USATF Pacific

Pacific Association LDR 2005 Athlete Travel Opportunities

Pacific Association LDR 2005

Athlete Travel Opportunities

The PA/USATF Athlete Travel Assistance Program assists qualified athletes
by offering developmental funding to travel to national championship
events. Listed below are the travel opportunities for 2005 offered by the
PA/USATF Long Distance Running Committee.

Contact information for your LDR Committee Chairs:
Tyler Abbott, men, [email protected]
Lloyd Stephenson, masters, [email protected]
Julie Fingar, women,  [email protected]
Don Porteous, XC,  [email protected]
Cary Craig, XC,  [email protected]
Hollis Lenderking, ultra, [email protected],
650/327-1017; fax: 650/325-4775

Athletes in disciplines other than long distance running should contact the
chairs of their respective sport committees, or check the Association's web
site at for athlete travel information.

Applicants' best race times should fall within the USATF AADP Funding Time
Guidelines for the relevant distance (shown in chart below).

2005 Road Travel Funds
Approved at the LDR Committee Meeting, Jan 9, 2005: Travel funds of $250 each gender,
for open athletes leading long distance road series after Across the Bay 12k approved,
to be used for Twin Cities Marathon 10/2. Travel allotment of $250 for female winner
of Jamba Juice 5K approved, to be used for Tufts Health Plan 10K for Women 10/11.
Travel allotment of $250 for male winner of Heritage Oaks Bank 10K approved, to be
used for Senior Bowl 10K 11/5.
The selected runner must be a US citizen under age 40. He should have run
below 31:30 in the last year, and should never have broken 28:30 (or
similar times at other distances. See chart below). 
The selected runner will receive race entry, one night free shared
housing, and transportation to/from the race. He will also receive $250
from the Pacific Association towards his travel expense (as a
reimbursement after receipts are submitted to the Pacific Association
office) and probably some funding to be determined from USATF AADP
(Association Athlete Development Program).

USATF AADP Funding Guidelines
MEN             Must have       Must not have
Distance        surpassed:      yet bettered:
5K              14:55           13:30
8K              24:50           22:30
10K             31:30           28:30
15K             48:40           44:00
1/2 Marathon    1:09:45         1:03:00
Marathon        2:26:00         2:13:00

WOMEN           Must have       Must not have
Distance        surpassed:      yet bettered:
5K              18:38           16:45
8K              30:25           27:20
10K             39:00           35:00
15K             1:00:05         52:45
10M             1:05:00         56:35
20K             1:21:10         1:11:15
1/2 Marathon    1:26:44         1:15:10
Marathon        3:03:00         2:42:00

What is AADP?
The USATF Association Athlete Development Program is a cooperative effort
between USATF's national Women's and Men's Long Distance Running
Committees, the races across the  country that host USATF Championship road
races, and the 57 "local" associations of USATF. AADP provides top-level,
local distance runners an expense-paid opportunity to compete in USATF
National Championship races against the best competition in the U. S.
Local USATF Associations select athletes for the Championship races and pay
a portion of the travel costs. The U.S. Championship events offer
additional travel funding and cover lodging, ground transportation, waived
entry, and meals. Members of the LDR Committees organize and coordinate the
The National LDR Committees determine the guidelines for the program.
Athletes must be 39 years of age or younger, be U.S. citizens, and have PRs
within a given range-10K PRs, for example, between 39:00 and 35:00 for
women, 31:30 and 28:30 for men.

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