

PAUSATF Schools and Clinics

updated 4 Ocotber, 2009
For more information and updates, contact Pacific Association coaches chair Dave Shrock at: [email protected]

USATF Coaches Education
and Summits

USATF Coaches Education is dedicated to increasing the knowledge and effectiveness of coaches of all levels throughout the United States.  Over 31,000 coaches have taken advantage of these all encompassing learning opportunities.

2009/10 USATF Level 1 Schools:
19-20 December, 2009:  
at Sacramento City College, Lillard Hall.  21 hour school covering all aspects of sports science and specific event groups with a youth emphasis. 
Click here for informational flyer 

16-17 January, 2010:  at Chabot College, Hayward.  21 hour school covering all aspects of sports science and specific event groups.  Registration opens 1 Nov., 2009.
Click here for informational flyer

PAUSATF Level 1 School Scholarships Available:
To facilitate the goal of producing well educated coaches, the Pacific Association of USATF (including San Luis Obispo, San Benito, Stanislaus, Tuolumne, counties north to the Oregon border in California, and central/northern Nevada) has made available twenty (20) scholarships to pay the tuition to attend a PA-USATF Level 1 Coaching Education School.  Pacific Association registered coaches who compete and submit the attached form by Sunday, 28 Nov. at 5:00pm will become eligible to have their tuition fee paid to the Sacramento City College Level 1 School on 19-20 December 2009, or the Chabot College Level 1 School on 16-17 January 2010.  Recipients are responsible for their own transportation, USATF membership fees, accommodation, and meals.  Click here for further information and application.

Refer to the national coaches education website for further information and to register for the above schools: http://www.usatf.org/groups/Coaches/education/

CEU�s are now available for successful Level 1 and 2 graduates from the United States Sports Academy. Further info. can be found at:

Gill Athletics Coaches Education Scholarships 2009-2010
Gill Athletics is proud to be the presenting sponsor of USATF's
Coaches Education Program.  Gill Athletics is committed to the future of the coaching profession and believes that the USATF Coaching Education Program is an integral part of preparing coaches to be better educated and better informed.
Gill Athletics has awarded all the Level I scholarships and Level II scholarship for 2009.  Please apply again in 2010.  Scholarships cover the tuition of the school (no late registration fees).  Any further questions,
 contact mike Cunningham at: [email protected]

upcoming clinics

VSAthletics-NorCal SuperClinic

Saturday-January 23rd, 2010 - Sacramento City College

Finally, By Popular Request, A Gigantic Nor-Cal Clinic Devoted Solely to the Teaching of Track & Field Techniques!
Nationally Known Speakers in four Event Group Areas:
sprints-hurdles, distance, throws, and jumps

Do not miss this Incredible Learning Opportunity! Spread the Word to All Coaches!  Clinic info flyer posted soon.  In the mean time, contact Peanut Harms at [email protected] for further information.

clinic notes and publications

2008 Trials Super Clinic Speaker Notes:
Presentation notes from 40 of the nation's top coaches presented at the Olympic Trials SuperClinic:

2007 Las Vegas Distance Advanced Summit lecture notes:
Complete notes from this USATF distance summit by some of USA�s best coaches: http://milesplit.com/training/

2007 & 2008 Las Vegas Podium lecture notes:  Complete notes from the two Podium summits on varying topics presented by the country's leading coaches can be found at: http://www.usatf.org/groups/Coaches/library/

USATF Coaches Education newsletter:  Great resource for cutting edge articles and information: http://www.usatf.org/groups/Coaches/education/newsletter 


Copyright 2009 Pacific Association USATF