With the completion of the series on October 18th, these are Final Standings for the 2009 Season.  
Totals for individuals and teams are the sum of the best results in any five races.
A team must have three finishers to qualify for a score in any race.
updated 7-Nov-09
DATE:  28-Feb 24-May 6-Jun 22-Aug 13-Sep 18-Oct    
Location:  Los Gatos San Mateo Livermore* Reno Oakland Sacramento  
PLACE Club/Distance   1 Hour 5K 1500 m 3K 20K 10K Total  
1 Sierra Racewalkers
  10 10   10 10 7 47  
2 Pacific Racewalk Organization (PRO)         8 8 10 26  
3 Santa Cruz Track Club
  8           8  
3 Marin Racewalkers
            8 8
NOTES: See Race Walking Rules for details.  For teams, 1st place = 10 points; 2nd = 8 points; 3rd = 7 points; etc.; 9th place and lower =1.
           *No team scored in Livermore.                
Age Graded Individuals (includes women and men together)
DATE: 28-Feb 24-May 6-Jun 22-Aug 13-Sep 18-Oct  
Location: Los Gatos San Mateo Livermore Reno Oakland Sacramento  
PLACE Walker  (age during season) Club 1 Hour 5K 1500 m 3K 20K 10K Total
28 Phyllis Abbate, 68 Marin           1 1
7 MJ Baglin, 62 PRO         9 7 16
28 Emily Balczewski, 15 Diablo     1       1
13 Doris Cassels, 70 Marin           9 9
21 Kylie Cleveland, 14 Umoja     5       5
28 Linda Collier, 65 PRO       1     1
28 Andree Enos, 40 PRO       1     1
11 Marjorie Garnero, 68 MPWWW   7       5 12
15 Nicolle Goldman, 50 SRW 3     1 4   8
28 Lila Haba, 13 unattached 1           1
22 Rita Hildreth, 77 unattached       4     4
24 Julie Johnson, 75 unattached       3     3
28 Melissa Johnson, 57 unattached       1     1
9 Susan Mears, 54 PRO       6 7 1 14
28 Betsy Miarecki, 47 PRO       1     1
25 Jeanne Olson, 62 Impala   1 1       2
3 Leslie Sokol, 51 SCTC 6 5 7 5 6 4 29
2 Nicolette Sorensen, 13 Pleasanton 9 8 8     6 31
25 Helen Storrs, 43 Sierra       1   1 2
10 Karen Stoyanowski, 54 SRW 7 3   1   2 13
1 Louise Walters, 69 SRW   10 9 10 10   39
6 James Beckett, 70 MRW 10     9     19
13 Joseph Berendt, 53 SRW 1 1   1 5 1 9
28 Jaydeep (JD) Bhatia, 18 unattached 1           1
5 Mark Green, 53 Pegasus       8 8 8 24
15 Richard Hansen, 82/83 GGRW   2 4 2     8
20 Kevin Killingsworth, 53 Marin   6         6
28 Stu Kinney, 69 GGRW           1 1
25 Art Klein, 55 SCTC 2           2
12 John Mullane, Sr., 70 SCTC 4   2   3 1 10
19 Bill Penner, 62 PRO       7     7
22 Dick Petruzzi, 76 PRO       1   3 4
8 Steven Popell, 70 GGRW 5 4 6       15
15 Alexander Price, 27 PRO   1 3 1 2 1 8
3 Tyler Sorensen, 15 Pleasanton   9 10     10 29
15 Ronald Walters, 70 SRW 8           8
NOTES: See Race Walking Rules for details.  For individuals, 1st place = 10 points; 2nd = 9 pts; 3rd = 8 pts; etc.; 10th place and lower =1.  
             Leslie Sokol and Tyler Sorensen tied for third place and were both awarded trophies.  
  Only Pacific Association - USATF members score points for the Grand Prix series.      
Men's Overall (on the basis of speed)
DATE: 28-Feb 24-May 6-Jun 22-Aug 13-Sep 18-Oct  
Location: Los Gatos San Mateo Livermore Reno Oakland Sacramento  
PLACE Walker  (age during season) Club 1 Hour 5K 1500 m 3K 20K 10K Total
7 James Beckett, 70 MRW 9     8     17
2 Joseph Berendt, 53 SRW 8 7   7 8 7 37
9 Jaydeep (JD) Bhatia, 18 unattached 10           10
4 Mark Green, 53 Pegasus       10 10 9 29
8 Richard Hansen, 82 GGRW   5 6 4     15
10 Kevin Killingsworth, 53 Marin   9         9
16 Stu Kinney, 69 GGRW           3 3
12 Art Klein, 55 SCTC 7           7
5 John Mullane, Sr., 70 SCTC 4   7   7 6 24
15 Garland Murphy,  Marin           5 5
13 Bill Penner, 62 PRO       6     6
10 Dick Petruzzi, 76 PRO       5   4 9
6 Steven Popell, 70 GGRW 5 6 8       19
1 Alexander Price, 27 PRO   8 9 9 9 8 43
3 Tyler Sorensen, 15 Pleasanton   10 10     10 30
13 Ronald Walters, 70 SRW 6           6
Women's Overall (on the basis of speed)
DATE: 28-Feb 24-May 6-Jun 22-Aug 13-Sep 18-Oct  
Location: Los Gatos San Mateo Livermore Reno Oakland Sacramento  
PLACE Walker  (age during season) Club 1 Hour 5K 1500 m 3K 20K 10K Total
18 Phyllis Abbate, 68 Marin           2 2
7 MJ Baglin, 62 PRO         9 7 16
11 Emily Balczewski, 15 Diablo     6       6
13 Doris Cassels, 70 Marin           5 5
10 Kylie Cleveland, 14 Umoja     8       8
19 Linda Collier, 65 PRO       1     1
13 Andree Enos, 40 PRO       5     5
8 Marjorie Garnero, 68 MPWWW   6       4 10
6 Nicolle Goldman, 50 SRW 7     7 6   20
11 Lila Haba, 13 unattached 6           6
19 Rita Hildreth, 77 unattached       1     1
19 Julie Johnson, 75 unattached       1     1
17 Melissa Johnson, 57 unattached       3     3
5 Susan Mears, 54 PRO       9 7 6 22
16 Betsy Miarecki, 47 PRO       4     4
8 Jeanne Olson, 62 Impala   5 5       10
1 Leslie Sokol, 51 SCTC 9 9 9 10 10 9 47
2 Nicolette Sorensen, 13 Pleasanton 10 10 10     10 40
13 Helen Storrs, 43 Sierra       2   3 5
4 Karen Stoyanowski, 54 SRW 8 7   6   8 29
3 Louise Walters, 69 SRW   8 7 8 8   31
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Team Name Glossary: 
Diablo = Diablo Valley Track & Field Club
GGRW = Golden Gate Race Walkers
Impala = Impala Racing Team
MRW = Marin Race Walkers
MPWWW = Monterey Peninsula Walk Walk Walk Club
Pleasanton = Pleasanton Heat
PRO = Pacific Racewalkers Organization
SCTC = Santa Cruz Track Club
Sierra = Sierra Racewalkers
SSS = Silver State Striders
Umoja = Umoja Track Club