USATF Pacific

PAUSATF Club Checklist

How to Start a Pacific Association USATF Club

Must Do Items Before Starting a New club
Youth Club Adult Club Deliverable
X X 1. Read through the Pacific Association (PA)USATF Bylaws to ensure that your club is willing to abide by all the policy statements.
X X 2. Create a club name. Double-check the list of clubs to ensure it isn’t a duplicate.
X X 3. Complete the Club Application and e-mail to Heike Mansoor or mail it to Pacific Association Office;
120 Ponderosa Ct.;
Folsom, CA 95630.
You will be sent a rule book after your club has been approved.
X X 4. Head coach must Join PA/USATF before the club can be registered within PA/USATF. USATF insurance is not valid unless the head coach is registered.
X X 5. Complete the Coaches/Volunteer application. NOTE: For a youth club, all adults (coaches and volunteers) who work with the youth members of your club must complete and submit this form so proper background checks can occur prior to allowing them to coach or volunteer.
X 6. Ensure each athlete who practices and competes with your club is a current member of PA/USATF and they have provided their 10-digit membership number. If the athlete competed for another club last year consider giving the prior coach a courtesy call or e-mail informing the coach of the proposed change.
Should Do Items Before Starting a New club
Youth Club Adult Club Deliverable
X X 1. Complete the Club Profile form so that your club’s information will be posted on the PA/USATF website.
X X 2. Complete the Coach’s Contact form so that your head coach will be listed on the PA/USATF website.
X X 3. Select a place to practice and receive written permission via a completed Facility Use Request if it is a school and not a park.
X X 4. Complete the Insurance form this required for all practice locations. Without insurance your club cannot be sanctioned by USATF.
X 5. Ensure that each athlete who practices and competes with your club is a current member of PA/USATF and they have provided their 10-digit membership number. If the athlete competed for another club last year consider giving the prior coach a courtesy call or e-mail informing the coach of the proposed change.
X X 6. Purchase a first-aid kit to be taken to all practices and competitions.
X X 7. Obtain a credit card in the name of the club to ensure no co-mingling of personal funds with club funds.
X X 8. Document your Mission Statement/Purpose for the clubs existence.
X X 9. Create a Code of Conduct with three sections: coaches, athletes and parents. A sample Code of Conduct is available HERE.
X X 10. Create a checking account in the name of your club. To do so you will either need a Federal Tax ID number or you will need to use your own Social Security Number. Club money should never be co-mingled with personal funds and should flow directly into a club bank account that can be monitored. NOTE: Consider purchasing Quick Books R to manage the accounting practices of your club.
X X 11. Select team colors and locate a uniform/sweat suit supplier (online or local athletic sports store) for your club. Locate a local print screener who can screen/embroider your logo to your uniforms/sweat suits.
X 12. Create an application form that all club members must complete before practicing to ensure you have proper contact information in the case of an emergency. A sample application form is available HERE.
X 13. Create a master team binder that you take to all practices and competitions. Inside the binder include the following:

  • List of all athletes and their contact information; broken out by age groups. A sample team roster is available under Sample Templates
  • List of all coaches, volunteers and parent helps along with their contact information
  • Club schedule (competitions, clinics) for the year
  • Print out Youth Age Groups and Events from PA/USATF website
  • Purchase alphabet index tabs; sort your athlete’s information by last name. Each athlete has a separate clear plastic insert into which you place their parent signed membership application and birth certificate. Always carry a copy of every athlete’s birth certificate to all competitions
  • Blank membership applications
X 14. Purchase a small bag to carry female hygiene products. Consider also having low dose aspirin or Motrin on hand.
X X 15. Identify someone (not the coach) who will manage administrative duties of the club. These duties could be divided among multiple people.

  • USATF registration of athletes, coaches & volunteers
  • Facility Use Requests and insurance application processing
  • Registration & payment for competitions
  • Banking transactions
  • Website updates
  • Submission of club results to newspapers
  • Recruiting, marketing
  • Regular e-mail communications to club members
X X 16. Identify the sports editor of your local city and neighborhood newspapers and find out the proper way to submit results after competitions.
X X 17. Provide a public service announcement (PSA) to your local newspapers, Parks and Recreation Departments, cable stations and Chamber of Commerce informing them about your club.
“Optional” steps to consider when establishing your club
Youth Club Adult Club Deliverable
X X 1. Create a logo for your club. This logo will typically be used on your uniforms, T-shirts, banners and letterhead.
X X 2. Create a club website and use this as your primary communication channel.
X X 3. Print club business cards.
X 4. Sign up to receive daily Air Alert e-mails from your regional air quality department regarding ozone layers so you know if you should reschedule a practice.
X 5. Purchase a duffle bag and carry one of each size of uniform to each meet. If duffle bag is large enough throw in a couple of blankets for those competitions when it gets cold.
X 6. Purchase an Ez-Up for your team to sit under at competitions between their events. Size & quantity of Ez-Ups will be determined by the size of your team.
X X 7. Purchase a 3’ x 7’ (whatever size works for you) banner and have your club logo/name screened on it. The banner will be used at competitions to denote your club’s staging location and during youth track and field meets it will be carried by your athletes in various Parades of Athletes.
X 8. Purchase tarps to be placed on the ground for your athletes to sit on or tied to the side of your Ez-Up on rainy/windy days.
X 9. Purchase bungee cords to hold tarps and club banner in place.
X 10. Purchase a luggage cart to transport items from your car to club location during event.
X 11. Purchase hand-held radios that can be used by your coaches during competitions
X 12. Purchase a video camera so that you can record your athletes during practice and competition to use at a later time for form critique sessions.
X X 13. Consider setting up a 501(c)(3) non-profit status for your club so you can receive tax free donations. If your club does not receive their 501(c)(3) status from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) then donations to the club are not tax deductible to the donating entities. This is a long process so start right away!
X 14. Locate local businesses in your community who will donate to the creation of a sponsorship savings account to pay for the expenses of athletes who cannot afford to pay their own way.