USATF Pacific

Road & XC GP Scoresheet Submission


Submit your club’s scoresheet(s) for PA Road or Cross Country Grand Prix Events.

score sheet submission button

Team captains can quickly and easily submit their team scoresheets to the proper PA/USATF scorer by clicking on the “Submit ScoreSheet” button above. This system will allow you to select runners from the roster of USATF members who belong to your club, as well as adding any runners who have “pending” USATF numbers. Then you simply click on the “Submit this Team” button and the list of scorers will be emailed to the scorer, as well as emailed to you and whomever else on your team you would like to be copied on the email.

The advantages of this are several. First, if a runner doesn’t appear on your roster, you will know that you need to confirm that the runner has a pending USATF number. This may save some of the problems that occur when we cannot confirm a runner’s USATF membership. Also, you do not have to remember to whom to submit the scoresheet information – it will automatically be sent to whomever is doing the scoring for that race. Since the scoresheets will all be in the same standard format, there will be fewer questions on the part of PA/USATF about who was intended to be scored.

We strongly encourage you to use this service to submit your scoresheets. We also encourage you to give us any comments about problems or suggested improvements in the system.
