

I request that our committee discuss the policy of publicizing events outside of the Pacific Association. We have not done so in the past. At the National Associations’ Workshop in August and more recently in our regional association meeting at the Annual Meeting,the three other California Associations: Central Cal, So-Cal and San Diego Imperial all agreed to begin to promote each other’s events on a reciprocal basis. For one year now, the Central Cal and So-Cal associations have already been promoting our coaches schools and clinics. President Irene Herman and I ask for your discussion and support of the following motions to be presented to the Board of Athletics at the 18 January meeting:

1) The PAUSATF website may publicize events outside of the Pacific Association so long as it has a direct impact or interest to Pacific Association members. The approval for such posting is made initially by the Com-Com chair, with direction from the Com-Com membership, BOA and/ or Association Executive officers if a BOA meeting is not schedule within two weeks of the event posting request.

2) The PAUSATF website post a permanent California associations’ events links at the bottom of the PAUSATF front page:

http://www.usatf.org/calendars/searchResults.asp?associationNumber=44,33,46,38 (click on the link to see for yourself what is accessed)

John Mansoor suggested we should consider addition to a disclaimer adjacent to the tab that ‘the Pacific Association is not responsible for events not sanctioned by the PA’.

Irene and I ask that the Com-Com consider approval of these two motions for the following reasons:

1) Added benefit for PA membership having the ability of greater exposure to events outside of our association.

2) The ability for the PA to market its larger events state wide in a reciprocal arrangement.

3) Better coordinated marketing of events throughout the state’s associations theoretically would strengthen our sports and increase access and public awareness.

4) Immediate case in point: The Central California Association is hosting the ‘Run For The Dream’ Indoor meet 26-27 February in Fresno. The meet will serve as the western regional indoor championships and the unofficial state high school Indoor championships, while inviting Pacific Association JC and 4 year teams to compete in team scored competition. It could be argued that this meet would have a direct interest to PA athletes, and could benefit our membership if promoted. Also this is the last indoor competition on the west coast, and it could also be argued that it is in our sports’ interest to help promote this event’s survival so PA, along with other athletes, would not have to travel longer distances to compete indoors.

I personally ask you to support these to two motions as our sports need greater exposure in an increasingly more crowded and sophisticated sport market. Each of the three other California associations have already agreed to this collaborate marketing agreement, and Irene and I ask you to follow suit.

There is an open ended place holder already placed on the 18 January BOA agenda, and if you approve these motions, Irene and I will take these motions to the BOA with any amendments this committee feels appropriate. Thank you or your time and consideration, and I look forward to the ensuing discussion!

Dave Shrock
Com-Com Member
[email protected] <http://us.mc318.mail.yahoo.com/mc/[email protected]>


Here is what our Communications Committee Guidelines presently state:


A. Web Site Mission Statement: www.pausatf.org <http://www.pausatf.org/> will present material that pertains directly to Pacific Association activities and structure in a timely and straightforward manner in order to provide a convenient resource for members and for others who are interested in learning more about the Pacific Association.

B. File Formats Currently Acceptable by the Web Masters1.
1. Data: Text, MS Word, MS Excel (v. 7.0 or earlier) and, with prior agreement, html and other formats.
2. Images: Low res (72-100 dpi) JPG (jpeg) for pictures, GIF or PNG for artwork/graphics

C. Web site structure

1. Front Page (the first page that appears when anyone logs on to the site).
a. A “Hot List” of time-sensitive notices and recent updates. These are brief, one sentence statements which are then linked to the entire piece of information which has been placed in it’s appropriate category.
b. A “click-on” bar for each Sports Committee and for each of the larger Sub-committees: Youth, Road Racing, Cross Country, Ultra Running, Youth, Track & Field, Masters Track & Field, Race Walking.
c. “Click-on” bar for the following additional topics (content topics are listed under “E.4.”):
i. Elite Athletes
ii. Members
iii. Clubs
iv. Coaches
v. Officials
vi. Equipment
vii. Forms/Sanctions
viii. Calendar/Meetings
ix. Awards
d. A button for on-line event and PA/USATF membership registratione. On the left side of the front page, additional buttons may be added customized for large PA-sponsored activities (national or international level) for access to pages with information specific to these events.
2. Linked pages (pages that can be reached from the buttons on the front page described above.).

D. Content Guidelines for www.PA/USATF.org <http://www.PA/USATF.org>
1. Material must have a specific and timely connection to PA/USATF activities.
2. Not allowed: controversial, self-promoting or potentially slanderous material, profanity, pornography, advertising.
3. Discouraged: data or art requiring a long download time.
4. The Web Masters do not have the responsibility to approve material for the website, nor are they expected to make corrections for grammar or readability. If they have any question about the propriety of the information sent to them they are to consult with the Com-Com Chair before posting the material. The web masters have the authority to refuse to post material in question until approval has been received.