USATF Pacific

OFF July’s National JO Officials application closes 30 April

National Youth Junior Olympic Champs officiating application closes Saturday, 30 April...don’t miss out on this opportunity to officiate at a national meet in our backyard!

The National Youth Junior Championships are coming back to Sacramento State 25-31 July, 2022, and we’re looking for Officials of all levels of officials from Master to Apprentice.

Non-local officials will be housed in Sacramento State’s new Student Suites, and will be provided three meals a day; meet gear, and a small stipend TBA.  This is an excellent way to work a national championships event while getting to know officials from all around the country.

We encourage all Pacific officials to apply for this opportunity to elevate your officiating experience!  Registration form:

For further information, contact Championship Officials Coordinator Phil Leake: [email protected]