
North American Race Walking Institute "Give a Book" Program

From: Jeff Salvage <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 4, 2009 2:57:07 PM
Subject: [racewalking] Please Read: Simple way to help grow race walking
NARI - Give a Book Program

While the numbers of elite race walkers in America has dwindled for some time, a spotlight was placed on the problem at our recent 50K National Championships where only three competitors finished the race. While there are a great many factors that contributed to this light turnout, there is no question that we need to rebuild race walking in the United States if our sport is to continue.

Currently, there are many efforts throughout the country to try to revive race walking. Racewalk.com would like to help, so we’ve teamed up with NARI (North American Race Walking Institute) to help provide learning materials for youth and high school programs. In the past racewalk.com donated hundreds of “Walk Like an Athlete” books and a number of video sets to be distributed to coaches and athletes by NARI.

Now we are asking your help. The “Give a Book Program” is designed to help NARI fund and distribute additional books to coaches and young race walkers throughout the United States. Initially, our goal is to raise money to distribute 200 books between Maine, Texas and California. We picked these areas as they are areas where youth race walking is showing promise.

We ask that you make a donation so that books can be purchased at 1⁄2 the cover price and given to those who have the biggest impact on our sport; those coaching and learning it. Racewalk.com is making the books available at a considerable discount. For a tax deductible donation of $12, you can put a book (Race Walk Like a Champion, Full Color Edition) in the hands of a potential future Olympian. For $24, you double the chances. Please donate whatever you can to this worthy cause and help us turn the tide on our decreasing numbers.

Jeff Salvage