USATF Pacific

PA Youth Cross Country & Track and Field

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In Memory of Arefany Wynn
Arefany Wynn


Never does a community feel so helpless as when trying to speak comfort for another’s loss.


To Coach Brunet Lux and Family, know that you have our sincere condolences on the loss of your Son Arefany and know that his passing will not only leave a void in our lives, but in our hearts as well and all those who knew him.


Arefany Wynn, a Pacific Association member started participating in track at a young age. He joined his father Brunet Lux Cofounder and Head Coach of Umoja Track club, where he started his athletic career. Eventually giving up Track to pursue his Love for Basketball, Arefany followed his sport into College where he grew as a young man.


Inspired by his Mother’s Heritage and Culture, he decided to take a break from school and in 2009 Arefany took his first trip to his Mother’s homeland of Ethiopia. There he lived for a while meeting Family and Friends and immersing himself in Ethiopian culture. This gentle and soft spoken young man was finally starting to find himself


Please join us and the rest of the track community as we help one of our own. The Lux family will be accepting donation in care of Arefany Wynn. If you would like to help or know someone who would please help by making a donation.


To Donate by mail, you can send Checks or Money orders to:


Name: Arefany Wynn Memorial
Postal address
P.O. Box 2762, Santa Clara, CA 95055
or call (408) 464-9947






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