USATF Pacific

RR 2023 SACTOWN Ten Mile Run Results

Results for the SACTOWN Run 10 Mile race may be found here. Click on “All Race Types”, then select 10-Mile Run. The 24 hour protest period for this race starts at 9:00PM 0/02 and ends at 9:00PM 04/03. Protests should be sent to USATF Official Rick Berman Thanks to the officials: Rick Berman – Referee/Crew Chief (doubling as Starter), Steve...

PA Meet your new PA Officers and info on committee leader nominations

Welcome to our new officers serving terms from June’23 to May 2023! Assoc Officer election results and committee nomination info Also, please consider stepping up into a committee leadership role.  Nominations are now open and close at the conclusion of the 16 May BoA meeting…details on the link above. Go to your specific committee operating...

PA March BoA meeting minutes and committee reports

Here are links to our March Board of Athletics meeting minutes with committee reports: Meeting Minutes (unapproved) Committee Reports Our next meeting will be Tuesday, 16 May via zoom…stay tuned for details Share this:Click to print (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...