


PA-USATF Schools and Clinics

4 February, 2010
For more information and updates, contact Pacific Association coaches chair Dave Shrock at: [email protected]

USATF Coaches Education
and Summits

USATF Coaches Education is dedicated to increasing the knowledge and effectiveness of coaches of all levels throughout the United States .  More than 31,000 coaches have taken advantage of these all encompassing learning opportunities.

2010 USATF Coaching Education Developmental Coach Clinic:
13 February, 2010:
in conjunction with the James Logan (Union City) Willie Davenport Learn-by-Do Clinic.  Five-hour clinic covering the basics of age appropriate training, setting up training sessions, and safety concerns for beginning coaches or volunteer parents.  $25.00 fee includes entry into Logan Clinic, 32 page manual, handouts, and Developmental Coach Certificate upon clinic completion.  For further info, contact Dave Shrock at [email protected] or click here for further information.

2010 Gamespeed/Chabot College Speed & Power Clinic
"Learn by Doing" for All Sports
7 March, 2010::
Chabot College Weight Room – Room 2702
More Information (pdf)

2010 USATF Level 2 School:
10-17 July-Villanova University: Full details and applications will be posted in  February. For further information, refer to:

2010 USATF Youth Level 2 School:
1-5 August-Lions Gate Hotel, Sacramento: Inaugural Youth Level 2 school immediately following JO's at Sacramento State.  Primarily for youth T&F coaches.  Attendees must have attended a Level 1 School or Developmental Coach Program.   Full details and applications will be posted in February. For further information, refer to:

clinic notes and publications

2008 Trials Super Clinic Speaker Notes:
Presentation notes from 40 of the nation's top coaches presented at the Olympic Trials SuperClinic:

2007 Las Vegas Distance Advanced Summit lecture notes:
Complete notes from this USATF distance summit by some of USA�s best coaches:

2007 & 2008 Las Vegas Podium lecture notes:  Complete notes from the two Podium summits on varying topics presented by the country's leading coaches can be found at:

USATF Coaches Education newsletter:  Great resource for cutting edge articles and information: 

Recently Held Clinics

2010 USATF Level 1 Schools:
Level 1 Schools, the most comprehensive track and field training in the nation, consist of 21 hours of instruction focused on the events of track & field and related sport science.  The course consists of classroom instruction as well as hands-on training.  The Level 1 program covers all events by emphasizing fundamentals, rules, safety/risk management, and instruction techniques in addition to specific event group training of endurance, sprints/hurdles, throws and jumps.  Upon passing the exam, participants will be issued a Level 1 Certificate of Completion.

16-17 January, 2010:  at Chabot College, Hayward.  21 hour school covering all aspects of sports science and specific event groups. Click here for informational flyer Refer to the national coaches education website for further information and to register for the above schools:

Saturday-January 23rd, 2010: VSAthletics-NorCal SuperClinic - Sacramento City College 
click here for further information, or go to

Copyright 2010 Pacific Association USATF