
California Track & Running News Deadline Schedule

California Track & Running News deadline schedule is described below.

If you are unable to meet the deadline, contact me right away and let me know what you would like to submit, when you can have your material to me, and I will let you know if I can work with the situation.

  • January/February issue: mid-November of the preceding year

  • March/April issue: mid-January

  • May/June issue: mid-March

  • July/August issue: mid-May

  • September/October issue: mid-July

  • November/December issue: mid-September

    If you would like to be added to my email list of contributors to receive notices about these deadlines, just send me your email address.

    CTRN is always looking for interesting Pacific Association stories and photographs. When you submit photographs, be sure that they are high resolution jpegs (300 dpi at actual size) and that you include photo credits and captions that clearly describe the subject matter of the photos.

    Contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

    Christine Johnson, editor
    [email protected]