
Pacific Association Code of Ethics for Officials

* Be professional, positive, calm, in charge, and diplomatic.

* Be punctual and honor your commitments and assignments.

* Keep the safety of the athletes, officials and spectators in the forefront at all times.

* Approach your assignment as a means to ensure a fair competition for all athletes. Know the rules for the events that you are officiating and apply all rules objectively and courteously.

* Cooperate with Meet Management

* Come prepared with your own officiating materials and tools: rulebooks, lunch, drinks and rain gear. * Dress appropriately; be aware of the uniform of the day.

* Approach each of your meets as if it were the most important meet of the year - for the athlete(s) it may be.

* Start on time and keep things moving without rushing.

* Never yell at, hamper, embarrass or berate a fellow official, an athlete or a spectator. Do ignore spectators or coaches critical comments.

* Do not smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, chew tobacco or use drugs while officiating

* Do not use your cell phone or other electronic devices for personal purposes while officiating.

* Do not expect personal compensation.

The Pacific Association uniform is generally consistent with the National uniform.

* The Outdoor uniform is consistent with the National Summer Uniform and consists of a khaki pants/skirt/shorts, white shirt/blouse, white socks and white shoes. The red/white/blue national polo shirt should be reserved for the national championship meet.

* Your hat, which is part of the uniform, is not an advertising implement for pin collectors. It should only contain your officials' certification pin.

* Please wear your USATF uniform at all invitational meets, regardless of the level. It is not appropriate to wear any other uniform than our association's uniform. There is only one exception; the organizing committee of a major meet may request you to wear a uniform they issue (i.e....a polo shirt and/or hat they supply).

Adopted by the Pacific Association Officials Committee's Executive Committee, 9 June 2006.