
PAUSATF Membership

     This page contains information on how to join the PA/USATF, and the benefits of becoming a PA/USATF member.

Please remember that all club representatives need to check BEFORE an event that their athletes are current PA members AND are currently affiliated with the club in the PA database. You can easily check your roster by going to www.usatf.org/assoc/pacific/data/ClubList.asp Or click on Clubs in the front page menu, then click on PA/USATF Club List.

Do not leave this important verification until the last minute. The on-line club roster is updated frequently, but not daily. If you are uncertain if an athlete is properly affiliated with your club, you can call the PA office before the event at 916-983-4715. On the day of the event, PA officials are usually available to take pre-race registrations, BUT WE CAN'T ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE THIS.

  • register Online
  • national membership benefits from usatf
  • application form in pdf (acrobat) format
  • application form in basic text format
  • pa/usatf membership eligibility guidelines


    Note: Anyone interested in providing discounted services to Pacific Association members, please contact Irene Herman, PA/USATF Membership Chair at [email protected]

    Show your Pacific Association/USATF card to receive discounts at these stores: Hoy's Sports 1632 Haight Street San Francisco, Ca 94117 Ryan's Sports 1171 Homestead Road, Santa Clara
    Great Auto Insurance Discount! Ask for the PA/USATF Discount from Irene Herman Insurance Services-Affinity Group auto discount through CSE Ins. Group. 415-447-4212 or toll free-1-877-447-4212

    Other Benefits

    a) PA/USATF sanctioned events receive liability insurance that is needed to satisfy permits for use of our streets.
    Sanctions Forms

    b) PA/USATF registered athletes receive coverage while they travel to and from events. (contact office for additional insurance information). c) All PA/USATF members also can apply for an excellent discounted personal insurance package available though Irene Herman ([email protected]).

    California Track & Running News is mailed free of charge to Pacific Association USATF members. The bi-monthly publication provides a detailed schedule of Association events, results from major events, schedules, features and other newsworthy information useful throughout the year. You will also receive the quarterly publication from the national Office: Fast Forward.

    Rules and Regulations:
    Rule making and rule enforcement are often overlooked as a benefit for every runner. USATF rules, regulations, and standards help create fair and safe competitions. Standards set for medical services insure you a safe run.

    Course Measurement and Record Keeping:
    Courses need to be accurate to insure you that your next personal record (PR) is truly better than your last one. The USATF certifies course distances, sets timing standards, and maintains running records.

    Information Network:
    Get plugged into a large, regional information network that tells you about the best local races and introduces you to USATF-registered running clubs that offer experienced coaches, group practices, runs, and social functions. USATF members are linked to the national USATF office and the USATF Road Running Information Center. Both can provide useful information on a variety of running-related matters.

    Representation in USATF Affairs:
    All USATF members are encouraged to participate in shaping our organization for the future. PA/USATF members present their views and help shape our policies and programs in all of our sport committees and on our Board of Athletics Individually, you can make a difference!

    Eligibility for USATF Competitions:
    As a PA/USATF member, you are eligible to participate in:

    • USATF National and regional championships
    • Competition in PA/USATF Grand Prix circuits*
    *For Grand Prix circuit eligibility, all scoring individuals must be current Pacific Association/USATF members.

    Pride in Helping Support USATF Development Programs.
    Your membership helps provide support for:

    • Youth track & field, cross country, race walking programs and competitions.
    • Development of potential world-class and Olympic athletes;
    • Competitive opportunities and programs for elite as well as recreational athletes.

    Support the organization that has guided our sport since 1980. Join USATF today! Join NOW!

  • national membership benefits from usatf
  • register online
  • application form in pdf (acrobat) format
  • application form in basic text format