



2009 National Junior Olympic Cross Country Championship

Pacific Association Top Age Division Finishers



Jessie.petersen EmmaFreema shelby.mcintyre

Intermediate Girls (L to R): 4th place - Jessie Petersen (RF United)  19:17; 8th place - Emma Freeman (Buffalo Chips  B) 19:28; 9th place - Shelby McIntyre (Buffalo  Chips B) 19:30


brookeholt savannah.camacho natalie.dimits
Intermediate Girls continued (L to R): 11th place - Brooke Holt (Buffalo Chips)  19:39; 18th place - Savannah Camacho (San Luis  Distance Club) 19:51; 19th place - Natalie Dimits (Pleasanton  Heat) 19:53

Intermediate Girls continued: (L) 23rd place - Shayna Powless (Buffalo Chips D) 20:05; (R) 24th place - Haley Kroll (Pacific United)  20:06

Team Score: Buffalo Chips B (2nd  place); Buffalo Chips D (4th  place); Pacific United (5th  place)




MathewRuppenthal christopherbolt

Intermediate Boys (L to R): 15th place - Parker Duel (Pleasanton  Heat) 16:47;20th place - Mathew Ruppenthal (Asics  Aggie B) 16:52; (no photo available) 23rd place - Nathanael Williams  (Unattached) 16:57; 25th place - Christopher Bolt (#1981, Asics  Aggie) 17:03

Teams: Pleasanton Heat (5th place); Asics Aggie Running (7th  place); RF United (10th place)