
LDR Committee Meeting Minutes

September 14, 2008
After the Banana Chase 5K
On the bleachers above the 100M start Kezar Stadium, San Francisco

Tyler Abbott, Men's LDR chair, Lloyd Stephenson, Master's LDR chair,
Tom Bernhard, road scorer, Jin Daikoku, Chikara Omine, Jorge Rivera,
New Balance Excelsior; Katie Wasilenko, women's LDR chair, Irene Herman,
membership chair, Lillian Gardiner, Impalas; Hollis Lenderking,
ultra subcommittee chair,BAUR;Tom O'Reilly, Tim O'Rourke, Sam Hirabayashi,
Tamalpa; Mark Winitz, WVJS; Tony Coffey, Aggies.

Meeting called to order 10:07 am.

Minutes from Marin Memorial Day meeting 5/26/2008 unanimously approved.


With no representative present initially, no report was originally given.
After Hollis Lenderking arrived, he reported that Steve Stowers was on the
2008 USA 100K World Cup team.

Cross Country
Tony Coffey brought up the order of events at PA XC Championship.
A motion was made and unanimously approved to change the event order so that masters men
would run first, women second, if the race director also approved this change.

Sponsorship/Fundraising: No report

Board of Athletics positions, women's LDR:Chair announced that we are still 2-3
women's LDR positions short on the Board of Athletics, and called for volunteers.
Sanction Monitor:Katie Wasilenko, women's LDR chair and road grand prix bid coordinator,
offered to take this position-to make sure our grand prix races are sanctioned.
National Cross Country Council Rep: Sylvester Coons, a member of the Pacific Striders
open men's team residing in Nevada, has offered to become our national cross country
council rep. A motion was made and seconded to forward to Lloyd Stephenson
Mr. Coons's request and to allow Lloyd to decide whether to appoint him.

Other current volunteers
It was announced that we could probably use a new cross country chair, as Cary Craig
has been very busy the last year or two. The group was encouraged to think of likely candidates.
In particular, Tony Coffey offered to poll the Aggies.
LDR Banquet
Tom O'Reilly reported that Tamalpa's plans are proceeding, with the focus now on venue.

2008 Road Grand Prix schedule 2008
Mile: We have heard no word since the postponement in late June/early July.
It's very unlikely the event will take place this year.
Seagate Elite 5K is open individual only (this was accepted by the race),
double points @ 2650.
2009 Road Grand Prix schedule (Katie Wasilenko chairing; see Appendix A)
1. It was moved and passed unanimously to accept Zippy 5K and Big Sur 5K.
2. It was moved and passed unanimously to accept NorCal 10 miler at
either $3000 (single point) or $4500 (1.5 point), at the race's discretion,
with the race to let us know by 12/1.
3. It was moved and passed unanimously (1 abstention) to reject the
Spangler Memorial 8K.
4. It was moved and passed unanimously to accept the Across the Bay 12K,
Marin Memorial Day 10K (long circuit), and Banana Chase 5K with the following stipulations:
Banana Chase submits a bid, for either single point $3000 or 1.5 point $4500, and each race
may back out if the headphone issue is not resolved to its satisfaction by January 2009.
5. It was moved and passed unanimously to accept the Shriners 8K.
6. It was moved and passed unanimously to accept the Humboldt Half Marathon if they amend
their bid to offer $3000 instead of $2650.
7. It was moved and passed unanimously (1 abstention) to accept the
Clarksburg 30K as a 30K (not as a 20 miler). It was also expressed that
(1) if the race really wanted to offer the 20 miler instead of the 30K,
we could reconsider, and (2) for 2010, if the race wants to offer the 20 miler
instead of the 30K, they should just submit a bid for the 20 miler.
8. It was moved and passed unanimously (1 abstention) to accept the Synaptics
(formerly Seagate) 5K as a double point open individual only race, assuming we receive
a bid ($3000).
9. It was moved and passed unanimously to accept the Christmas Relays on
the same terms as in the past (single point money $3000, single point if 1 week after CIM
if CIM is on the circuit, double point otherwise) if we receive a bid.
10. It was moved and passed unanimously to accept CIM for all age groups if it submits a bid
substantially similar to past bids (but with $3000 prize money). If the race wants to bid for
just certain age groups, that will have to come before the committee (or executive committee again.
Finally, the Fleet Feet Mile expressed that it planned to bid, but without date or venue,
so it is planned to put this before the LDR Executive Committee.

Motion: The Ultra Subcommittee shall be renamed the MUT Subcommittee. Passed unanimously.

Chair announced that grievance mentioned at the last meeting has been resolved. Thanks
was given to Hollis Lenderking for his great work on this otherwise thankless task.
Year-end award depth: no word had been heard from the SWEAT team members.

Rules Changes (new): None Appeals: It was mentioned that there was an issue with Impala Lisbet
Sunshine at the GGP XC meet last weekend. Any appeal would not be before the LDR Committee,
however, but would be in the hands of the officials.

Other New Business
Hollis Lenderking moved that Steve Stowers be awarded $500 for travel to the 100K World Cup.
Passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned 11:11 am. Submitted by Tyler Abbott, acting secretary.

3/7 NorCal 10 Miler Long 1.0 or 1.5
3/15 Across the Bay 12K Long 1.5 (1)
4/19 Zippy 5K Short 1.0
4/26 Big Sur 5K Short 1.0
5/25 Marin Memorial Day 10K Long 1.0 (1)
6/20 Shriners 8K Short 1.0
TBA Fleet Feet Mile Short 1.0 (2)
TBA Banana Chase 5K Short 1.0 or 1.5 (1)(3)
10/18 Humboldt Half Marathon Long 1.5
11/8 Clarksburg 30K Long 2.0
11/26 Synaptics Elite 5K Short Open Individual only 2.0 (3)
TBA CIM Long 2.0 (3)
TBA Christmas Relays Team only 1.0 or 2.0 (3)

(1) Subject to a resolution satisfactory to race management of the headphone issue.
(2) Pending bid and acceptance by the LDR Executive Committee.
(3) Pending satisfactory bid.
(4) Pending correction of prize money in bid.

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