Cal Track & Running News Deadline

Cal Track & Running News Deadline is Nov. 14

email material to: Christine Johnson <[email protected]>

Hi, Everybody!

Cal Track & Running News is putting together it's January/February issue, so now is the time to submit anything you'd like to share with your fellow USATF association members. I'd like to extend a special thanks to those of you who have already made submissions and to encourage the new people on this list to submit items of interest.

The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, November 18th.  In the past, I have often been able to include submissions received after the deadline.  Due to changes in our print/mail schedule, that will be harder for me to do beginning with this issue. That said, if you don't make the deadline, I still encourage you to submit it. You never know if I'll have a quarter-page to fill at the last minute.

If you're in doubt about whether to submit or whether you can meet the deadline, please feel free to call me at anytime; I'm happy to work with all reasonable requests.

Please remember that this is a January/February issue, so events that you write about should be slated for January 1st or later. Events prior to that will already be outdated and I'll have to edit them out. Feel free, however, to note briefly events that will happen between the submission deadline (late November) and January 1st and note that CTRN will provide a report in the next issue. (Then, please remember to submit one! And you needn't wait until the next deadline notice-- I'm happy to collect them early.)

Don't be intimidated if you've never submitted before and don't worry about being letter-perfect.  I'll call or email you for clarification and we proofread everything multiple times!  Just get it as clean and accurate as you can, and we'll take it the rest of the way.  Think of it as a team effort; I do.

Feel free to call or email me if you have any questions or requests.

Thanks again,

Christine Johnson

Christine Johnson
Group Editor
Shooting Star Media, Inc.

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