USATF Pacific

Pacific Association / USATF Board of Athletics Foster City Recreation Center

Pacific Association / USATF Board of Athletics
Foster City Recreation Center
Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Meeting Minutes

Attendees:  Irene Herman (President); Dave Shrock (VP); Lloyd Stephenson (Treasurer); Maura Kent (Secretary); George Kleeman (Past Pres); John Mansoor (Exec Dir); Al Hernandez (Men’s T&F); Fred Baer (Women’s T&F); Tyler Abbott (Men’s LDR); Joy Upshaw-Margerum (Master’s T&F); Art Klein (RW Chair); Susan Armenta (Athletes Com); Dick Connors (Officials Com); Bob Thompson (Officials Com); Cynci Calvin (Com Com); Phil Watkins (Equipment); Peter Tappia (Sports Medicine); Charlie Sheppard (Disabled Com); Roosevelt Kent, Jr. (Coach’s Com); Al Stranbridge (Women’s LDR Com); Tom Bernhard (Men’s LDR Com); Mark Winitz (Men’s LDR Com); Tim Wasou (Men’s LDR); Shirley Connors (Official’s Com); Nadine Davis (Youth Sec); Becky Klein (Youth RW); Sonny Maynard (At Large); Dolton Simmons (Youth Officials); Tony Williams (Youth Membership); Robert Thompson (Officials Com); Qwen Stewart (Youth 2010 LOC); Eric Stewart (Youth 2010 LOC); Charles Murphy (At Large Athletes); Maria Castillo (Youth VC)

Meeting Called to Order at 7:32 pm

Minutes from May 5, 2009 PA/USATF BOA meeting (Maura Kent)

  • Motion to approve prior minutes (1st by G.  Kleeman / 2nd by B. Klein)  Approved (15 yes / 1 no / 2  abstain)

Treasurer’s Report (Lloyd Stephenson / John Mansoor)

  • Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report (1st  by G. Kleeman / 2nd by T. Abbott)  Approved (24 yes / 1 no / 0  abstain)
    • ACTION:  Bill Hawkes has  offered assistance to Lloyd Stephenson to develop balance sheet, overall  financials and tax preparation

Budget for 2009-2010 (Lloyd Stephenson / John Mansoor)

  • Motion to approve budget (1st by T. Abbott  / 2nd by D. Shrock)  Approved (24 yes / 0 no / 0 abstain)
  • Brief discussion about using Constant Contact “zero spam tolerance” Email service for sending PA broadcast emails. Communications Comittee Chair Cynci Calvin reports that the cost of approximately $60 per month is covered by 2009-2010 Communications Committee budget. This service will be purchased and made available to Committees’ Communications Comittee Representatives.

PA Foundation Task Force (Lloyd Stephenson)

By-Law Amendment (George Kleeman)

  • Motion to approve By-Law changes as they  were posted on the PA/USATF website (1st by G. Kleeman /  2nd by T. Abbott)  Approved (26 yes / 0 no / 0 abstain)
  • Motion to  modify By-Laws to move back to 5 meetings a year for PA/USATF BOA
    • Motion to approve frequency of meetings  (1st by F. Baer / 2nd by D Connors)  26 yes / 0 no / 0  abstain
    • Motion approved (19 yes / 6 no / 0  abstain)
      • Adopt prior rotational schedule (Jan,  March, May)
  • Motion to modify how to select unattached athletes for Sports Committees.
    (Updated language for selection of unattached athletes for Sports Committees by law proposal from George Kleeman, submitted 10/14/2009)
    (18) Representatives of athlete members, elected by their /respective Sports Committees at their annual meeting on the basis of one member for each eight hundred (or fraction thereof) athlete members as registered on June 30th, each year. Where athletes are members of or represented by more than one sports committee, each scuh committee will be entiltled to count them in their athlete membership as a whole althlete, e.g. Joe Brady is both a racewalk athlete and a masters’ thrower. At least one or 10% of the elected athletes, which ever is higher, must unattached.  If there are not any unattached athletes available and willing to serve then an attached athlete may fill the position.   NOTE: Attached athletes are represented by sections 16 and 17 of this article.
    • Representative of Athlete member,  elected by the respective sports committees on the basis of one member for  each eight hundred (or fraction thereof).  Other members of this  Association elected by them at their annual meeting.  At least one or  10% of these athletes whichever is higher, must be an unattached athlete  for that committee.  If there are not any unattached athletes then an  attached athlete may fill the position.
    • First reading completed in tonight’s  meeting
    • ACTION:  Reread and  approve in next PA/USATF BOA meeting
      • Motion (1st by G. Kleeman / 2nd by T.  Williams) Approved (26 yes / 0 no / 0 abstain)

Youth Background Checks

  • PA/USATF is the only Association excluded  from the national USATF process.  That is because our process is more  stringent and has been adopted for over 3 years with successful  results

Convention Delegates (Dave Shrock)

  • To receive reimbursement a delegate must  attend opening and closing ceremonies andis expected to attendthe majority  of event specific meetings applicable to their sports committee discipline  they are representing on behalf of PA/USATF.  Conference is Thursday –  Sunday.  Nameswere solicited from the Sports Committee as well as from  the room at large.  Three names did not meet the minimum qualifications  of attending twoprior PA/USATF BOA meetings within the last 12 months.
    • Individual motions submitted for each  person todetermine if theyshould be allowed to represent PA/USATF at the  national convention.  Motion is as follows:  if the person will  attend at least two PA/USATF BOA meetings (this meeting can count as one)  before the Convention then they’ve met thatrequirement
      • Motion (1st L. Stephenson / 2nd G.  Kleeman) Approved (24 yes / 0 no / 0 abstain)
      • Motions foreach of the three below per  statement above:
        • Tom Bernard (Men’sLDR)
          • Motion (1st T. Abbott / 2nd L.  Stephenson) Approved (24 yes / 2 no / 0 abstain)
        • Brooke Wells (Women’sLDR)
          • Motion (1st J. Upshaw-Margerum /  2nd T. Williams) Approved (23 yes / 1 no / 1 abstain)
        • Pope Powell (Youth BOA)
          • Motion (1st M. Castillo / 2nd T.  Williams)  Approved (16 yes / 3 no / 5  abstain)
  • Suggested PA/USATF BOA members to  National Convention
    • Men’s T&F – Al Hernandez  (C)
    • Women’s T&F – Fred Baer
    • Master’s T&F – Joy Upshaw-Margerum  (C-HS / A)
    • Master’s LDR – Lloyd Stephenson  (IA)
    • Coach’s Committee – Dave  Shrock (C)
    • Race Walk – Art Klein
    • Youth – Joanne Slaton-Camargo
    • Officials – John Murray
    • Athlete Committee – Susan Armenta  (IA)
    • Disabled – Charlie Sheppard
    • President – Irene Herman (A)
    • Men’s LDR – Tom Bernard (IA)
    • Women’s LDR – Brooke Wells
    • At Large:  George Kleeman, Becky  Klein, Bob Podkaminer, Dick & Shirley Connors
    • Alternates:  Maria Castillo, Pope  Powell
    • PA/USATF Delegation Leads:  Art  & Becky Klein
      • Motion (1st D. Shrock / 2nd B. Klein)  Approved (24 yes / 0 no / 0 abstain)

Sports Medicine Committee (Peter Tapia)

  • When sanctions  are submitted to the PA office, Heike will forward the EMT name &  certification # to Peter who in turn will validate if this person is certified  to act in the role of EMT at a PA/USATF sanctioned meet
  • Provide liaison  role to all Sports Committees who need medical advising
  • Each EMT must  provide their own insurance … USATF sanction insurance does not cover these  folks

Disabled Athletes Committee (Charlie Sheppard)

  • Requesting each  Sports Committee to help promote the participation of disabled athletes in  each sports discipline

Championship Reports (All)

  • XC Club National  T&F – lost bid … awarded to Greensboro, NC
  • National Masters  and Youth JO both at Sac State summer of 2010 … both LOCs are on track for  successful meet
  • World Masters is  considering Hughes Stadium in 2011 but Hughes has a 5 month project that  spring / summer to replace their infield with the project Hughes Stadium will  be moving the field events that are currently inside the stadium to the  warm-up area south of the stadium.  The challenge here is that this is  traditionally athletes have warmed up for for their events.  Now athletes  will be expected to warm-up on the baseball / softball fields across the  parking lot
  • National Club  T&F Championships will be at College of San Mateo on July 9 & 10,  2010 (Fri/Sat)

Equipment Contract & Inventory (Phil Watkins)

  • Phil has been  working with the Youth BOA to inventory all of our equipment (both field event  as well as electronic).  Last inventory area is equipment at Charlie  Sheppard’s home.  Once that is done Irene will secure an insurance rider  to cover the equipment and storage trailer

Committee Reports

NOTE:  All Committee Chairs were asked to submit in advance of the meeting their written reports so they could be posted on the PA/USATF website along with the meeting agenda.  This is a new practice that has been adopted going forward.  All meeting attendees are encouraged to review these hand-outs prior to attending so you can ask clarifying questions during the BOA session.  Otherwise, only new information will be shared by each Committee Chair.

  • Coach’s Committee (DaveShrock)
    • Coach’s Committee Election results
      • Roosevelt Kent, Jr. elected as High  School-Youth rep
      • Thomas Kloos elecrted as open-collegeate rep
      • Ken Grace elected as coaching education rep
      • Dave Shrock re-eelcted as committee chair
    • Secured funding in the 2010 budget to  cover 20  scholarships for PA/USATF members to attend the next twoUSATF Level 1   Coach’s Clinics hosted by PA/USATF:
      • Dates of USATF Level 1 Coach’s  Clinic:  December 19-20 @ Sac City; January 16-17@  Chabot College, Hayward
    • Nor Cal super clinic will be held  23  January  2010 @ Sac City
    • Date set for Fresno Indoor Meet – Run for Dream   (February 6)
    • Coach’s Developmental School will be held  February 6 in conjunction with Willie Davenport Olympian learn-by-do clinic at James Logan HS, Union City
  • Officials Committee (Shirley  Connors)
    • Recently held two well attended cross  country officiating clinics