
PAUSATF September 22, 2009
Board of Athletics Meeting Agenda

Foster City-Recreation Center 7:30pm

Meeting call to Order:  Irene Herman President 7:30pm

Minutes of the May, 2009 Meeting for approval:  Maura Kent- 7:33-7:35 Action Item

Treasurer’s Report:  Lloyd Stephenson and John Mansoor, CEO – 7:35-7:40pm Action Item

Budget for 2009-2010- Presentation –Lloyd Stephenson and John Mansoor-for discussion  7:40-7:55pm Action Item

PA Foundation Task Force:  Lloyd Stephenson, Treasurer Report 7:56-8:02pm

By-Law Amendment:  George Kleeman, Past President 8:06-8:12

  • We submitted to USATF at the end of June 2009 so that we are in compliance of Article 16 (new) and article 17 and dealing with grievances.  We updated the number of meetings to 4 for the board. This is posted on the website on Revision 15.

Association Arbitration Panel(AAP):  Thomas Bennett, JD, retired Bank of America estate attorney, athlete, LDR, Kathi Berman, Project Manager, PGE, LDR Official, Samuel Harvell, African American Ethnic Studies, teacher SFSU, athlete and personal trainer, LDR. Action Item

Association Accreditation and Workshop Report- Irene  Membership 08/31/09  8:13-8:15 5974

Convention Delegates-Nominations to be placed on the board as BOA enters the room and will be discussed during this agenda item-Dave Shrock 8:15-8:30pm

Sports Medicine Committee Chair: Peter Tappia appointed and introduction - Irene

  • Need volunteers on this committee 8:31-8:36

Disabled Athlete Committee-volunteers from each sport committee to be represented.  This is one of our goals in our strategic planning.-Irene/Charlie Sheppard 8:36-8:42pm

Championship Reports- 8:45-9:05

  • XC JO Reno Championships Dec 12, 2009-John Mansoor
  • National Masters Track and Field July 22-25, 2010-George K/Joy
  • JO National Track and Field – July 27-August 1, 2010 John Mansoor
  • XC Club National at GGP 2010 Irene
  • WMA July 6-17, 2011-George
  • National Club Track and Field Championship July 9 and 10, 2010

Senior Games-Marketing -Irene

Coaches, Clinics, and Schools-Dave Shrock

Official Clinics-Shirley Connors, Officials Education

Equipment Contract and Inventory form-Phil Watkins

Committee Reports - submitted as part of the agenda minutes, only new reports omitted can be announced. 9:06-9:10pm

New Business:

Constant Contact-email communications - Dave Shrock, Cynci Calvin 9:10-9:15

Maximize quarterly meetings by engaging committee meetings after the BOA. This means that BOA wraps up meeting around 9-9:15 to allow 30-45 minutes for officials, and sport committees to meet with Executive board and invite other members of your committee to meet. 9:15 -10:00 pm Action Item

Future Meetings for 2009-2010:  9:18-9:20 pm

  • November 17, 2009     Heather Farms (Tuesday)
  • February 16, 2010      Sacramento (Tuesday)
  • May 4, 2010                 Heather Farms (Tuesday)