
LDR Committee Meeting Minutes

March 21, 2010, after the Across the Bay 12K On the benches above the west end of the post-race lawn

Tyler Abbott, NB Excelsior, men's LDR chair; Katie Wasilenko, Impalas, women's LDR chair;
Lloyd Stephenson,NB Excelsior, masters LDR chair; Brooke Wells, Impalas, cross country co-chair;
Don Porteous, Tamalpa, cross country co-chair; Hollis Lenderking, BAUR, MUT chair;
Tom Bernhard, NB Excelsior, road scorer; Tim Wason, NB Excelsior; Tim O'Rourke, Tamalpa; Tom O'Reilly, Tamalpa;
Irene Herman, Impalas, PA President and PA Membership chair;Mark Winitz, WVJS, LDR Officials coordinator;
Bob Shor, Empire; Ken Grebenstein, Tamalpa; John Luaces, SWEAT, John Frank NorCal 10 Miler RD;
Dave Ahn, Aggies; George Rehmet, Pamakids.

Meeting called to order at 10:27 am.
Minutes from PA Champs Meeting 11/22/2009 were unanimously approved as is.

MUT: Hollis Lenderking reported that they have two candidates for the Team USA road 100K selection race:
Beverly Anderson-Abbs and Chikara Omine.

Cross Country: No report beyond grand prix race selection.

Sponsorship/Fundraising: No report.

VOLUNTEERS Board of Athletics positions: The committee was uncertain as to how many if any vacancies there currently are, so there was no discussion.

Mark Winitz of the host club WVJS reported that the banquet was well attended and apparently well received.
Patti Sue Plummer gave an excellent talk. We had perhaps the highest number of award winners present ever.
The committee expressed its thanks to WVJS. For the 2010-2011 banquet, the US Coast Guard team has already
stepped up to host. Date is not set.

LDR BUDGET: No report.

The discussion of the 2010 cross country grand prix began with a discussion of race entry fees. Due to higher permit costs,
the GGP meet in September was considering increasing entry fees. Other races represented at the meeting also reported
possible higher permit costs, due in no small measure to state and local budget issues. GGP race director Tim Wason
being present, in the end he decided not to change the 2010 fees, but given that the de facto standard $15/20 fee
hadn't changed much in the last few years, cross country co-chairs Don Porteous and Brooke Wells agreed to begin a
discussion with the cross country race directors about the need for possible future (beyond 2010) increases.

After this discussion, the cross country schedule as proposed was passed unanimously. The schedule is virtually the same as
2009 except for the addition of a race (11/13) put on by Golden West Athletic Club at Ancil Hoffman Park in Sacramento:

8/21 Santa Cruz
8/28 Empire
9/11 Golden Gate Park
9/25 Garin Park
10/2 Presidio
10/9 Willow Hills
10/23 Shoreline
10/30 Tamalpa
11/13 Ancil Hoffman Park
11/20 PA Champs

I. Officials Requirement With no objections from the Committee, Mark Winitz was allowed to amend the proposal he presented at the last meeting from this:

Effective 3/1/2011, require that a club with a minimum 50 USATF adult road, cross country, or ultra members combined
provide LDR-certified officials as follows: 50-99 members, 1 official; 100-149 members, 2 officials, 150+ members,
3 officials. Clubs not meeting this requirement will not be allowed to score in any LDR grand prix.

to this:

1. Clubs active on the PA/USATF Road and Cross Country G.P. circuits are required to have a designated number of
currently certified USATF Officials (with an LDR specialty) in their member ranks. Clubs without these minimum number
of Offcials will not be allowed to score in the Road and Cross Country Grand Prixs. (This requirement does not apply
to clubs who are active on the Ultrarunning Grand Prix only.)

2. The designated number of required USATF Officials shall be based on the number of adult LDR/XC/Ultra members on a club's
roster during the previous membership year.

3: Officials requirements shall be as follows:
Members on Roster: Number of LDR/XC/Ultra/Mountain-Trail Number of Officials Required
100 or more: 3
50 to 99: 2
25 to 49: 1
24 or less: 0

Mark accepted a friendly amendment to specify that the number of members would be determined as of 10/31 of the prior year.
It was moved and approved 8 to 3 (0 abstentions) to change "number of adult LDR/XC/Ultra members" to "number of participants
in the road or cross grand prix in the prior year."

Mark accepted friendly amendments to make the effective date of the entire proposal 3/1/2011, and to make any changes in the
officials requirement for a given club (due to changes in the number of road/cross participants) effective 3/1 of the following year
(it was discussed that the LDR officials training for a given year is typically done in January and February, though there are online options).
Mark also stated that he would attempt to have clubs try to comply on a voluntary basis in 2010, as part of an education effort.
The final proposal was passed 11-1 (Abbott), no abstentions, and reads as follows:

1. Clubs active on the PA/USATF Road and Cross Country G.P. circuits are required to have a designated number of currently certified
USATF Officials (with an LDR specialty) in their member ranks. Clubs without these minimum number of Officials will not be allowed to
score in the Road and Cross Country Grand Prixs. (This requirement does not apply to clubs who are active on the Ultrarunning Grand Prix only.)

2. The designated number of required USATF Officials shall be based on the number of participants from the club in the road or cross grand prix
in the prior year.

3. Officials requirements shall be as follows:
Participants in the road or cross country grand prix during the priorp year: Number of Officials Required
100 or more: 3
50 to 99: 2
25 to 49: 1
24 or less: 0

4. This rule shall take effect 3/1/2011, and the number of required officials shall be adjusted March 1st of each year, based on
the prior year's grand prix participation.

See Appendix A for background information on this issue.

II. Short/Long Grand Prix Division

After much discussion of the issues surrounding this change, the following motion was approved 9-3, with 2 abstentions:

Change LDR Guide sections 11.2, 11.3, and 15.2 as follows to allow the LDR Committee to determine each year whether to divide
the individual grand prix into two divisions, short and long:

11.2 The LDR Committee shall determine each year whether to divide the individual road grand prix individual into two sections,
the Short Grand Prix and the Long Grand Prix.
When so divided, points scored at races shorter than 10K shall be considered in the Short Grand Prix, while points scored in races
longer than 10K shall be considered in the Long Grand Prix; and for each 10K race, the LDR Committee shall determine the grand prix,
Short or Long, to which it belongs. If being divided in a given year, these two sections shall be applicable to all age divisions.

11.3 If the individual grand prix is divided in a given year, then in both the Short Grand Prix and the Long Grand Prix runners may only
accumulate points in a maximum of six races (or fewer if the grand prix consists of fewer races); if not divided, runners may only accumulate
points in a maximum of twelve races (or fewer if the grand prix consists of fewer races).

15.2 After the final event of the Road Grand Prix season, final cumulative scores of individual participants will be determined in each
age division and serve as the basis for ranking and season-end prize awards. The following table, combined with the table in section 17.1,
is based on a $20,000 year-end grand prix purse, in a year in which the individual grand prix is divided into short and long. If the
individual grand prix is not so divided, the individual prize awards shall be double. If the purse is a different amount, the awards in
this table will be prorated accordingly.

III. Grand Prix Status of 12Ks

After acceptance of a friendly amendment requiring that a 12K may not be considered "short" if any 10K is considered "long,"
the following proposal was defeated 2-8 (1 abstention):

Change section 11.2 to allow the LDR Committee to determine whether a given 12K race is to be on the short or long grand prix:

11.2 Road grand prix individual standings shall be broken down into two sections, the Short Grand Prix and the Long Grand Prix.
Points scored at races shorter than 10K shall be considered in the Short Grand Prix, while points scored in races longer than 12K
shall be considered in the Long Grand Prix. For each 10K-12K race, the LDR Committee shall determine the grand prix, Short or Long,
to which it belongs. These two sections shall be applicable to all age divisions.

Year-end award depth: No discussion

Disabled Athletes
George Rehmet distributed information about his club's experience with disabled athletes at the San Francisco/KP Half Marathon in
February (see Appendix B). After some discussion and clarification, it was unanimously approved to refer the issue of how we might
include disabled athletes in our LDR grand prixs to a new subcommittee. George Rehmet agreed to chair the subcommittee and solicit
members therefor.

San Rafael Mile 6/6: This race was accepted by the LDR Executive Committee after the last LDR meeting. Ken Grebenstein announced that
with new sponsorship they actually project to break even in the first year of this race.

Juana Run 8K 2/20: This race's interest in the grand prix arose since the last LDR Meeting. It came before the executive committee
in January, and at that time it was the feeling of the executive committee that there was not enough time before the race, so the
bid was not accepted, but the race was encouraged to bid for 2011.

Chico Ten 9/4 or 9/18: This just arose in the past few days. No bid had been received, but the race--currently scheduled for 9/11--had
already expressed that it might be willing to move to 9/4 or 9/18 because of our cross country schedule. However, due to an already
cramped Fall schedule, to the relative newness of this race (it was believed to be in just its second year), and to the fact that,
unlike the short grand prix (where we added the mile at a late date), the long grand prix is healthy in 2010, it was voted 10-1-2 to
not accept a 2010 bid but to encourage the race to bid in 2011.

Clarksburg distance: Clarksburg, which originally bid on the 20 mile distance, has requested to amend the race distance in its bid to
a 1/2 marathon instead of a 30K (which we had requested in place of a 20 miler so that it was a record-eligible distance). Additional
facts from the meeting: 20 miles is in fact a record-eligible distance, however, according to Tim O'Rourke, no records for it are in
fact maintained. A motion was made to accept the half marathon, but it was unanimously agreed to postpone this motion to the next
meeting to allow women's LDR chair/bid coordinator Katie Wasilenko to get more information from the race about their stance
(especially their stance on the 20 miler v. the half marathon). Mark Winitz agreed to help in this, in order to give the relatively
new race management the historical perspective of the Clarksburg race



Mark Winitz proposed and it was unanimously accepted that we grant $250 each to the male and female winners of the MMD 10K to the
CVS Pharmacy 5K National Championship in Rhode Island 9/19 and the Tufts 10K National Championship in Boston 10/11, respectively,
assuming they meet standard selection criteria related to age, citizenship, and times. Hopefully they can also receive AADP funding
for these races. If the MMD 10K winners are ineligible or decline, the committee will offer the funding to the athlete with the top
Purdy-Gardner score in a short grand prix race through the MMD 10K.

Mark Winitz proposed and, after friendly amendments, it was unanimously accepted that we grant $250 each to a woman and a man to travel
to the marathon of their choice between September 1, 2010 and January 15, 2011 (it was understood that this would be with the objective
of qualifying for the Olympic marathon trials if they have not already done so). In addition to the standard criteria, the athlete shall
have no other source of funding. Selection criteria is as follows:
1. Athletes must apply by 5/15/10

2. Grant shall be given to the athlete who has run the fastest marathon between 10/1/09 and 4/30/10 under the AADP standards of 2:24 (men)
and 2:51 (women).

3. If no one applies who has run such a marathon, grant shall be given to the athlete with the highest Purdy-Gardner score in any race 10K
or longer between 10/1/09 and 4/30/10.

Rules Changes (new): None
Appeals: None

Meeting adjourned 12:15 pm.
Submitted by Tyler Abbott, acting secretary



March 12, 2010
From Mark Winitz, PA LDR Officials Coordinator

Currently Certified Officials - Participation in 2009 PA LDR Events Certified PA LDR Officials (total currently certified with an LDR specialty): 23
Certified PA LDR Officials (who served at 2009 PA LDR GP Events): 13 Certified PA LDR Officials (who served at 5 or more 2009 PA LDR GP Events): 4
Certified PA LDR Officials (who served at 1 or fewer 2009 PA LDR GP Events): 19
Additional PA Non-LDR-Certrfied Officials: 19 (who have occasionally assisted at PA LDR events within the last 5 years)

PA Officials Representation in PA Clubs

Eight (8) PA clubs (active in 2009 PA Road/XC G.P. events ) have at least one currently certified PA LDR official who is a member of their club.
Details follow:

Club Number of PA LDR Officials

Asics Aggies RC 1 (Dave Ahn)
Buffalo Chips 1 (George Paddeck)
Golden West AC 1 (Bob Rowden)
Impala RT 2 (Kathi Berman, Irene Herman)
NB Excelsior 1 (Lloyd Stephenson)
SWEAT RC 1 (John Luaces)
Tamalpa 1 (Chuck DesJardins)
West Valley J&S 1 (Mark Winitz)

Additionally, two (2) PA clubs (active in 2009 PA Road/XC G.P. events) have at least one certified PA official in their ranks who is NOT certified
in an LDR specialty:
Santa Cruz Track Club 2 (Art Klein, Becky Klein)
Tamalpa 1 (Frank Ruona)

Finally, fifteen (15) PA clubs (active in 2009 PA Road/XC G.P. events) do NOT have PA certified officials in their club ranks:
Bay Area Ultra Runners (Ultra G.P. only)* Quicksilver RC (Ultra G.P. only)* Empire
River City Rebels
Golden Valley Harriers
Strawberry Canyon RC
Nike Fleet Feet
Transports adidas
Pacific Striders (became Strawberry Canyon TC)
U.S. Coast Guard
Wed. Night Laundry Runners
Peninsula Distance Club-Brooks (became New Balance Silicon Valley)
West Valley TC Wolfpack Intl.
* USATF officials do not officiate at PA Ultra G.P., events

Club LDR Membership Size/Member Officials

The following shows numbers of adult LDR/XC/Ultra individual members of each club (active in 2009 PA Road/XC G.P. events) and number of
certified LDR officials who are members of each club.

Club Adult LDR/XC/Ultra Members in 2009 (Members who raced in road or cross gp in 2009) Certified LDR Offficals [Number of required LDR
officials under new rule]

Tamalpa 203 (155) 1 [3]
Buffalo Chips 143 (67) 1 [2]
Asics Aggies 137 (86) 1 [2]
Impala RT 130 (105) 2 [3]
NB Excelsior 127 (58) 1 [2]
West Valley J&S 106 (90) 1 [2]
River City Rebels 84 (71) 0 [2]
Golden West AC 79 (23) 1 [0]
Empire 77 (66) 0 [2]
Nike Fleet Feet 77 (58) 0 [2]
West Valley TC 73 (62) 0 [2]
Pamakids 54 (48) 0 [1]
Sierra Foothill TC 39 (not active in LDR GPs) 0 [0]
Santa Cruz TC 37 (0) 0 [0]
Wolfpack Intl. 28 (24) 0 [0]
Wed. Night Laundry Runners 27 (not currently a club?) 0 [0]
Golden Valley Harriers 26 (23) 0 [0]
San Luis Dist Club 26 (not active in LDR GPs) 0 [0]
Bay Area Ultrarunners 20 (Ultra G.P. only) 0 [0]
Iguanas 19 (10) 0 [0]
U.S. Coast Guard 14 0 [0]
New Balance Silicon Valley 13 0 [0]
SWEAT RC 13 1 [0]
Spartans 10 0 [0]
Transports adidas 10 (28) 0 [1] Quicksilver RC 10 (Ultra G.P. only) 0 [0]
Strawberry Canyon RC 8 0 [0]
Stevens Creek Striders 3 (not active in LDR GPs) 0 [0]
Bay Area TC New in 2010 0 [0]
Pacific Striders dissolved in 2010 (47) 0 [1]


This is the physically challenged committee's findings and recommendations that was gleaned from the San Francisco Half Marathon
which took place on February 7, 2010.

o PAUSATF should implement a Physically Challenged division for its Road Race series starting with the 2011 season.
o A Physically Challenged (PC) athlete for purposes of this event is defined as any person with a significant and permanent
ambulatory deficiency (challenge). Examples of appropriate permanent physical challenges include: severe extremity impairment
(i.e. Leg amputees, arm amputees, partial paralysis, etc.), les autre (i.e. Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, etc.)
and visual impairment.
o The Physically Challenged PAUSATF athlete should submit proof (e.g., doctor's note) of being Physically Challenged prior
to running his/her first race.
o A Physically Challenged team will be a minimum of 3 for females and 4 for males.
o Each of the road races' online and hard copy entry forms will need to have an explanation of what it means to be Physically Challenged.
o For online entries, a pull down menu of types of disabilities should be implemented.
o For hard copy entries, a series of check boxes will be placed.
o The same above procedures could be done for membership applications for PAUSATF and its member clubs.
o A committee will need to be established with the purpose of:
o Determining an athlete's eligibility for the Physically Challenged division.
o Resolving disputes and questions with regards to the Physically Challenged division.
o Promoting and recruiting runners for this division.

Other items to discuss:
o May a Physically Challenged athlete drop down to the appropriate age categories if the drop down will help a team to score?
o Will PAUSATF officials need to be trained? o What will the amount of prize money be for Physically Challenged athletes? Could it be structured similarly to the masters
and older divisions?

After a couple of season, the PAUSATF should examine to see if the Physically Challenged categories could be expanded to other sports.

Submitted by:
George Rehmet