USATF Pacific

RR Notice regarding team scoring for USATF Masters Mile Championships

PA Masters teams can score in both the USATF Masters Mile Championships and the PA Road GP. This is the same procedure used for the SACTOWN Run the past two years.
However, USATF Championship rules stipulate all members of a particular team must run in the same heat. As there are two heats for Masters men, 40-59 and 60+, a 60+ Male running for a 40+ or 50+ team must run in the M40-59 heat.
Male PA 60+ runners who wish to score individually in the USATF Masters Championship should run in the M60+ heat and should not be part of a 40+ or 50+ mens team. Male 60+ runners who run in the M60+ heat can still score
for M40+ or M50+ teams in the PA GP.
All teams in USATF Masters Championships can have up to 5 members per team with the top 3 scoring. Teams must be predeclared on the national registration site.