
Annual USATF Meeting Notice for Elite Athletes

From: USATF Elite Athlete <mailto:[email protected]>  
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 6:19 AM
Subject: Annual Meeting

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Please read the letter and follow the instructions.
September 27, 2007

Dear Athlete,
It is my pleasure to congratulate our 2007 World Championships Team Members and Staff for such spectacular performances in Osaka.  Our athletes truly held up the banner of "The World #1 Team."  It's hard to believe that the 2007 season is coming to a close.  With this in mind, however, it is time to start making plans for the 2007 Annual Meeting to be held November 28th-December 2nd in Honolulu, HI.
The Athletes Advisory Committee would like to commend athletes for your high attendance at and participation in the Annual Meeting over the past few years.  With this type of participation, we now have the strongest athletes‚ voice ever, as well as an increased voting power within USA Track & Field. In order to maintain our strong presence within USATF, we encourage you to attend this year‚s Annual meeting. If you are interested in receiving funding to attend, listed below are the options available:
Contact your Local Association

Local associations are often eager to fund athletes as delegates to the Annual Meeting.  Now is the time to contact your local association to inquire about possible funding to the Annual Meeting. If you do not know the name or contact information for your association, please visit our website at www.usatf.org <http://www.usatf.org/>  and click on the Associations link.

Athletes Advisory Funding

If you are unable to get funding through your association, please fill out the AAC Funding Application located at www.usatf.org <http://www.usatf.org/> . To find the application, click on the Elite Athlete link under Resources for and then click on the Athlete Support Programs Link, located on the left hand side. Please fax your completed application back to the National Office at (317) 261-0514. All applications must be received no later than October 5, 2007. The Athletes Advisory Committee will provide funding (airfare and hotel accommodations) for qualified athletes, but we encourage you to contact your local association first.  Priority funding is given to AAC Event leaders, athletes serving on select committees, and athletes involved within AAC.  All other applicants will be considered for funding based on the number of slots available and the date that applications are received.   

All the best,

Sandra Farmer Patrick
AAC Chair