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Pacific Association USATF Youth Committee News

For unattached athletes and coach's


Upcoming Meets and Region 16 Conference Call

Below please find information on replace the April 24th track meets and information about a Conference Call on Sunday, April 25 at 6:00 At the board meeting we talked about filling in when a track meet is canceled. For the month of April we have two meet's that have canceled Saturday the 10th and Saturday 24th. I would like to know how many teams would like us to put on a meet on the Saturday 24th. I am talking to Coach Taylor of Laney College to see if we can use his track, but I would like to have some kind of idea on what would be the turn out as this would be a last min thing. If we have 300 or more athletes than we can do it. Please email [email protected] back YES and how many or No ***********************************************************

On Sunday the 25th at 6:00pm we are having a conference call about registering for the Region 16 track meet and also Nationals. This is a very imported conference call and we are asking that all coach's and unattached athletes be part of the call. You will need to call 712-775-7300 at 6:00 and the access code 14235#.


Thank you Joanne Slaton-Camargo Youth Chair Maria Castillo Youth vice Chair

Alexander Hill

Pacific Association USATF