
Revision Approved

Primary Author


June, 1988

Myron Godwin


August, 1994

Myron Godwin


August, 1998

Gail Wetzork


August, 2001

Dan Davidson


August, 2002

Dan Davidson & George Kleeman



Article 1 - PREAMBLE

This organization is a standing committee of the Pacific Association of USA Track & Field (PA-USATF) and, as such, this committee and its Operating Policies are subordinate to the By-Laws of that Association as they now appear or as they may be properly amended.



2.1 - Name

This Officials Committee of the PA-USATF shall be known and referred to as the Pacific Association Officials Committee (PAOC).

2.2 - Objectives

The objective of the PAOC shall be to promote, encourage and improve officiating at all competitive levels within the varied disciplines of the sport through certification, clinics, training materials and dissemination of newsworthy information, particularly within the Pacific Association.

2.3 - Officers

2.3.1        The Officers of the PAOC shall be a Chair, a Vice-Chair, and a Secretary.

2.3.2    Officers of the PAOC will serve for a period of two years, with no limits on re-election.

7.3.1            Installation of elected Officers shall occur at, and assumption of their duties shall occur following, the Annual Meeting of the PAOC at which they were elected.

           2.4 - Membership

2.4.1     Active Members:  Officials who have USATF Certification at any officiating level for the current Olympiad and who are current members of USATF in the Pacific Association.

2.4.2     Emeritus Members:  Former Officials, who have retired from formal officiating responsibilities, requested Emeritus status through any Executive Committee member and received ratification for that level from the Chair of the Certification Sub-Committee.  All USATF membership and USATF Certification dues and/or fees are waived for this membership classification.

2.5 - Meetings

2.5.1    The regular meeting of the PAOC shall be the August / September Annual Meeting.

2.5.2    The membership has the authority to conduct any business of the PAOC at the regular meeting.

2.5.3    Special meetings may be called by the Chair or by a majority of the Executive Committee.

2.5.4    Only that business for which a special meeting was convened shall be transacted at that special meeting.

2.5.5    Notice of any and all meetings and the agenda of such meetings shall be made to the general membership by the Secretary of the PAOC not less than fifteen days prior to any such meeting except for any Emergency Meeting, for which seven days prior notice will be required.  Publication on the PAUSATF website, in the PA-USATF news forum/magazine or by E-mail can constitute proper notification.  Those without E-mail addresses will be given written notice.  The date is fixed by the posting or postage date.

2.5.6    For official transaction of any PAOC business, at least ten Active Members, of which two must be Officers, shall be present to constitute the necessary quorum.

2.6 - Voting

2.6.1    Active (deleted) Members and Emeritus Members constitute the voting membership of the PAOC.

2.6.2    Each voting member shall have one vote; there will be no proxy votes.

2.6.3    A simple majority of those voting on any question of business requiring a vote shall be the decision.

2.6.4    A written secret ballot may be called for by a majority vote of those voting on any item of business except for elections, where it is required.

2.6.5        Voting for elective office shall be administered by the Executive Director of the PA-USATF in a manner prescribed by the By-laws of the Pacific Association; voting by secret ballot will occur before the Annual Meeting by electronic means, (e.g. E-Mail) or mail.

2.6.6        The Executive Director will validate the returned ballots. The validated ballots will be counted at the Annual Meeting by a vote counting committee appointed by the chair from those attending the Annual Meeting and not running for any office.

2.6.7        A tie for any office will be broken by a secret ballot of those members attending the annual meeting.

2.6.8    Any written secret ballots shall be held by the Secretary of the PAOC, or by the Association Office, for a period of fifteen days from the count of the vote and then destroyed.

2.7 - Assessments

2.7.1    All assessments beyond the required yearly USATF membership dues shall be approved by the full membership after approval of the Executive Committee.

2.7.2    Approval by the full membership shall be through a voting ballot distributed by mail or by E-mail.

2.7.3    Approval by the membership shall require a two-thirds majority of those voting.

2.7.4     Fees imposed by the USATF National Officials Committee shall be exempt from this approval.

2.8 - PA-USATF Representation

The PAOC shall elect by secret ballot, in the same year as election for officers and for a term of two years, representatives to the PA-USATF Board of Athletics in the numbers to which it is entitled, as stated in the By-Laws of the PA-USATF.

2.9– USATF National Committee Representation

The first representative to the National Officials committee is the Certification Chair based on the National Committee By-Laws.  The second representative will be the Chair.   If the PAOC is entitled to additional representatives, the Chair will appoint them.  These representatives represent the PAOC from their appointment to the following year at the convention and as members of the National Committee during their term of office.  The chair is empowered to appoint replacements if any of the representatives can not attend the convention.

2.10 - Eligibility for Office or Appointment

2.10.1  Only Active (deleted) Members shall be eligible to be nominated, elected or appointed to any position which represents the PAOC in any capacity.

7.3.1            Their membership and certification must be in-force by the applicable nomination or appointment deadline.



3.1 - Composition

3.1.1        The elected Officers of the PAOC.

                        3.1.2                The Past Chairman of the PAOC.

3.1.3        The Chair of the Certification Sub-Committee.

3.1.4        The Chair of the Training Sub-Committee.

3.1.5        The Chair of the Awards Sub-Committee.

3.1.6        Two Members-At-Large elected from the general Official's Committee membership.

3.2 - Authority

The Executive Committee shall be fully empowered to transact such administrative affairs as may require action between meetings of the PAOC.

3.3 – Responsibilities

3.3.1        Serve as liaison between the PA-USATF Board of Athletics, the PAOC, and the National Track & Field Officials' Committee.

3.3.2        Represent the PAOC in all contractual negotiations with meet promoters, organizers and directors when necessary.

3.3.3        Insure representation on the PA-USATF Board of Athletics and its sub-committees.

3.3.4        Approve all appointments to normally elected positions made by the Chair as a result of vacancy occurring in the elected position. (Deleted)

3.3.5        Attempt to resolve, through any means at its disposal, any dispute or concerns arising from the normal operation of the PAOC.

3.3.6        Approve budget proposals and expenditures.

3.3.7        Maintain and disseminate a Code of Ethics and Rules of Conduct for the membership.

3.4 - Meetings

3.4.1        The Executive Committee shall meet in open session.

3.4.2        Meetings shall be called for by the Chair or Secretary as needed.

3.4.3        Notwithstanding section 3.4.2, there shall be no less than two regular meetings each calendar year, one of which shall be the Annual Meeting of the PAOC. (Deleted)

3.4.4        By a majority vote of its members, the Executive Committee may meet in closed session only for consideration of specific agenda items which are considered extraordinary in nature and are potentially damaging to the reputation of an individual or the PAOC.

3.4.5        Special meetings may be called for by the Chair or any Executive Committee member.

3.4.6        Written notification of a special meeting either by mail or by E-mail, and the specific agenda for such, shall be made to all members of the Executive Committee by the Secretary or the Chair of the PAOC at least one week prior to such meeting.

3.4.7        Special Meetings may be accomplished through electronic means with the consent of a majority of the Executive Committee.

3.4.8        Only that business for which a special meeting was convened shall be transacted at the special meeting.

3.4.9        For official transaction of any PAOC business, a majority of the Executive Committee shall be present to constitute the necessary quorum.

3.5 - Voting

3.5.1         Each member of the Executive Committee shall have one vote; there will be no proxy voting.

3.5.2    A simple majority of those voting on any question of business requiring a vote shall be the decision.


Article 4 - ELECTIONS

4.1 - Schedule of Elections

Voting for all elected positions shall take place before the Annual Meeting in odd numbered years and be administered by the PA-USATF Executive Director.

4.2 - Nominations

4.2.1        A Nominating Committee of not more than five members, one of whom shall be designated Chair, shall call for and submit nominations for each elected PAOC Officer position, each elected position on the Executive Committee other than the PAOC Officers, and each elected representative of the PAOC to other PA-USATF or National USATF bodies.

4.2.2        Members of the Nominating Committee shall also be eligible for nomination to elected positions.

4.2.3        The Nominations Committee may: a) propose nominations for each elected position, b) accept the nomination from an active member for another active member, and c) accept the nomination from an active member for oneself.

4.2.4        The Nominations Committee shall accept no nominations later than twenty-five days before the election meeting and may set an earlier deadline if stated on the Nomination Request form.  There will be no write-in or election day nominees. 

4.2.5        The Nominations Committee shall get confirmation in writing that each nominee is willing to serve.

4.2.6        Nominations shall be made only through the Nominations Committee.

4.2.7        The Nominations Committee shall forward the names of the nominees for officers and other elected positions to the PA-USATF Executive Director so that a ballot can be prepared at least twenty days prior to the Annual Meeting.

4.3 - Voting Procedure

4.3.1        The PA-USATF Executive Director shall prepare and distribute at least fifteen days before the election meeting, in a manner determined to insure voting accuracy, the voting ballot for PAOC Officers and other elected positions.

4.3.2        Voting shall be by written secret ballot of active members as of June 30 of the year of the election meeting, as determined by the Certification Chair of the committee, and returned as directed in the distribution.

4.3.3        Each voting member shall have one vote.

4.3.4        The ballots shall be sent to the office of the Executive Director.  The valid ballots shall be delivered to the Secretary or other Executive Board member and in a timely manner so that they can be counted at the Annual Meeting and the results to be made public.

4.3.5        Ballots shall be held by the PA-USATF Executive Director or PAOC Secretary for a period of fifteen days from the public announcement of the results and then destroyed.

4.3.6        In the event of a tie when the votes are counted or the omission of a position or name on the voting ballot, the Secretary of the PAOC shall prepare and distribute at the annual meeting, in a manner determined to insure voting accuracy, an updated voting ballot for any such elected position.



5.1 - Chair

5.1.1        Establish and maintain contact with the President of the PA-USATF and the Chair of the USATF National Officials Committee.

5.1.2        Maintain liaison with all officers and Executive Committee members of the PAOC throughout their term of office.

5.1.3        Insure dissemination of all information emanating from the USATF National Officials Committee either directly or through Sub-Committee Chairs.

5.1.4        Solicit and prepare items for an agenda for the annual meeting at least two months in advance of said meeting.

5.1.5        Preside over the Annual Meeting and any Executive Board meetings.

5.1.6        Be an ex-officio member of all PAOC subcommittees.

5.1.7        Appoint any Active Member of the PAOC to fill a vacancy in an elected PAOC office, to serve until the next annual meeting.

5.1.8        Appoint the Chair of the Certification Sub-Committee for a term concurrent with that of the Chair.

5.1.9        Appoint the Chair of the Training Sub-Committee for a term concurrent with that of the Chair.

5.1.10  Appoint the Chair of the Awards Sub-Committee for a term concurrent with that of the Chair.

5.1.11      Appoint the Nominating Committee of the PAOC.

5.1.12  Appoint a committee and Chair, which would report to the Executive Committee, for any specific purpose concurrent with the goals and objectives of the PAOC, such as a Banquet Committee.

5.1.13  Authorize any and all expenditures for the PAOC.

5.1.14  Prepare an annual budget for approval and then submit that proposal to the PA-USATF.

5.1.15      Appoint an Appeals Panel for the purpose of resolving disputes and concerns which are unable to be resolved by the Executive Committee.

7.3.1            Serve as one of the allowed additional representatives of the PAOC to the USATF National Officials Committee, unless already a member of that committee.

7.3.2            Appoint, with the Executive Committee's ratification, further allowed representatives to the USATF National Officials Committee in order to have full representation on that committee.

5.2 - Vice-Chairman

5.2.1        Represent the Chair of the PAOC in any capacity as directed by the Chair.

5.2.2        Perform projects as directed by the Chair.

5.2.3        In the absence of the Chair, or an appointed designee, call any scheduled meeting to order if a quorum is ascertained, and preside at that meeting.  In the case of the Annual Meeting, preside until the election of a Chair Pro Tem, which shall be the first item of business.

7.3.1            Assume the duties of the Chair in the event of any situation that incapacitates the Chair from performing those duties (Refer to 3.3.5 for term limits).  (Deleted)

5.3 - Secretary

5.3.1        Serve as the recording and corresponding Secretary of the PAOC.

5.3.2        Serve as the custodian of all PAOC records except those specifically assigned to others by the Chair or those belonging to other sub-committees.

5.3.3        Have at the Annual Meeting a list of all existing sub-committees and their membership.

5.3.4        Have at the Annual Meeting the current representation allowance by the PAOC to the PA-USATF Board of Athletics and the list of members who are those representatives.

5.3.5        Have at the Annual Meeting the current representation allowance by the PAOC to the USATF National Officials Committee and the list of members who are those representatives.

5.3.6        Maintain record books of the Operating Policies, social rules of order (conduct), and standing rules; (s)he should also have available a copy of the  current budget and the minutes of the PAOC and its Executive Committee, with any amendments to these documents properly recorded.

5.3.7        Have the current record books on hand at the annual meeting and provide a method of making copies available to any active member upon request.

5.3.8        Assist the Chair in the preparation of an agenda for the Annual meeting, showing in exact order, under each appropriate heading, all matters in advance that are due for consideration or discussion, and a reconciliation of expenditures and budget for the year.

5.3.9        Provide minutes of all meetings within sixty days of said meetings to the full committee or the Executive Committee as appropriate.

7.3.1            Perform such other duties normally associated within this office.

            5.4 – Members-At-Large

5.4.1         Represent the general membership of the Officials Committee.

5.4.2         Serve as Heads of Grievance, Appeals, and/or Complaints Panels.



6.1 - Certification

6.1.1         The Certification Sub-Committee shall consist of the Certification Chair and at least one but not more than six members who the Certification Chair will appoint.

7.3.1            The Certification Chair shall inform the Secretary of the PAOC of all appointments and/or changes to the membership of the sub-committee within fifteen days of those changes.

6.1.3        The sub-committee shall convene, either in person or through electronic means, at least twice each calendar year.

6.1.4        Meetings of the sub-committee shall be closed, except to those on the sub-committee.

6.1.5        Proceedings of the sub-committee shall be maintained by the Certification Chair or designee and be made available to the Executive Committee upon request.

6.1.6        A quorum shall exist at any meeting with at least 50% of the sub-committee in attendance.

6.1.7        The sub-committee as a group shall handle all matters involving certification, including the development and distribution of necessary materials required for certification testing.

6.1.8        A majority of the sub-committee shall evaluate members for upgrading and approve those to be recommended for upgrade.

6.1.9        The sub-committee shall prepare and distribute certification packets as necessary.

6.1.10      The sub-committee shall coordinate certification materials with the PAOC Training Sub-Committee.

6.1.11      The Certification Chair shall insure the dissemination of all information emanating from the USATF National Officials Committee pertaining to certification and updates of the PAOC certification procedures to the active membership.

6.1.12      The Certification Chair shall make all information pertaining to the training of officials from the USATF National Officials Committee available to the Training Sub-Committee.

6.1.13      The sub-committee shall maintain records of all members as they pertain to certification and/or membership status.

6.1.14      The Certification Chair shall make the list of Certified Officials available to all members and to those who have a need for the services of Certified Officials.

7.3.1            The certification Chair shall insure the coordination of all certification information with the USATF National Officials Committee.

6.1.16      The Certification Chair shall serve as the primary representative of the PAOC on the USATF National Officials Committee at the National Convention.

6.1.17      The Certification Chair shall designate a replacement PAOC primary representative to the USATF National Officials Committee if (s)he is unable to attend the National Convention.

6.2 - Training

6.2.1        The Training Sub-Committee shall consist of a Chair, and two or three appointees by the Training Chair (One for each level of clinic).

6.2.2        The Training Chair shall inform the Secretary of the PAOC of all appointments and/or changes to the membership of the sub-committee within fifteen days of those changes.

6.2.3        The sub-committee shall convene, either in person or through electronic means, at least twice each calendar year.

6.2.4        The meetings of the sub-committee shall be open.

6.2.5        The proceedings of the sub-committee shall be maintained by the Training Chair or designee and be made available to the Executive Committee upon request.

6.2.6        A quorum shall exist at any meeting with at least 50% of the sub-committee in attendance.

6.2.7        The Training Chair shall establish and maintain contact with the Training Committee of the USATF National Officials Committee.

6.2.8        The sub-committee shall have the responsibility to plan, set criteria, administer and staff all clinics and training sessions of the PAOC for the improvement of officiating techniques and mechanics.

6.2.9        The sub-committee shall coordinate the implementation of training associated with certification (testing clinics) with the Certification Sub-Committee.

6.2.10      The sub-committee is authorized to produce and distribute training materials upon ratification of such by the Executive Committee.

6.3 - Awards

6.3.1        The Awards Sub-Committee shall consist of a Chair and, at most, two appointees by the Awards Chair.

7.3.1            The Awards Chair shall inform the Secretary of all appointments and/or changes within fifteen days of those changes.

6.3.3        The Awards Chair shall inform the Secretary of the PAOC of all nominations for Awards to members.

6.3.4        The sub-committee shall convene, either in person or through electronic means, at least once each calendar year during the sixty days prior to the annual meeting of the PAOC.

6.3.5        Meetings of the sub-committee shall be closed.

6.3.6        Proceedings of the sub-committee shall be maintained by the Awards Chair or designee and be made available to the Executive Committee upon request.

6.3.7        A quorum shall exist at any meeting with at least a majority of the sub-committee in attendance.

6.3.8        The sub-committee shall develop and publish criteria for the annually awarding of a token of permanent recognition to deserving individuals for their outstanding service to officiating or to the PAOC.

6.3.9        The sub-committee shall solicit nominations, including those from the Executive Committee, for the annual PAOC awards and select the award recipients, subject to ratification by the Executive Committee.

6.3.10  The Awards Chair shall coordinate the presentation of awards at the Annual Meeting of the PAOC.



7.1       Any Hearing Panel shall consist of at least three but not more than five Active Members appointed by the Chair.  The Panel Chair shall be one of the elected Members-At-Large of the Executive Committee of the PAOC.  No more than one-half of the panel shall be members of the Executive Committee.  No panel member shall be a party to the topic being addressed by the panel.

7.2       In matters of Grievance and /or Complaint, the decision of the panel shall only serve as an advisory to the Executive Committee regarding the topic being addressed by the panel; that decision will remain in force unless an appeal is filed with the Executive Committee.

7.3                An empowered Appeals Panel, which will consist of members different from those on the Grievance/Complaint Panel, shall hear appeals pursued by members only after a decision has been rendered by the Executive Committee.

7.4       Suspension or revocation of a member’s status and/or certification may be as result of an Appeals Panel procedure.

7.5       In matters of discipline regarding a member, including a resulting suspension or revocation of a member’s certification, the decision of the Appeals Panel may be appealed only to the PA-USATF Board of Athletics Executive Board.



The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the basis of the general rules of conduct, except where such rules are in conflict with the provisions of these Operating Policies or the By-Laws of the Pacific Association, and, in such cases, the appropriate Policies shall prevail: i.e.; By-Laws of the USATF, Operating Procedures and Regulations of the USATF, By-Laws of the Pacific Association, Operating Procedures and Regulations of the Pacific Association, and then these Operating Policies.


Article 9 - AMENDMENTS

These Operating Policies can be amended at any meeting of the PAOC or by mail or by e-mail, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing to the Secretary at least sixty days prior to the vote and provided that the Secretary has disseminated the written amendment to active, certified PAOC members for their review at least thirty days prior to the vote.  A vote of two-thirds of the PAOC active, certified members voting shall be required to amend these Operating Policies.



A Code of Ethics and Rules of Conduct, as separate documents, are part of the Operating Polices of the PAOC.  Copies of these documents shall be distributed to all members, as determined by the Chair or the Executive Committee, but at least annually, by whatever means is most practical and always upon individual request.


Article 11 - SAVING CLAUSE

Failure of literal or complete compliance with provisions of these Operating Policies in respect to dates and times of notice or the sending or receipt of the same, or errors in phraseology of notices or proposals which, in the judgment of the members at meetings held do not cause substantial injury to the rights of members, shall not invalidate the actions or proceedings of the members at any such meetings.