USATF Pacific

PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

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3M Invitational Preview


Union City, Calif. – The 3M Track and Field Team will host the 3M Invitational this Saturday and Sunday, May 14-15, at James Logan High School Field. The annual meet is one on the calendar that often leads to some season best performances.


The Field events will begin at 8:00am with Sub-Bantam Girls Long Jump, while the Running events are slated to begin at 9:00am with the Midget Girls 4×800. Saturday events will conclude with the men’s 4 x 400 meter relay. The ever-popular Parent Coach Relay will highlight the Sunday afternoon session of the Invitational. One of the traditional events of the meet where not records but parents seem to go down every year …literally!


Thirty one events will be contested on Saturday involving post-high school and high school runners. The top eight men and women from Saturday’s preliminaries will advance to the finals on Sunday.


Among the 3M competitors, the meet will showcase some of the top association teams and section leaders.




The Sprints is always a crowd favorite and this year’s field is extremely strong. The list of entries includes Aaliyah Moore of Hercules, Masina Mayo of Hilltop, Sarahvaughn King of 3M, Rachael Estell of Umoja, Naomi Smith of Audience of One, Aishah Ahmad of EPA Greyhounds, Donovan Jordan of Phenom and Armauni Archie of Hercules. Last year, Sarahvaughn King of 3M was the 100m Champion at the Regional Outdoor Championship and competed in the event at the 2010 USATF National Junior Olympic Championships where she was a bronze medalist




Like the Sprints the Distance Races attracts a strong field. This year, the field has attracted many of the top runners in the association. The list includes Taylor Rainey of Umoja, Julia Bounds Unattached, Jaxin Woodward of Full stride, Nicole Warwick of CVRR, Gavin Hill of Castro Valley and Joshua Gibson of Fast Forward


Field Events


All of the field events will have top, quality fields, so look for possibly a few meet records to fall. With Cynthia Smith of Umoja (2009 JO Silver Medalist), Jada Newkirk of Onalysis, MacKenzie Arnold of Revolution, Hannah Hall of 3M, Crystal Webb of Nor Cal, Kurtis Lee of Umoja, Dauson Booker of CVRR and Shomari Cayton of Phenom.




The 3M Invitational begins at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, May 14 and is free to the public. Parking outside the track will also be free and available on a first come first serve basis.





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