USATF Pacific

RR Three PA Masters runners set pending American Records at Clarksburg

PA Masters Jenny Hitchings, Jacob Nur and JoAnn Hall all bested the existing age-group American Records for the Half Marathon Sunday at the Clarksburg Country Run.

Hitchings (58) broke her own F55 AR of 1:21:14 set in 2018 with a 1:20:24 effort that age grades at an incredible 100.27%

Nur (66) went under Brian Pilcher’s 1:19:03 AR, set just two weeks in Houston, with a 1:18:29 performance for a very impressive age grade of 96.28%. Note: During Pilcher’s race in Houston, in which he set 7 different M65 ARs,
he broke Jacob’s pending 10 Mile AR of 1:01:00, set at the Buffalo Stampede on 9/12, with a 59:42. This will be an interesting rivalry to watch over the next couple of years.

Hall (80) bested Ginette Bedard’s 2:17:34 F80 AR with a 2:16:17 that age grades to 83.82%

Three age-group American Records in one race is yet again a demonstration of the of the depth of running talent in the Pacific Association.