
Jen Hitchings 4th at 2008 USATF Womens Masters Marathon Championship

Jen Hitchings (Buffalo Chips Running Club, Sacramento) ran in the USATF Womens Masters Marathon Championship division at Twin Cities October 5.  She placed 4th women masters, earning a $2,500 4th place prize from USATF.  The race conditions were very difficult, with torrential rain, strong winds and 40-45 degree weather.  Most of the times were well off of PR and course record pace.  For those that gutted it out and finished, it was quite an accomplishment.  Jenny and a lot of the other women runners said they couldn’t feel their feet at the end, and their hands were so wet and cold they could barely hold the water bottles and cups at the aid stations.

Jenny ran a 3:01:57, well off of her 2:54 PR, but nonetheless very good under the conditions.  She picked off several  other women masters runners over the course of the last few miles to move up in the standings.  In the Women’s Open division, Silvia Skvortsov, the leader from mile 4 on, got passed by Olga Glok with only 300 yards to go, and Glok won by only 11 seconds.  Skvortsov said she was just too cold and tight to be able to match Glok’s finishing kick.

PA's Christine Kennedy was first woman in the 50-54 division, (6th, 40+ and 31st overall) in 3:03:41.

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