► TF Stanford Invite: PA’s Kim Conley’s 10,000m Race Recap courtesy of Mark Winitz
► PA Meet our new Assoc Executive Board for 2019-21
Congratulations to the following members who have stepped up to lead our association for the next two years!
President: Charlotte Sneed
First Vice President: Irene Herman
Second Vice President: Brooks Esser
Secretary: Stephanie Trafton
Treasurer: J.R. Heberle
► RR Napa Valley Marathon Women’s Race Won by PA’s Liza Reichert post race report (updated w/photo) courtesy of Mark Winitz
► PA Assoc Officer election notification
Pacific Association Officer Elections
The USATF Pacific Board of Directors nominations are open until Sunday, 24 March at 11:59pm. The offices open for nomination are:
First Vice President
Second Vice President
Nominees must be at least 18 years of age by June 1, a current member of the Association, and have attended at least four Board of Athletics meetings in the past three years before their nomination. If elected the members must also clear the SafeSport and NCSI background checks.
Nominees must have a nominator and a seconder who are current members of the BoA.
Nominations and seconds are currently being accepted by email at the association office: [email protected] (and please cc Secretary Stephanie Brown Trafton: [email protected]). Email nominations will close at 11:59pm on Sunday, 24 March.
Nominations will also be accepted from the floor during the March 19 Board of Athletics meeting.
Terms are for two years and begin June 1.
Committee Chair elections will take place after the Association officer elections are concluded in the spring.
For additional information on officer job descriptions and election process, refer to Articles 5 and 8 of the Association Bylaws.
► PA Association Recognition and Award nominations due 1 March
All Executive Officers and Committee Chairs are encouraged to nominate those on your committee or with-in our Association for any of the Association Awards being presented at our 19 March BoA Meeting:
- Service Award
- Tom Moore Award
- Hall of Fame
Click here for a full list of awards, criteria and past winners
Nominations are due by Friday, 1 March to Awards Chair Leroy Milam: [email protected]