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December 16 Meeting Details

We have a regular meeting of the Foundation this coming Monday December 16 at 6:30 PM. The time is a change from the time of 5:30 that I sent in a previous email.
  • 12/16/13 Meeting Agenda
  • 12/16/13 Meeting Minutes (draft)
  • Teleconference Connection Procedure
    • Synchronize the time of the conference with your mobile phone.
    • If possible, have your computer on and operating with the email and attachments ready to be used during the meeting.
    • Dial: 866-228-9900
    • After being received by the system dial: 891524
    • You will be accepted into the teleconference call.
    • Announce that you are on the line saying something like, "This is Dennis. Is there anyone else on the call?"

Dennis Boyle
8783 Sun Valley Drive
Palo Cedro, CA 96073
(530) 547-5131 Home
(530) 276-1976 Cell
[email protected]

Copyrighted Pacific Association USATF Foundation 2013