


This committee known as the Pacific Association Youth Committee
(PAYC) is a standing sports committee of the Pacific Association of
USA Track & Field.
This committee shall be governed by these operating procedures
and are subject to and subservient to the By-Laws and Operating
rules and regulations of the Pacific Association of USA Track & Field.


A. Clubs: The basic constituency of the Youth Committee shall be the Clubs. The clubs eligible for membership on this committee shall be registered clubs with the Pacific Association of USATF that have a minimum of five (5) registered youth athletes. B. Active Athletes: A minimum of two (2) and a maximum of twenty percent (20%) of the committee shall consist of registered youth athletes in good standing with the Pacific Association of USATF. The Chairperson of the Youth Committee shall appoint the athlete members. No more than one athlete from any one club at a time shall be so appointed.


A. The Executive Committee of the Youth Committee (PAYEC) shall consist of the following elected members. 1. Chairperson Elected 2. Vice Chairperson Elected 3. Secretary Elected 4. Track Chairperson Elected 5. Field Chairperson Elected 6. Cross Country Chairperson Elected 7. Racewalk Chairperson Elected 8. Records Chairperson Elected 9. Publicity Chairperson Elected 10. Officials Chairperson Elected 11. Treasurer Elected B. The PAYEC shall conduct the business of the Youth Committee between meetings of the full committee. A quorum shall consist of a minimum of five (5) elected members of the PAYEC to conduct a meeting. C. The PAYEC shall meet at least once each month during the regular Track and Field and Cross Country season. D. The PAYEC shall act as the games committee responsible for any meets sponsored by this Youth Committee. Excluding Championship Meets. E. Only elected officers shall have a vote on the Executive Committee. F. The PAYEC shall insure that a list of currently registered youth clubs and athletes be available at all meets. G. The PAYEC shall serve as the voting representatives to the Pacific Association Board of Athletics. A member of the PAYEC missing 2 consecutive meetings shall be asked to resign from their position.


A. The PAYC shall have 1 annual meeting. Other meetings may be scheduled as required. A quorum will consist of those voting members present. 1. At the annual meeting the meet schedule for the following track and field and cross country season shall be set. B. Those eligible to vote are as follows: 1. Each club as defined in Item 1.A shall have one vote. 2. Each active athlete as defined in Item 1.B shall have one vote. 3. Each elected member of the Executive Committee shall have one vote, except the Youth Chairperson who shall only be eligible to vote in case of a tie. 4. No one person shall have more than one vote. C. Notice of the meeting along with the agenda shall be mailed to each eligible voting member of this committee no later than 10 days prior to the meeting.


Election of officers and representatives to the Pacific Association board of athletics shall be held before July 30th in odd number years. The term of office shall be for two years and start on August 1st. The Youth Chairperson shall appoint a nominating committee to recommend persons to serve in these positions by June 1st of the election year. Persons interested in an office may contact any member of the nominating committee who shall place them on the ballot. Provisions shall be made on the ballot for write-in candidates for each office. The PA Office shall mail a copy of the ballot to all voting members of the PAYC at least two weeks prior to June 15th. The ballots should be marked in some manner so as to insure their authenticity. The ballots will be counted and the resultsannounced. In the case of a tie the PA office will mail a second ballot. A vacancy occurring during the term of office shall be filled by appointment by the Youth Chairperson with approval of the Executive Committee. Should a vacancy occur in the Youth Chairperson office, the Executive Committee shall fill such vacancy from within its number.


A. Six types of regular meets (Sectional, Invitational, Championship, All Comers, Multi's, & Relays) and two types of Cross Country meets may be awarded by this committee. 1. Track and Field sectional meets This meet shall be conducted on one day and it is recommended that two meets be conducted on this date. The Youth Chairperson shall assign which clubs will attend which meet at least 45 days prior to the first scheduled meet. TRACK EVENTS 4x800 meter relay Midget through Open 400 meter hurdles Open Girls 30" Boys 36" 200 meter hurdles Youth Girls and Boys 30" * 3000 meter Midget, Youth, Open * 1500 meter Racewalk Bantam, Midget * 3000 meter Racewalk Youth, Open * 800 meter Bantam through Open 100 meter dash Bantam, Midget, Youth, Open 80 meter hurdles Midget Girls and Boys 30" 100 meter hurdles Youth Girls 30", Boys 36", Girls 33" 110 meter hurdles Open Boys 39" 200 meter dash Bantam through Open 4x100 relay Bantam through Open 400 meter dash Bantam through Open 1500 meter dash Bantam through Open 4x400 meter relay Bantam through Open * these events may be run with other events when possible FIELD EVENTS Long Jump Bantam, Midget, Youth, Open High Jump Open, Bantam, Midget, Youth Triple Jump Youth, Open -- After Long Jump Shot Put Bantam, Midget, Youth, Open Discus Open, Midget, Youth Javelin Youth, Open Pole Vault Open NOTE: Sub-Bantam events at discretion of Meet Director Maximum entry fee $5.00 per athlete Ribbons first through sixth place for each flight Awarding of ribbons should be done at the finish line immediately following the flight 2. Invitational meets These meets shall be conducted over two days and only one meet shall be awarded on these dates 3. Championship meets PAYC may conduct three championship meets A. Pacific Association Championship to be conducted over two days B. Pacific Association Junior Olympic Championship to be conducted over two days and optionally two additional days may be added to contest the multi-events C. On even numbered years the Region 14 Junior Olympic Championship shall be contested over four (4) days. The first two days for multi-events and the second two days for Track and Field. On odd number years this meet shall be conducted by the Central Association of USATF The following two day order of events shall be used for invitational and Championship meets: FIRST DAY TRACK EVENTS 4x800 relay finals MG, MB, YG, YB, IG, IB, YW, YM 5000 meter run finals YM 3000 meter run finals MG, MB, YG, YB, IG, IB, YW 200 meter trials All age groups starting with BG 1500 meter racewalk finals BG, BB, MG, MB 3000 meter racewalk finals YG, YB, IG, IB, YW, YM 800 meter run finals All age groups starting with BG 100 meter trials All age groups starting with BG 110 meter hurdle trials IB, YM 100 meter hurdle trials IG, YW, YB, YG 80 meter hurdle trials MG, MB 400 meter run finals All age groups starting with BG FIELD EVENTS Long Jump High Jump Shot Put Discus Pole Vault BG YG YG MG YB BB YB YB MB IB MG IG MG YG YW MB IB MB YB YM YG YW BG YB YM BB SECOND DAY TRACK EVENTS 4x100 relay finals All age groups starting with BG 1500 run finals All age groups starting with BG 110 meter hurdle finals IB, YM 100 meter hurdle final s IG, YW, YB, YG 80 meter hurdle finals MG, MB 100 meter finals All age groups starting with BG 400 meter hurdle finals IG, IB, YW, YM 200 meter hurdle final s YG, YB 200 meter finals All age groups starting with BG Steeplechase IB, YM 4x400 meter relay finals All age groups starting with BG FIELD EVENTS Long Jump Triple Jump Shot Put Discus High Jump Javelin IG YG IB IG BG YG IB YB IG IB BB YB YW IG YW YM MG IG YM IB YM YW MB IB YW YW YM YM NOTE: * Triple jump to start after completion of the long jump * Discus to start after completion of the javelin * Maximum entry fee - $4.00 per event for invitational * Maximum entry fee - $5.00 per event for championships * A Maximum $1.00 per athlete usage fee * Late fee not to exceed additional $2.00 per event * Entries shall not be considered late if received at least seven (7) days before meet. * Late fees normally not justified at invitationals Sub-Bantam events shall not be contested at the Junior Olympic Championship Meet but may be contested at other meets at the discretion of the Meet Director AWARDS Invitational Medals 1-3 place Ribbons 4-6 place Association Championship Medals 1-6 place Junior Olympic Championship Medals 1-3 place 4. Regular season cross country meets 5. Cross Country Championship Meets: a. Pacific Association Junior Olympic Championship b. Region 14 Junior Olympic Championship B. Bids for meets may be sent to the Youth Chairperson prior to the meeting for awarding of meets. Additional bids may be accepted at this meeting. Awarding of meets shall be by vote. In the event of only one bid for a given date, a vote shall be taken to accept or reject that bid. Bids shall be open to all registered clubs or organizations not prohibited by Pacific Association of USATF. C. A sanction from the Pacific Association of USATF must the obtained by the meet management. Failure to obtain a sanction will result in the meet being canceled. D. Clubs entering more than five athletes shall, when requested by meet management, help by providing volunteers to work at the meet. The number of volunteers should be one for each ten athletes entered by that club up to a maximum of three (3) persons.


The Executive Committee shall set and submit a budget to the Pacific Association Board of Athletics by August 1 of each year.


The Youth Committee will keep a set of Youth Pacific Association Championship meet records and a set of Pacific Association records. A copy of these records will be provided to the meet directors. It is the responsibility of the meet management to provide record performances to the Youth Committee for inclusion in these records. Only performances at meets sanctioned by USATF will be accepted. Only youth athletes registered within the Pacific Association at the time of the competition may hold a Pacific Association youth record.


These operating procedures may be amended at any scheduled PAYC meeting by a majority vote of those present


A. Chairperson: 1. Represent this committee at the national convention of USATF and report back to the Youth Committee on the convention 2. Chair the Youth Committee meetings and the Executive Committee meetings 3. Solicit agenda items for the Youth Committee meetings 4. Appoint special or ad hoc subcommittees as is necessary or seen fit to facilitate the business of the PAYC 5. Ex-officio member of all youth subcommittees 6. Appoint Records, Publicity and Officials sub-committee chairpersons. Appoint a representative to the Pacific Association Disabled Athlete Committee 7. Shall provide, when requested, advice and guidance on running meets 8. Other duties as may be defined in the By-laws of the Pacific Association of USATF B. Vice Chairperson: 1. Shall assume the duties of the chairperson in their absence 2. Shall provide, when requested, advice and guidance on running meets 3. Ex-officio member of all youth subcommittees 4. Shall insure that an evaluation is performed for each of the youth meets. Shall present the results of this evaluation to the Executive Committee C. Secretary: 1. To serve as the official recorder of minutes at meetings. Read minutes of previous meeting at all meetings of this committee 2. To maintain records in which the operating procedures, special rules of order, standing rules and minutes of meetings and any amendments are properly recorded and to have the current records available at the annual meeting. Copies of documents shall be made available to any member, upon request, at a nominal copying charge. 3. In the absence of the Chairperson and the vice Chairperson, to call the Youth Committee meeting to order and preside at the meeting until the election of a Chairperson Pro-tempore, which shall be the first order of business 4. Minutes of regular committee meeting shall be mailed to all voting members of the committee within three weeks 5. To perform such other duties normally associated with this office D. Track Chairperson: 1. Shall be responsible to develop programs to promote the sport of athletics as related to the sport of track events 2. May appoint as required members of a subcommittee to assist 3. Shall work closely with the Field Chairperson to insure any programs developed will not be in conflict with programs developed for field events E. Field Chairperson: 1. Shall be responsible to develop programs to promote the sport of athletics as related to the sport of field events 2. May appoint as required members of a subcommittee to assist 3. Shall work closely with the Track Chairperson to insure any programs developed will not be in conflict with programs developed for track events F. Cross Country Chairperson: 1. Shall be responsible to develop programs to promote cross country as related to youth athletes 2. Shall be responsible for the running of the cross country program under the direction of the Youth Committee Chairperson a. Shall be responsible to insure the cross country meet schedule is set and distributed to the clubs b. Shall assist the Region Coordinator as required with the entries to the national meet 3. May appoint as required members of a subcommittee to assist G. Race walk Chairperson: 1. Shall be responsible to develop programs to promote Racewalking as related to youth athletes 2. May appoint as required members of a subcommittee to assist H. Records Chairperson: 1. Shall be responsible to maintain record performances as defined in Item 7 2. May appoint as required members of a subcommittee to assist I. Publicity Chairperson: 1. Shall be responsible to develop programs to encourage publicity for youth athletes 2. Shall be responsible to edit and provide articles for USATF magazine 3. May appoint as required members of a subcommittee to assist J. Officials Chairperson: 1. Shall be responsible to develop programs to recruit individuals to become USATF certified officials 2. May appoint as required members of a subcommittee to assist 3. Should develop a good relationship with the Pacific Association Officials Committee 4. Shall provide assistance as requested to insure officials are available for youth meets 5. In the absence of an officially designated protest committee at any regular season meet, should offer to serve in this capacity


A. Grievance procedures as defined in the USATF Pacific Association By-Laws should be followed B. Should the grieving party wish to first bring a grievance to this committee, they may do so unless specifically prohibited by the Pacific Association. The procedure shall be as follows: 1. The grievance shall be presented in writing to the Youth Chairperson 2. The Youth Chairperson shall appoint, within 10 days, a three (3) person grievance committee who shall investigate the grievance and make a decision. That decision shall be put in writing and sent to the grieving party and a copy sent to the Youth Chairperson within forty-five (45) days 3. All decisions of the Grievance Committee shall be final within the Youth Committee. If that decision is not satisfactory then the grievance must be sent to the Association Chairperson as defined in the Association By-Laws for appeal 4. All proceedings of the grievance shall be kept confidential if requested by the grieving party.


To remove an elected member of the Executive Committee a petition must be received by the Youth Committee signed by a minimum of 20% of the voting members of the Youth Committee. The youth Executive Committee shall upon receipt of this petition prepare and send to all voting members of the committee, within thirty (30) days, a ballot to remove the officer. The ballots returned within 30 days shall be counted and a majority of those ballots returned shall be required to remove the person from office


Failure of literal or complete compliance with provisions of these operating procedures in respect to dates and times of notice, or the sending or receipt of the same, or errors in phraseology of notices or proposals, which in the judgement of the members at meeting held do not cause substantial injury to the rights of members, shall not invalidate the actions or proceedings of the members at any such meetings


A zero tolerance policy must be adopted by the PAYC. A motion was made by Duane Breaux and seconded by Tony Williams for the following zero tolerance policy be written into the PAYOP. Any unruly behavior from an athlete will result in the athlete being disqualified from the event in which the infraction occurred or from the meet. Any adult exhibiting unruly behavior will be banished from participating in any event for 30 days. If a second offense occurs the adult will be banished for three hundred sixty-five days (365) from the date of the infraction


All meeting notifications, ballots and other official correspondence must come from the PA Office


Roberts Rules of Order shall be the general rules of order Pacific Association Youth Operating Procedures Revised 2/24/01

Copyright 2006 Pacific Association USATF