
Become a USATF LDR Official!


Send questions and comments to: Mark Winitz

Please distribute to your fellow club members!

PA/USATF LDR Clubs and Athletes:

On Sunday, February 15, PA/USATF will conduct a clinic for individuals
desiring to become a USATF Certified Official with a specialty in LDR. By
attending this clinic, and successfully completing an open book rules
review and an officials application form, you will become a certified
Association level USATF official who specializes in LDR (roads, trails,
cross country). The clinic date and location is:

Introduction to LDR/XC Officiating Clinic
Sunday, Feb. 15 - Serra High School (San Mateo) 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

The pre-registration fee is $20 for this clinic (rulebook included). You
must pre-register by Wednesday, Feb. 11. There is no registration on
clinic day.

For more information, online registration,and a downloadable clinic
registration form, please visit the "Officials" area of the PA/USATF web
site at www.pausatf.org.

All PA/USATF clubs can reap benefits by having at least one club member
who is a certified USATF LDR Official:

-- A club member who knows USATF rules and can appropriately advise
and/or educate your club's members and teams about fair competition

-- A club member who can formally serve as a certified official at USATF
sanctioned events that your club--or other organizations--produce to
ensure that competition is conducted in accordance with USATF's Rules of

-- A club member who knows USATF's procedures and protocols should your
club's individuals or teams be involved in a competitive matter (protest,
appeal, etc.) that requires USATF adjudication

-- A club member who is prominently "giving back" to the sport that we
all love through their volunteer officiating activities

The Pacific Association LDR Committee Chairs and myself encourage you and
your club to take advantage of this opportunity. Please note that you do
NOT have to be a "retired" athlete to become an official (although
current PA/USATF membership is required). Several of our PA/USATF
distance runners successfully mix racing and officiating during their
in-season and off-season schedules. They include Irene Herman and
Lloyd Stephenson.

Please feel free to contact me if I can be of assistance.

Regards, Mark Winitz
Pacific Association/USATF LDR Officials Coordinator
E-Mail: [email protected]

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