
2012 Pacific Association Officials Annual Meeting

From Jim Hume
Sunday, August 26, 2012;10:00 a.m.
UC Davis Stadium Press Box

Our by-laws call for us to hold an annual meeting to which all officials are invited. During the year the month to month chores are handled by the Executive Committee and the Chairs of the various committees.
  • In recent years, the U.C. Davis track team has shown its appreciation for the work our officials have done during their home meets by hosting our ANNUAL MEETING.
  • While the ANNUAL MEETING portion of the meeting is important, the fun parts of the meeting include:
    • 1st) A discussion of case studies which have arisen during the year. This portion is called "You Make The Call" and may include case studies from you and/or incidents which have arisen anywhere in the world.
    • 2nd) Lunch, always a high light! U.C. Davis provides a wonderful buffet!
    • 3rd) Around about the end of lunch, Awards Chair Dr. Leon Glover recognizes, on behalf of the officials, the work a number of our members have done over the years.
    • 4th) Finally, we get around to the “meeting” part of the ANNUAL MEETING and you will hear reports from Official’s Chair John Murray and Sub-Committee Chairs Shirley Connors, Training, and Jim Hume, Certification. This year, these reports will focus on the ReCertification and training clinics for November, January and February.
    • 5th) Finally, we get around to the reason everyone came…the “free stuff” to be won during the raffle. You are asked to bring something to contribute to the raffle. While a bottle of wine is good (especially after the meet), take a look around to see if you have any officiating equipment you are no longer using.
Now is when you need to contact Vice-Chair Phil Leake and let him know you are going to come to the ANNUAL MEETING. An e-mail to Phil Leake will work if you promise to bring your $10 bill to Davis, but it would be better if you mailed your intentions/$$ to Phil Leake, 7249 Chesline Drive, Citrus Heights CA 95621 Directions:
NORTH or SOUTH on Interstate 80
  • Exit I 80 to NORTH on State 113
  • Exit State 113 to EAST Hutchison (toward downtown Davis)
  • 1st RIGHT from Hutchison will take you to a large parking lot next to the stadium
  • The PRESS BOX is on the WEST side of the stadium.
See you there!
