Joanne Slaton-Camargo and she’ll set up a third training session.  Joanne can be reached at [email protected]; no telephone call requests please


Time was made available during the meeting to allow clubs to practice using the tool on the four available PCs.

When making the online entries, no teams or unattached athletes will be allowed to enter the PAC or JO Championship meets unless their meet entries have been submitted via Club Manager.  No exceptions.

Changes to Youth Committee Operating Procedures


  • Changes
    • Added a 4x200m Relay, at the discretion of the Meet Director, for non-championship meets only (all age groups); this is an exhibition event
    • Notice of future Youth BOA meetings can be posted via e-mail or PA/USATF website
      • Joanne provides motion, Bob seconded, Group approves
    • Add a membership chair position
      • Currently fulfilled by Tony Williams; initially this position was appointed by the PA/USATF membership chair; as an appointed position this person does not have a vote on the board.
        • Leave this as an appointed position, not elected because this position is privy to confidential information; the chair votes on someone and the youth BOA votes to agree
    • Move 5.  Cross country championship meets section a-e
      • Move all elements to underneath Item 5A entry paragraph
  • Two Openings on the Board
    • Field Events Chair
    • Race Walk Chair
      • ACTION:  If anyone is interested in either of these positions contact Joanne Slaton-Camargo
  • Two-day meet
    • Add hammer, steeplechase; not mandatory for regular track meets; JO and Region 14 Championship meets only
  • Late fee for championship meets.  Same day registration will be $20 per event; no teams will be allowed to enter their team members through this process.
  • Role for Membership Chair
    • Validate all clubs are registered
    • Validate all registered clubs have registered coaches
    • Validate all youth athletes have submitted acceptable proof of birth prior to championship competition
    • Ensure privacy when storing proof of birth certificates
    • Ensure membership database validations are kept current on the PA/USATF website
    • Works in partnership with the PA/USATF Executive Board Membership Chair
  • Code of Conduct
    • Live document can be edited as needed
    • Apply the document to adults only, not youth athletes
    • Consider adopting ‘case law’ which supports each scenario.  This will be added to document as situations arise
    • Everything needs to be handled on a case-by-case basis
      • Approved by all in the room
  • Officials Clinic
    • Each club should consider sending several of their adult volunteers and/or coaches to be certified; fee for class is $25 and includes a 2006 USATF rules book; certification occurs at the end of the clinic
      • January 29 – Serra HS @ San Mateo
        • Bring your lunch as there isn’t time to leave to get lunch
      • February 25 – Enterprise HS @ Redding


Other items discussed in meeting


  • Meet protocol
    • All meets use the same check in process
      • Parents/coaches can take child to clerking area but then they cannot check in the athlete.  The clerking area is secure and coaches can have confidence to leave the athletes in the area.  Youth athletes must check themselves in
      • Must be a two stage process (1) clerk; and, (2) hipping (applicable when using Finish Lynx)
      • Ideal if you can have a porta-potty in the clerk area
    • Championship meets
      • Every club should sign up for a volunteer role
    • ACTION:  Maura Kent to validate with John Mansoor that Region 14 T&F Friday events (open Hammer, LJ, Steeplechase) can all be held at ARC
  • Record keeping
    • Two sets of records will now be kept
      1. Youth PA/USATF Association records
      2. Youth PA/USATF elite records
        • Must be a PA/USATF youth member
        • Must be at a sanctioned USATF meet
        • Record must be verifiable on the Internet or by the meet director
  • Junior Nationals
    • Indianapolis, IN in June 23-24, 2006
      1. ACTION:  If you have a high school athlete that plans to attend save a copy of their airline ticket and send the copy to Darryl Hampton for possible reimbursement


Meeting Adjourned at 3:32 pm