USATF Pacific

Jack Leydig News

Jack Leydig News

Courtesy of Mark Winitz

Update: 3/17/09

There’s some good news to report on Jack. Dee said that he was coming
home this weekend and has shown some improvement in cognitive ability,
which apparently is a sign that the tumor is decreasing. The plan is
that he will be home for a week and then go back to the hospital for the
next series of chemo. The chemo treatment takes about 4 hours. The
doctors told Dee that the tumor is quite large at 5 by 7 centimeters and
is a fast-growing variety. Dee indicated that after Jack’s testicular
cancer was treated, he had 6 full body scans (MRIs), which unfortunately
excluded his head.

Since Jack will be home on alternate weeks, it’s suggested that you mail
cards or notes to Jack at his home address (see below), but Dee said he
is still not up to having visitors. You can also send notes to Jack at
their email address ([email protected]) and Dee will get them to Jack.
FYI, we mailed Jack a copy of Lance Armstrong’s book: “It’s not about the
bike” as Lance’s story has to give all cancer patients some hope.

Let’s all pray that the tumor continues to shrink.

Jack and Dee’s home address:
345 Elm St. Unit B
San Mateo, Ca. 94401


Jack Leydig was hospitalized last Friday for tests due to some memory issues.
The tests revealed an inoperable tumor in the frontal lobe of his brain and
radiation cannot be used. So this week, Jack is starting 2 to 4 months of
chemotherapy. Jack cannot have visitors at this time but his wife Dee
has asked that friends send notes or cards to Jack at the Kaiser Hosptial
in Redwood City. Please use his full name : William Jack Leydig at this

Kaiser Foundation Hospital
7th Floor, Room 782
1150 Veterans Blvd
Redwood City, Ca 94063

By the way, Jack’s partner in the shirt business, John Gabeny at Pacific
Impressions is trying to keep the business going. So please get the word
out to anyone you know who will be ordering shirts for a race. John’s
business phone is 408-727-4200.

Please keep Jack and his family in your prayers.