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Race Walking Grand Prix Rules

Pacific Association – USATF Grand Prix Race Walking Rules

For more information on the annual PA/USATF Race Walking Grand Prix, please contact one the the following:
Art Klein , Race Walking Chair, at [email protected]
Jon Price, Grand Prix Scorer, at [email protected]

I. Schedule:

  The 2012 USATF Pacific Race Walking Grand Prix shall consist of 5 events. See the schedule page for the dates, times, entry forms, and other relevant information.

II. Eligibility:

  All athletes must be USATF Pacific members for the current year BEFORE they can score points in any race, either as individuals or for teams. Please don't wait until race day to obtain your membership - we cannot guarantee that memberships will be available at all the races. The best way to get a membership is to go to the USATF web site . Any disputes about membership status shall be referred to the USATF Pacific Membership Committee for a ruling. Athletes who are members of a USATF association other than the Pacific Association but choose to compete in Pacific Association races can receive points in the Pacific Association grand prix competition only if they are not competing in another association's grand prix that same year.

III. Standings:

  This year’s USATF Pacific Race Walking Grand Prix shall consist of five (5) events. Points shall be awarded to teams and individuals at each of the grand prix races. Grand Prix standings in each division shall be calculated by adding up the points obtained at the best four (4) of the five (5) races, for teams and individuals. Please note that some of these dates are tentative - check back regularly for updates on the Race Walking schedule page.

IV. Team Points Scoring:

A. All Clubs must be registered USATF Pacific Association clubs for the current year BEFORE they can score points as a team. Athletes who are members of clubs that have not registered as a USATF club for the year will be considered unattached until their club registers (or they switch clubs).

B. All USATF rules for team scoring and eligibility shall apply unless specifically excepted in these Rules.

C. There is only one team division - an age graded division open to athletes of any age or gender.

D. Teams shall be scored based on the average age graded percentage of the top three (3) athletes for each club. A club may have as many athletes as it likes entered in each race, but only the top three age graded percentages shall count for team scoring.

E. In order to score for a club, the athlete MUST be registered for that club before the race. Either the athlete must be affiliated with the club in the USATF membership database before the race, or the athlete must have been approved to walk for the club by the USATF Pacific Membership Committee.

F. Teams do not need to declare for a race beforehand or submit information after the race. All Pacific Association USATF Member clubs and individuals (who are current for this year) shall be scored according to their official club affiliation.

G. Only one team from each club may score - no "B" teams will score.

H. Points are scored at each race as follows. All USATF Pacific Teams with at least 3 USATF Pacific member finishers shall receive at least one point:


10 points


8 points


7 points


6 points


5 points


4 points


3 points


2 points

    9th place
    and lower

1 point

V. Individual Points Scoring:

A. All Individuals must be USATF Pacific members for the current year BEFORE they can score points.

B. All USATF rules shall apply unless specifically excepted in these Rules.

C. There are three individual divisions: The overall age graded division, the men's non-age graded division, and the women's non-age graded division.

D. Points are scored at each race as follows in each of the three divisions. All Pacific USATF member finishers shall receive at least one point in each division for which they are eligible:


10 points


9 points


8 points


7 points


6 points


5 points


4 points


3 points


2 points

    10th place
    and lower

1 point

VI. Rulings:

  All interpretations and decisions based on these rules shall be made by the USATF Pacific Race Walking chair. Such decisions may be appealed to the USATF Pacific Race Walking Executive Committee.

VII. PA Race Walk Committee Operating Procedures

Revised 13 June 2012