USATF Pacific

PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

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The Last Nasty Bathroom Relays – Berkeley High School Last Updated Mar 2, 2010



All entrants to the Meet will pay 3.00 Athletes and Spectators


This year’s event’s will be the same as always. To keep costs down we will not give ribbons, however all children will get their times(Hand) as they cross the finish line.


Gates will open at 8:00am, Running events will begin at 10:00am Sub-Bantams, Bantams, and Midgets can participate in three events Youth and Up can do four events


Running events Field Event 1500m Long Jump 4x200m Relay 100m Dash 800m 300m 4x100m


As you will see, we are doing major construction on the stadium at Berkeley High School, so please pay careful attention to your athletes.


As always this is the “This won’t take all day Relays” but since this is the last time you will have to endure the restrooms under the Stadium Stairs, we will acknowledge the Last Time we will have to deal with the “Nasty Bathrooms”


-Darrell Hampton





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