

From Hollis Lenderking, PA/USATF Ultrarunning Chair


Mark Lantz (l) and Mark Murray (r) at the
2005 Californai International Marathon

Pacific Association's Mark Lantz, 42, was crowned USATF National Masters
champion at the Where's Waldo 100K in Oregon on August 18. Lantz, of
Folsom, finished third overall among a field of 122 runners, in a time of
10:56:13, less than eight minutes behind the overall winner. The race is
conducted annually along single-track mountain trail starting at the
Willamette Pass 70 miles east of Eugene, and was serving for the first
time as the USA Masters Trail 100K championship.

Two-time defending PA Ultrarunner of the Year Beverly Anderson-Abbs, 43,
of Red Bluff, was the runner-up in the women's race, finishing just
behind Lantz in 11:09:08 (fourth in overall field).

Lantz was thrilled with his win.

"I was especially proud of the run since I lost 40 minutes because of
course [-marking] tampering by some mean hikers."

As a result of this increasingly common problem plaguing backcountry
ultras, Lantz was unsure of his location on the course.

"I caught Bev and [PA/USATF runner and third-place USATF] Mark Murray up
the last climb, as Mark explained where I was and told me to put the
hammer down. It was my best performance, period," Lantz exclaimed, "and
that course is soft, shaded, and just a blast to run."

Mark Murray finished fifth overall, fourth in the USATF masters men's
division and seventh overall(11:15:46). Other PA finishers included
6th male o'all, 5th USATF), Lee McKinley (12:16:21, 8th male o'all,
6th USATF), Tina Ure (13:12:52, 6th woman o'all, 3rd USATF),
Stephen Itano (13:58:26, 35th male overall, 15th USATF).