USATF Pacific

PA BoA Meeting Committee Reports

Committee Reports for our November 2022 Committee Reports. Next meeting will be Thursday, 1 Dec in Orlando for Annual Meeting participants, and our next General BoA on Tues, 17 January via zoom. Share this:Click to print (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)MoreClick to share on...

LDR PA Loses Iconic Dipsea Champion, Russ Kiernan

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RR The CIM’s Preview of Top Runners Entered

Below  are the current USATF Pacific members who are listed in order of their recent marathon times in a preview article about the top runners entered into the 2022 California International Marathon, this year’s National USATF Marathon Championship. The complete list includes several runners who reside in the Pacific Association’s boundaries....

PA USATF Annual Meeting Info

Our 2022 Annual Meeting will once again be in person, Thursday-Sunday, 1-4 December at the Hilton Buena Vista, Orlando. Click on this link for information and to register: Association Delegation Chair is Irene Herman.  Contact Irene if you plan on attending and wish further information:...

PA REMINDER: BoA meeting Tuesday, 15 Nov via zoom

We are hosting our fall Board of Athletics Meeting on Tuesday, 15 November via zoom beginning at 7:30pm. If you would like to attend the meeting, email Angie for zoom meeting details. Click here for all upcoming meeting agenda, and previous meeting details and meeting minutes. Share this:Click to print (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in...

PA New Safe Sport Instructions

We have had some updates to our website over the past couple of months. The instructions for USATF Safe Sport training currently on the website are outdated. We are working on getting those updated but inserted below are updated instructions for you to use in the meantime. You may also download this pdf. Additionally,  the SafeSport Trained Core and Refresher...