USATF Pacific


The One Mile Bang, Los Gatos

Open Men | Open Women | 40+ Men | 40+ Women | 50+ Men
50+ Women | 60+ Men | 60+ Women | 70+ Men | 70+ Women | 80+ Men | 80+ Women

PA/USATF Individual Scoring Athletes PRIZE MONEY NOTES:
-Double-dipping is NOT allowed at this race.
-Prize money amounts are the amounts the athlete is eligible for, not actual amounts paid! High School and college eligible athletes generally do not accept money, in which case athletes further down in place will receive the money!
OPEN MEN Place Name/Age Time Age-Grade Points1 Darius Terry, 26 4:07 0.919 100 ($250)2 Benedikt Buenz, 25 4:09 0.9116 90 ($135)3 Thomas Poston, 24 4:10 0.908 81 ($50)4 Phillip Reid, 31 4:11 0.9092 735 Bryan Crook, 23 4:13 0.8972 696 Gordon Sturgess, 25 4:13 0.8972 667 Jameson Mora, 33 4:15 0.9008 638 Jacob Petralia, 31 4:16 0.8914 609 Reesey Byers, 25 4:17 0.8833 5710 Grant Johnson, 34 4:19 0.8908 5411 Benjamin Mears, 28 4:22 0.8667 5112 Thomas Graham, 23 4:22 0.8664 4813 Joshua MacDonald, 25 4:23 0.8631 4514 Raul Rodarte, 22 4:24 0.8598 4315 Jedidiah Soliz, 34 4:27 0.8641 4116 Garrett Cullen, 25 4:28 0.847 3917 Jason Karbelk, 30 4:29 0.8464 3718 Miles Brewington, 27 4:30 0.8407 3519 Chikara Omine, 34 4:30 0.8545 3320 Justin Mikecz, 37 4:31 0.866 3121 Kevin Pierpoint, 41 4:32 0.8875 3022 Oscar Viquez, 25 4:34 0.8285 2923 Zachary Watterson, 24 4:36 0.8225 2824 Jaime Heilpern, 47 4:37 0.9103 2725 Chafik Azerki, 43 4:38 0.8808 2626 Andy Crawford, 34 4:40 0.824 2527 Jason Lee, 41 4:42 0.856 2428 Carlos Siqueiros, 36 4:43 0.824 2329 Peter Stephens, 24 4:46 0.7937 2230 Charles Mullane, 48 4:49 0.8791 2131 Jorn Jensen, 48 4:50 0.8761 2032 Daniel Filip, 54 4:51 0.9142 1933 Jeffery Mendenhall, 40 4:52 0.8208 1834 Rob Johnson, 41 4:53 0.8238 1735 Luis Mauricio, 45 4:53 0.848 1636 Lance Doherty, 40 4:54 0.8152 1537 Calvin Do, 47 4:55 0.8548 1438 Craig Hilsenbeck, 41 4:57 0.8127 1339 Mark Hostetter, 44 4:59 0.8249 1240 Andy Belk, 52 5:00 0.873 1141 Jun Cao, 45 5:01 0.8255 1042 Raymundo Cruz, 52 5:02 0.8673 943 Doug Steedman, 62 5:03 0.9368 844 Cliff Lentz, 52 5:04 0.8616 745 Jeff Hongo, 51 5:06 0.8494 646 Antonio Arreola, 57 5:06 0.8903 547 Jason Reed, 38 5:06 0.7723 448 Rene Felix, 27 5:07 0.7394 349 Victor Skorapa, 22 5:08 0.737 250 Raymond Rodriguez, 55 5:09 0.8677 1

OPEN WOMEN Place Name/Age Time Age-Grade Points1 Ayla Granados, 25 4:41 0.9181 100 ($250)2 Tasia Potasinski, 27 4:46 0.9021 90 ($135)3 Teresa McWalters, 32 4:48 0.8967 81 ($50)4 Kris Paaso, 46 4:50 0.9552 735 Kayla Knapp, 22 4:53 0.8805 696 Madeline Van Santen, 30 4:58 0.8658 667 Kiah Hardcastle, 26 5:08 0.8377 638 Aileen Cole, 25 5:08 0.8377 609 Lisa Renteria, 39 5:16 0.8344 5710 Camille Bouvet, 24 5:17 0.8139 5411 Bridget Zapata, 27 5:22 0.8012 5112 Amanda Ray, 27 5:32 0.7771 4813 Nancy Thomas, 47 5:32 0.8424 4514 Tiffany Gummow, 27 5:39 0.7611 4315 Samantha Forde, 44 5:40 0.8008 4116 Riya Young, 49 5:41 0.8375 3917 Liz McMillan, 38 5:42 0.7674 3718 Liz Gottlieb, 41 5:42 0.7795 3519 Eileen White, 54 5:43 0.88 3320 Megan Robblee, 31 5:43 0.7523 3121 Eileen Brennan-Erler, 56 5:43 0.9004 3022 Julie Esposito, 30 5:44 0.75 2923 Lora Maes, 44 5:45 0.7892 2824 Jing Xiang, 40 5:45 0.7683 2725 Janice Prudhomme, 57 5:47 0.9005 2626 Marisa Beck, 39 5:47 0.7599 2527 Jodi Buyyounouski, 44 5:47 0.7846 2428 Mary Christopher, 32 5:49 0.74 2329 Beth Freedman, 48 5:50 0.8073 2230 Fiona Mccusker, 52 5:51 0.8407 2131 Leilani Huerta, 32 5:52 0.7337 2032 Heather Johnson, 46 5:55 0.7803 1933 Melissa Sudan, 47 5:55 0.7878 1834 Mona Leon, 41 5:55 0.7509 1735 Barbara Jung, 52 5:56 0.8289 1636 Karen Ribble, 46 5:59 0.7716 1537 Suzanne Cordes, 57 6:00 0.868 1438 Sora Chung, 38 6:02 0.725 1339 Kendra Hershey, 45 6:11 0.74 1240 Katherine Miller, 39 6:15 0.7031 1141 Maria Sosa, 29 6:16 0.6862 1042 Jill Miller-Robinett, 62 6:17 0.8805 943 Laura Meadors, 40 6:24 0.6902 844 Maria Briones, 61 6:32 0.8364 745 Irene Suzuki, 54 6:57 0.7238 646 Dalila Rodriguez, 46 6:59 0.6611 547 Jo Anne Rowland, 69 7:05 0.856 448 Irene Fong, 62 7:07 0.7774 349 Melinda Morse, 65 7:10 0.8021 250 Kelly Emo, 52 7:13 0.6815 1

40+ MEN Place Name/Age Time Age-Grade Points1 Kevin Pierpoint, 41 4:32 0.8875 100 ($135)2 Jaime Heilpern, 47 4:37 0.9103 90 ($55)3 Chafik Azerki, 43 4:38 0.8808 814 Jason Lee, 41 4:42 0.856 735 Charles Mullane, 48 4:49 0.8791 696 Jorn Jensen, 48 4:50 0.8761 667 Daniel Filip, 54 4:51 0.9142 638 Jeffery Mendenhall, 40 4:52 0.8208 609 Rob Johnson, 41 4:53 0.8238 5710 Luis Mauricio, 45 4:53 0.848 5411 Lance Doherty, 40 4:54 0.8152 5112 Calvin Do, 47 4:55 0.8548 4813 Craig Hilsenbeck, 41 4:57 0.8127 4514 Mark Hostetter, 44 4:59 0.8249 4315 Andy Belk, 52 5:00 0.873 4116 Jun Cao, 45 5:01 0.8255 3917 Raymundo Cruz, 52 5:02 0.8673 3718 Doug Steedman, 62 5:03 0.9368 3519 Cliff Lentz, 52 5:04 0.8616 3320 Jeff Hongo, 51 5:06 0.8494 3121 Antonio Arreola, 57 5:06 0.8903 3022 Raymond Rodriguez, 55 5:09 0.8677 2923 Michael Axinn, 57 5:09 0.8817 2824 Brian Black, 50 5:10 0.832 2725 John Roberts, 46 5:15 0.7946 2626 Thomas Bernhard, 65 5:17 0.9185 2527 Norry Mcallister, 60 5:18 0.8779 2428 Chris Fry, 45 5:21 0.774 2329 Jerry Flanagan, 51 5:24 0.8022 2230 Scott Bang, 49 5:26 0.7852 2131 John Borsos, 53 5:26 0.8097 2032 Brian Davis, 61 5:28 0.8582 1933 Geoff Bradley, 47 5:29 0.7665 1834 Alan Dehlinger, 56 5:32 0.8141 1735 Michael Ward, 62 5:35 0.8473 1636 Thomas O’Connor, 61 5:36 0.8378 1537 Dino Delyani, 60 5:37 0.8284 1438 William Rice, 42 5:38 0.7193 1339 Ken Camet, 56 5:38 0.7996 1240 Jim Bordoni, 64 5:41 0.8466 1141 Donald Porteous, 70 5:43 0.8904 1042 Keith Duncan, 63 5:44 0.8321 943 Tomas Palermo, 49 5:46 0.7398 844 Peter Hsia, 56 5:49 0.7744 745 Brian Conroy, 61 5:50 0.8043 646 John Hirschberger, 65 6:03 0.8021 547 Jeffrey Kirk, 58 6:10 0.7423 448 Mike Krey, 62 6:17 0.7529 349 George Durgerian, 50 6:42 0.6416 250 William Brusher, 65 7:32 0.6442 1

40+ WOMEN Place Name/Age Time Age-Grade Points1 Nancy Thomas, 47 5:32 0.8424 100 ($135)2 Samantha Forde, 44 5:40 0.8008 90 ($55)3 Riya Young, 49 5:41 0.8375 814 Liz Gottlieb, 41 5:42 0.7795 735 Eileen White, 54 5:43 0.88 696 Eileen Brennan-Erler, 56 5:43 0.9004 667 Lora Maes, 44 5:45 0.7892 638 Jing Xiang, 40 5:45 0.7683 609 Janice Prudhomme, 57 5:47 0.9005 5710 Jodi Buyyounouski, 44 5:47 0.7846 5411 Beth Freedman, 48 5:50 0.8073 5112 Fiona Mccusker, 52 5:51 0.8407 4813 Heather Johnson, 46 5:55 0.7803 4514 Melissa Sudan, 47 5:55 0.7878 4315 Mona Leon, 41 5:55 0.7509 4116 Barbara Jung, 52 5:56 0.8289 3917 Karen Ribble, 46 5:59 0.7716 3718 Suzanne Cordes, 57 6:00 0.868 3519 Kendra Hershey, 45 6:11 0.74 3320 Jill Miller-Robinett, 62 6:17 0.8805 3121 Laura Meadors, 40 6:24 0.6902 3022 Maria Briones, 61 6:32 0.8364 2923 Irene Suzuki, 54 6:57 0.7238 2824 Dalila Rodriguez, 46 6:59 0.6611 2725 Jo Anne Rowland, 69 7:05 0.856 2626 Irene Fong, 62 7:07 0.7774 2527 Melinda Morse, 65 7:10 0.8021 2428 Kelly Emo, 52 7:13 0.6815 2329 Dianne Anderson, 71 8:03 0.7744 2230 Kat Powell, 66 8:14 0.7074 2131 Suzanne Franco, 75 9:44 0.6787 2032 Maureen Powers, 71 10:32 0.5918 19

50+ MEN Place Name/Age Time Age-Grade Points1 Daniel Filip, 54 4:51 0.9142 100 ($50)2 Andy Belk, 52 5:00 0.873 903 Raymundo Cruz, 52 5:02 0.8673 814 Doug Steedman, 62 5:03 0.9368 735 Cliff Lentz, 52 5:04 0.8616 696 Jeff Hongo, 51 5:06 0.8494 667 Antonio Arreola, 57 5:06 0.8903 638 Raymond Rodriguez, 55 5:09 0.8677 609 Michael Axinn, 57 5:09 0.8817 5710 Brian Black, 50 5:10 0.832 5411 Thomas Bernhard, 65 5:17 0.9185 5112 Norry Mcallister, 60 5:18 0.8779 4813 Jerry Flanagan, 51 5:24 0.8022 4514 John Borsos, 53 5:26 0.8097 4315 Brian Davis, 61 5:28 0.8582 4116 Alan Dehlinger, 56 5:32 0.8141 3917 Michael Ward, 62 5:35 0.8473 3718 Thomas O’Connor, 61 5:36 0.8378 3519 Dino Delyani, 60 5:37 0.8284 3320 Ken Camet, 56 5:38 0.7996 3121 Jim Bordoni, 64 5:41 0.8466 3022 Donald Porteous, 70 5:43 0.8904 2923 Keith Duncan, 63 5:44 0.8321 2824 Peter Hsia, 56 5:49 0.7744 2725 Brian Conroy, 61 5:50 0.8043 2626 John Hirschberger, 65 6:03 0.8021 2527 Jeffrey Kirk, 58 6:10 0.7423 2428 Mike Krey, 62 6:17 0.7529 2329 George Durgerian, 50 6:42 0.6416 2230 William Brusher, 65 7:32 0.6442 2131 Allan Stanbridge, 70 7:41 0.6625 2032 Bill Dodson, 82 7:51 0.8093 1933 David Norlander, 78 8:21 0.6921 1834 Michael Gulli, 57 9:09 0.4963 1735 Keith Johnson, 79 9:20 0.6326 16

50+ WOMEN Place Name/Age Time Age-Grade Points1 Eileen White, 54 5:43 0.88 50 ($25)2 Eileen Brennan-Erler, 56 5:43 0.9004 423 Janice Prudhomme, 57 5:47 0.9005 354 Fiona Mccusker, 52 5:51 0.8407 325 Barbara Jung, 52 5:56 0.8289 296 Suzanne Cordes, 57 6:00 0.868 267 Jill Miller-Robinett, 62 6:17 0.8805 238 Maria Briones, 61 6:32 0.8364 219 Irene Suzuki, 54 6:57 0.7238 1910 Jo Anne Rowland, 69 7:05 0.856 1711 Irene Fong, 62 7:07 0.7774 1512 Melinda Morse, 65 7:10 0.8021 1413 Kelly Emo, 52 7:13 0.6815 1314 Dianne Anderson, 71 8:03 0.7744 1215 Kat Powell, 66 8:14 0.7074 1116 Suzanne Franco, 75 9:44 0.6787 1017 Maureen Powers, 71 10:32 0.5918 9

60+ MEN Place Name/Age Time Age-Grade Points1 Doug Steedman, 62 5:03 0.9368 50 ($25)2 Thomas Bernhard, 65 5:17 0.9185 423 Norry Mcallister, 60 5:18 0.8779 354 Brian Davis, 61 5:28 0.8582 325 Michael Ward, 62 5:35 0.8473 296 Thomas O’Connor, 61 5:36 0.8378 267 Dino Delyani, 60 5:37 0.8284 238 Jim Bordoni, 64 5:41 0.8466 219 Donald Porteous, 70 5:43 0.8904 1910 Keith Duncan, 63 5:44 0.8321 1711 Brian Conroy, 61 5:50 0.8043 1512 John Hirschberger, 65 6:03 0.8021 1413 Mike Krey, 62 6:17 0.7529 1314 William Brusher, 65 7:32 0.6442 1215 Allan Stanbridge, 70 7:41 0.6625 1116 Bill Dodson, 82 7:51 0.8093 1017 David Norlander, 78 8:21 0.6921 918 Keith Johnson, 79 9:20 0.6326 8

60+ WOMEN Place Name/Age Time Age-Grade Points1 Jill Miller-Robinett, 62 6:17 0.8805 12 ($25)2 Maria Briones, 61 6:32 0.8364 93 Jo Anne Rowland, 69 7:05 0.856 84 Irene Fong, 62 7:07 0.7774 75 Melinda Morse, 65 7:10 0.8021 66 Dianne Anderson, 71 8:03 0.7744 57 Kat Powell, 66 8:14 0.7074 48 Suzanne Franco, 75 9:44 0.6787 39 Maureen Powers, 71 10:32 0.5918 2

70+ MEN Place Name/Age Time Age-Grade Points1 Donald Porteous, 70 5:43 0.8904 12 ($25)2 Allan Stanbridge, 70 7:41 0.6625 93 Bill Dodson, 82 7:51 0.8093 84 David Norlander, 78 8:21 0.6921 75 Keith Johnson, 79 9:20 0.6326 6

70+ WOMEN Place Name/Age Time Age-Grade Points1 Dianne Anderson, 71 8:03 0.7744 12 ($25)2 Suzanne Franco, 75 9:44 0.6787 93 Maureen Powers, 71 10:32 0.5918 8

80+ MEN Place Name/Age Time Age-Grade Points1 Bill Dodson, 82 7:51 0.8093 12