
Pacific Association RW Committee Report

18 Mar 2008


Sanctioned and Judged Races held:


1. PA 1 Hour Championship –23 Feb – Los Gatos HS, hosted by Santa Cruz Track Club (first race in the 6-race Grand Prix Series) Both adults and youth competed.


2. 16th Annual Bay Area Senior Games – 1500m Walk, 16 March - Stanford University.

 - 13 starters, 1 DQ


Upcoming Sanctioned Races:


May 25th - PA Association Championship – 5000m College of San Mateo

Art Klein: [email protected]



June 22nd - PA Masters Championship – 5000m Los Gatos HS (sub-masters welcome) Joy Upshaw Margerum:  [email protected]


June 22nd -15th Annual Alongi Classic –College of Marin

Jack Bray:  [email protected]


July 12th -  Don Bowden 1 Mile (road) - University of Pacific, Stockton

Art Klein: [email protected]



August 16th – West Region Track and Field Championship 3000m - Reno HS, NV

Beth Price: [email protected]


Dates for 20k Golden Gate Race Walkers Founders Day race (Oakland) and Sierra RW  10k race (change of location from Seaside) to be determined. 


Annual Meeting held after 1 Hour Championship

-       Club voting members identified

-       Youth Support Plan created

-       2008 Grand Prix Races selected


Race Walk Clinic held 29 Feb – 1 Mar (Clinicians: Dave Mc Govern (National RW Team Member), Susan Armenta (National 50K Champion), Art and Becky Klein

- 30 participants (21 adults, 9 youth)


Respectfully submitted


Art Klein, Chair