
LDR Committee Meeting Notice

March 21, 2010, 10:15 am, after the Across the Bay 12K

On the benches above the west end of the post-race lawn; check at PA tent

to confirm location.

Please send any questions and comments to your PA/USATF LDR Committee Chairs.

Men: Tyler Abbott, [email protected]

Women: Katie Wasilenko, [email protected]

Masters: Lloyd Stephenson, [email protected]



APPROVAL of minutes from PA Champs Meeting 11/22/2009


  • MUT
  • Cross Country
  • Sponsorship/Fundraising


  • Board of Athletics positions





Proposal 1: Effective 3/1/2011, require that a club with a minimum 50 USATF adult road, cross country, or ultra members combined provide LDR-certified officials as follows: 50-99 members, 1 official; 100-149 members, 2 officials, 150+ members, 3 officials. Clubs not meeting this requirement will not be allowed to score in any LDR grand prix.

Proposed amendment to Proposal 1 from Mark Winitz. Replace the entire text with:

1. Clubs active on the PA/USATF Road and Cross Country G.P. circuits are required to have a designated number of currently certified USATF Officials (with an LDR specialty) in their member ranks. Clubs without these minimum number of Offcials will not be allowed to score in the Road and Cross Country Grand Prixs. (This requirement does not apply to clubs who are active on the Ultrarunning Grand Prix only.)

2. The designated number of required USATF Officials shall be based on the number of adult LDR/XC/Ultra members on a club‚s roster during the previous membership year.

3: Officials requirements shall be as follows:

Members on Roster: Number of LDR/XC/Ultra/Mountain-Trail Number of Officials Required - 100 or more: 3; 50 to 99: 2; 25 to 49: 1; 24 or less: See Appendix C for background information on this proposal.

Proposal 2: Change LDR Guide sections 11.2, 11.3, and 15.2 as follows to allow the LDR Committee to determine each year whether to divide the individual grand prix into two divisions, short and long:

11.2; The LDR Committee shall determine each year whether to divide the individual road grand prix individual into two sections, the Short Grand Prix and the Long Grand Prix. When so divided, points scored at races shorter than 10K shall be considered in the Short Grand Prix, while points scored in races longer than 10K shall be considered in the Long Grand Prix; and for each 10K race, the LDR Committee shall determine the grand prix, Short or Long, to which it belongs. If being divided in a given year, these two sections shall be applicable to all age divisions.

11.3; If the individual grand prix is divided in a given year, then in both the Short Grand Prix and the Long Grand Prix runners may only accumulate points in a maximum of six races (or fewer if the grand prix consists of fewer races); if not divided, runners may only accumulate points in a maximum of twelve races (or fewer if the grand prix consists of fewer races).

15.2 After the final event of the Road Grand Prix season, final cumulative scores of individual participants will be determined in each age division and serve as the basis for ranking and season-end prize awards. The following table, combined with the table in section 17.1, is based on a $20,000 year-end grand prix purse, in a year in which the individual grand prix is divided into short and long. If the individual grand prix is not so divided, the individual prize awards shall be double. If the purse is a different amount, the awards in this table will be prorated accordingly.

Proposal 3: Change section 11.2 to allow the LDR Committee to determine whether a given 12K race is to be on the short or long grand prix:

11.2; Road grand prix individual standings shall be broken down into two sections, the Short Grand Prix and the Long Grand Prix. Points scored at races shorter than 10K shall be considered in the Short Grand Prix, while points scored in races longer than 12K shall be considered in the Long Grand Prix. For each 10K-12K race, the LDR Committee shall determine the grand prix, Short or Long, to which it belongs. These two sections shall be applicable to all age divisions.

These proposals were made at the PA Champs meeting or before and are eligible to be voted upon at this meeting. Note that sections 11.2, 11.3, and 15.2 as they currently exist are reproduced in Appendix B.




  • San Rafael Mile 6/6 (announcement)
  • Juana Run 8K 2/20
  • Clarksburg distance: Clarksburg, who originally bid on the 20 mile distance, has requested to amend the race distance in its bid to a 1/2 marathon instead of a 30K (which we had requested in place of a 20 miler so that it was a record-eligible distance).


  • Travel Funding, roads
  • Rules Changes (new)
  • Appeals
  • Other new business


November 22, 2009
After the PA XC Championships, near the Start/Finish area in Lindley Meadow, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco

Tyler Abbott, NB Excelsior, men's LDR chair; Katie Wasilenko, Impalas, women's LDR chair; Lloyd Stephenson, NB Excelsior, master's LDR chair; Don Porteous, Tamalpa, Cross Country co-chair; Brooke Wells, Impalas, Cross Country co-chair; Hollis Lenderking, BAUR, Ultra chair; Tom Bernhard, NB Excelsior, road scorer; Frank Ruona, Tim O'Rourke, Tamalpa; Peter Tapia, PA Medical Committee; Tony Coffey, Aggies; Irene Herman, PA President, Impalas; Mark Winitz, Kat Powell, WVJS; George Rehmet, Pamakids.

Meeting called to order 11:55 am.

Minutes from Zippy Meeting 4/19/2009 unanimously approved with no changes.


MUT: No report

Cross Country ; Brooke Wells was introduced as the new xc co-chair. Other co-chair Don Porteous reported that two Sacramento-area clubs are interested in bidding new races for the 2010 grand prix.

Sponsorship/Fundraising: No report

VOLUNTEERS; Board of Athletics positions, women‚s LDR: Brooke Wells was unanimously elected to the BOA for women's LDR. Tyler Abbott volunteered to review where we stand with BOA positions (number allotted, number filled).; Convention Reps: Irene Herman reported that (due to various rules, conflicts, etc.) our LDR reps to national convention will be as follows: Women's LDR, George Kleeman; Men's LDR, Tom Bernhard; Masters LDR, Lloyd Stephenson.

LDR BANQUET ; No club having stepped forward to date, committee members offered to contact the following clubs: Aggies (Tony Coffey), West Valley Joggers & Striders (Tyler Abbott/Mark Winitz), and Transports Adidas (Tyler Abbott). The committee was warned that there may be no banquet in 2010.


Tyler Abbott reported that the budget was passed as requested. [The request is inserted here in the minutes:

Road prize money, net $1400

Cross country travel fund $900

Year-end awards ($1000)

Road GP ($15,000/20,000)

Cross GP ($8,000)

Ultra GP ($3,000)

Road travel funds ($1,000)

Cross travel funds ($1,000)

Ultra travel funds ($1,000)]

The 2010 road grand prix budget will almost certainly be $15,000 because Bay to Breakers did not place their insurance through the PA. It was recommended that we make sure the LDR Guide is up to date with these grand prix amounts.

2010 ROAD GRAND PRIX RACE SELECTION Women's LDR chair and acting grand prix bid coordinator Katie Wasilenko presented the 2010 road grand prix bids. By unanimous vote the following races were approved: NorCal 10 Miler, Across the Bay 12K, Zippy 5K, Big Sur 5K, Marin Memorial Day 10K, Humboldt Half Marathon, Applied Materials Silican Valley Turkey Trot 5K (open individual only), CIM (all age groups, assuming receipt of completed bid form--the race has informed us they are willing to bid), and Christmas Relays.

This year the Clarksburg race bid as a 20 miler instead of a 30K. Don Porteous made the following motion, which was approved unanimously: Moved, that we educate the Clarksburg race management that 20 miles is not an official USATF distance (for which records are kept), and that we urge them to offer the 30K instead of the 20 miler as the grand prix event, but that we accept the 20 miler if they are unwilling or unable to change their bid from 20 miler to 30K.

There was some discussion of the paucity of races this year (Shriner's 8K has decided to become a lower-key race, plus we still have no mile in spite of having had interest from three different parties), and all committee members were encouraged to seek out other possible bidders.

The tentative 2010 road grand prix schedule is found in Appendix A.


There were two rules change proposals that had been introduced at the last meeting (Zippy) so that we could vote on them here:

Proposal 1: Effective 3/1/2010, require that a club with a minimum 50 USATF members provide LDR-certified officials as follows: 50-99 members, 1 official; 100-149 members, 2 officials, 150_ members, 3 officials. Clubs not meeting this requirement will not be allowed to score in any LDR grand prix.

  • This proposal was first amended with one opposed and no abstentions to change 2010 to 2011.
  • It was then amended by unanimous vote to change "50 USATF members" to "50 USATF adult road, ultra, or cross country members combined."
  • The vote on this proposal was then postponed to the Across the Bay 12K meeting by unanimous vote.

Proposal 2: Change our cross country race contract to require that team prize money be submitted two weeks before the race and to clarify expectations about the payment of individual prize money, or risk losing eligibility to bid in future years.

  • This proposal was first amended to change "two weeks before the race" to "two weeks after the race" (it was discussed that "before" may have been a mistake).
  • The following final proposal was then passed unanimously: Change our cross country race contract to require that team prize money be submitted two weeks after the race and to clarify expectations about the payment of individual prize money, or risk losing eligibility to bid in future years.


DISABLED ATHLETES: Irene Herman brought up the idea of including disabled athletes in our road grand prix. She has even offered a one-time grant of $500 to be used as prize money for any such grant prix inclusion. George Rehmet offered that he has experience working on a similar matter for RRCA. Irene and George will discuss and attempt to come up with a recommendation by the next meeting.


Rules Changes (new)

  • Proposal 1: Allow the LDR Committee to determine each year whether to divide the individual grand prix into short and long.
  • Proposal 2: Allow the LDR Committee to determine whether a given 12K race is to be on the short or long grand prix.


An old ultra appeal from Charles Blakeney has re-arisen. It appears that his appeal from the 2005 ultra grand prix was never fully resolved, and he has recently asked that it be resolved. [The LDR chairs will attempt to do so.]


Communications: Tyler Abbott asked how many people had received notice of this meeting through the PA's new Constant Contact system. Only two people had not, but it was suggested that we might still want to list the meetings on the PA home page as has been the historical practice (it was believed that it was not listed there this time).

Ultra travel funds: Hollis Lenderking proposed the following motion, which passed unanimously: That the LDR Committee request that the Board of Athletics allow the Ultra travel fund (historically $1,000) to be shifted to the Ultra Grand Prix in years in which there is no USATF 100K road championship or any selection event for the World Cup (100K roads).

Meeting adjourned 1:15 pm.

Submitted by Tyler Abbott, acting secretary.



3/6/2010 Nor Cal 10 Miler $3,000 1.0 Long

3/21/2010 Across the Bay 12K $3,000 1.0 Long

4/18/2010 Zippy 5K $3,000 1.0 Short

4/25/2010 Big Sur 5K $3,000 1.0 Short

5/31/2010 Marin Memorial Day 10K $3,000 1.0 Short

[6/6/2010 Downtown San Rafael Mile $3,000 1.0 Short--added later by

Executive Committee vote]

10/17/2010 Humboldt Half Marathon $3,000 1.5 Long

11/7/2010 Clarksburg 20 Miler or 30K $3,000 2.0 Long

11/25/2010 Applied Materials Silicon Valley Turkey Trot 5K $3,000 1.0

Short (open individual only)

12/3/2010 California International Marathon $3,000+ 2.0 Long (unlike 2009,

all age groups)

12/10/2010 Christmas Relays $3,000 1.0 (teams only)


Sections 11.2, 11.3, and 15.2 currently read (before any possible amendment):

11.2; Road grand prix individual standings shall be broken down into two sections, the Short Grand Prix and the Long Grand Prix. Points scored at races shorter than 10K shall be considered in the Short Grand Prix, while points scored in races longer than 10K shall be considered in the Long Grand Prix. For each 10K race, the LDR Committee shall determine the grand prix, Short or Long, to which it belongs. These two sections shall be applicable to all age divisions.

11.3; In both the Short Grand Prix and the Long Grand Prix, runners may only accumulate points in a maximum of six races (or fewer if the grand prix consists of fewer races).

15.2 After the final event of the Road Grand Prix season, final cumulative scores of individual participants will be determined in each age division and serve as the basis for ranking and season-end prize awards. The following table, combined with the table in section 17.1, is based on a $20,000 year-end grand prix purse (individuals and teams). If the purse is a different amount, the awards in this table will be prorated accordingly.



March 12, 2010

From Mark Winitz, PA LDR Officials Coordinator

Currently Certified Officials - Participation in 2009 PA LDR Events

Certified PA LDR Officials (total currently certified with an LDR specialty): 23

Certified PA LDR Officials (who served at 2009 PA LDR GP Events): 13

Certified PA LDR Officials (who served at 5 or more 2009 PA LDR GP Events): 4

Certified PA LDR Officials (who served at 1 or fewer 2009 PA LDR GP Events): 19

Additional PA Non-LDR-CertIfied Officials: 19 (who have occasionally assisted at PA LDR events within the last 5 years)

PA Officials Representation in PA Clubs

Eight (8) PA clubs (active in ’09 PA Road/XC G.P. events ) have at least one currently certified PA LDR official who is a member of their club. Details follow:

Club; Number of PA LDR Officials

Asics Aggies RC; 1 (Dave Ahn)

Buffalo Chips 1 (George Paddeck)

Golden West AC; 1 (Bob Rowden)

Impala RT; 2 (Kathi Berman, Irene Herman)

NB Excelsior; 1 (Lloyd Stephenson)

SWEAT RC ; 1 (John Luaces)

Tamalpa; 1 (Chuck DesJardins)

West Valley J&S; 1 (Mark Winitz)

Additionally, two (2) PA clubs (active in ’09 PA Road/XC G.P. events) have at least one certified PA official in their ranks who is NOT certified in an LDR specialty:

Santa Cruz Track Club; 2 (Art Klein, Becky Klein)

Tamalpa; 1 (Frank Ruona)

Finally, fifteen (15) PA clubs (active in ‚09 PA Road/XC G.P. events) do NOT have PA certified officials in their club ranks:

Bay Area Ultra Runners (Ultra G.P. only) *, Quicksilver RC (Ultra G.P.only) *, Empire River City Rebels, Golden Valley Harriers, Spartans, Iguanas Strawberry Canyon RC, Nike Fleet Feet, Transports adidas, Pacific Striders (became Strawberry Canyon TC), U.S. Coast Guard, Pamakids, Wed. Night Laundry Runners, Peninsula Distance Club-Brooks, West Valley TC, Wolfpack Intl.

* USATF officials do not officiate at PA Ultra G.P. events

Club LDR Membership Size/Member Officials

The following shows numbers of adult LDR/XC/Ultra individual members of each club(active in ’09 PA Road/XC G.P. events) and number of certified LDR officials who are members of each club.

Club; Adult LDR/XC/Ultra Members in ’09; Certified LDR Offficals

Tamalpa; 203; 1

Buffalo Chips 143; 1

Asics Aggies; 137; 1

Impala RT; 130; 2

NB Excelsior; 127; 1

West Valley J&S; 106; 1

River City Rebels; 84; 0

Golden West AC; 79; 1

Empire; 77; 0

Nike Fleet Feet; 77; 0

West Valley TC; 73; 0

Pamakids; 54; 0

Sierra Foothill TC; 39; (not active in LDR GPs); 0

Santa Cruz TC; 37; 0

Wolfpack Intl.; 28; 0

Wed. Night Laundry Runners; 27; 0

Golden Valley Harriers; 26; 0

San Luis Dist Club; 26 (not active in LDR GPs); 0

Bay Area Ultrarunners; 20 (Ultra G.P. only); 0

Iguanas; 19; 0

U.S. Coast Guard 14; 0

Peninsula Distance Club-Brooks; 13; 0

SWEAT RC; 13; 1

Spartans; 10; 0

Transports adidas; 10 0

Quicksilver RC 10 (Ultra G.P. only) 0

Strawberry Canyon RC; 8 0

Stevens Creek Striders; 3; (not active in LDR GPs); 0

Bay Area TC New in 2010; 0

Pacific Striders; dissolved in 2010; 0